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May 28, 1902 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-05-28

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' L1
No. 173
WANT TO BEIN IT Cornelvs. Michigan at Toledo GAME POSTPONED Reception to Dr. Mosher
Setlers of Professional Departments ma a ird haifinllyecured a The ThisheTainged-OfwoGameoBetweenn
latendt iviteepinRia- dte ait Toledo fo the fa _otet Mc-alke f ae ewen iersity will give a recep qtion to Dr.
ad o iv a ecpton ivl- gamne lnm- 14. Excursions wiltte rn the '03 Laws and All-Fresh to be Eliui M. Msler, lintiw o th ie tar
09g that of the Senior Lits front Ann Artor the wun as they were Played Monday apiproch of te time whn she wilt
toIt etroit. This p)romises to e titiex- l____ eavic her position as Wotes IDea.
A o t t It eeita tutu - itch It rling otest and Mi1chigan inol- Thle gamne letveeilte Al-Fresh I r. Mloher loas iade lerself very po-
Nail or thr dent tf titiiihtic .t illthe liior Laws Nwich is bhel-tiuli with the sudncts during hrc-oi-
ca tt e it it ii sit re Meligoittis altcady tiet ( srutli iusi fotiltr tis aternlooti Will Ile icLisiwt ticst.tt ti
esticettiee (. l- iti-llrge h t0iyWl l e od
Iths 1his lld kitiug thi ts v itil vs euifeated 0IilisS. hut iers our sted ioi txt ittkattttyaternoont. re etlitthy rll uterga-
4 elo r Wiltoccur :a trIotessii- rt-ttti-tetti leiithorough d biiti Cou - I ' i t u ir lass itt-I ystetltty after- be
Tttttt, ie-i -iy icurn i-lo itet t the htils at Mit liitt, iil l ast00 ttild it-sito Itacct ep t hat- Te rectitn ittt ilt tie hel IittBa-
I t rte. i-dstil. itti- ttes t wi t iresli-eti gotite lst year i- itt i tibI--t-ttt-i oi h our gytittsittit at eight olok.
Plua vit , M dial Deta tad ttoiuitetituctts tot trims niisili i ttW satitt-ipiptoaui- llac hisHaitider sf AWotiets In agietick et-
14 tl eittuiintt.hae ilnt r- ktir. . are il 410 ivitedi to ine rsiit.
Vutttle]fas4:lii . ii-slextiti, ho-
i .,Pstsv u tlititi leterinliuted til- asioverit tt ttte n wis-
lii~o2lile sigiett ri-crely (ejity- MICHIGAN MAKES GOOD Iittilliiordet-r titit eVisiyi-y REDEN WILL .CATCH
Ut- eltt tre gventily tue ______ tti t lei " of th fldtu for their_____
I-0 tesie tariouis dt-itrfm-i afrh Wn nTni n cti-ja ticu-i-i- ittli Will Ilit e t ievr
~'t tt Uti~iti~it t e -Sig s iftcittitflits ied Ti Ititlo The Fast Center Fielder Will Be Ucid
l titr . Ve - alitt h ei]las~t D He and Wherry Win in Doubles "I","t wilt ujosesire tite iriose of Behind the Bat-Beurmann Will
il fiu olt th s-- uti t t isigti lit-Al-Irisit tut.u nuior Lati t-fake His Place
re lout, 01 1 T hicyt--ir iht- rl-is - at Chicago M etYesteiday ieais oitipirtitttyto ;gitl iiiseteral____
%te s ti. REDDEN VII I..- - -l. .-
by it still itt uthu- Ie flo ed ClcgM y 7 (eiltl -i pciititit- - -i - -itt oikq tirt elingc.,bigw re
lilc"i F liti- g tMi- t i t-i-it,ofti-ioaus I o ethis i-ii- h e ai s ittittg is t Iit lii the gtnit- agitst O rinhniex
In 111iitdiitih.T eetll l e otlttin its u r-li-r-ut f aly itiii hsgtn. te Ls - ir it- nutthde Mirligalt ti-t itt i-it p
C'It elt--iiuus i itt-lit- a: laiftiitt ti t lyt lg ii ittoiij t tiw Ii I0 buy andtiif ittce-.
deOf~ le t , Jifie h iitt-it hi s iiuty ist. -t.14 t-ihstl. ttti ii. li iteor lttilfi t itigrad ily iffuterenlt wy ant he s-t
W ti ll atol t,;t il ~ ltt~ l NIsutt 6 -tiG-4; iPro t -Cioago. I thit-ittit it i it t o Wi ill . t -he, tt-tittius I it itsihttuu ittit
cart slur~ta- lilt-'situtu lit eu - Ntilttt-i--. i t-hll uttila-e etix ue iiibyth hses.Whis
Isleu d itN heaii- et.ucs l-ti G i4, Fre sh --tittihave ittlt' iiyll st-its-o sit1tutu ss itt tilt wi-tiltetiothu ofo t hsi
1js iin, it ila t s iltt it iih ls-lt t~ ti ss iiittti It-ibysttie-si-i \,tsi t-t i- ttuu ity perus-ii-ielt. C rics i-itt lie
lity el~l il Iti E. itisai, oh so ,_N1-11 ti4 ter dl iii 5it iiand --all til--t snt-ltll-- lt sls utcl lrti
- hli1, S leeoii hythat t63,62 W e - nd IM l-f1Ilold ril itat- tti si t l -htlen lydltct I eeil n
till It. l5011idejt it i t l ii tttu it Islt st t i i ssit ast ss -it-cs iii lit hs eveitntt it-tutu eru rt. . l
111112lit i- htftttitiheat hl nt list-is-itnoll lit--4t41-for
ea Vttl i s -ttsu it it hit1, - :. - 2~, 6-3: s IIi s 0i11 I o- I t tit.]il ick t it- i - il-
hilt ion . liut--ur i- 11
a t tlgs e lit - I'A f-- s ut il IIlels Iislzantdi Byettl 8t-6, G-4.iustG-.il ills lad lill'.it-s,.et ilt l- h s. itu thur its ttuutta -tru'itIa I-i-llu be
I t5t5 - i -i Iuuiic lit sllii--;15it"lstI -lt Scli ,iiito ill ngs i 1(il I isiitsiht Iteitits is ita
islo fly oli ' luesl
lu~ silt -i Ns X 'is-,a lI'll sui s u O tit iu - uu i t - st lst- ti-s I., t lill l lutst I iesi All--lust- sets-it thus-i ss-ic ti-tu Iteiig , .Xi-l u e -
Si tu I ,I till licus~ f h r - itsA s-isI gus-'Ii u-i-utoit itt-swflit-ruliuttls ttl
fSi I t lust-s ii iill tint tiltkstu hit At-lVutit 1st-t list' hi-s1011C - ll-IIf;,[ti-t esisi fSii I ), .u ty ta t tutui listi lat ints ilyl Noe a-rid
no e le illa itsby fluhuuutttliiyo itlde, 110co.c~iig il dd ql~jtt
tug Si uu-.guf ti-ill o ftill),ifI ti-it[sa nsuit'atl-f lit- -. 5 lh u l is t tti tutu I -(Jil l : s-t i u u u t l - I irstoll sel t- is l ut ut re hi t-b it gi tte
QVjL ott thuols m IoViq.- --~ -l s-uu -u- I itutut ud zi il \Ifl utahtriett-utt- tutttt-o st ugViS;I ruo-ft Iuttus tiNeis sitmIfl.1Tis
f fellt- h 1r ti tutu of tnis ti giiIfit -- - -it
tth nuu l t utu-i lvee t l o ut te tui itt u t ttuiath Y ol , tv~~l111ir -tutu -s o s uu n u-u s hi Oit f th it icntig tgood si-ht h t ivune st11,L-
aSl ui -tt-n ~ 21 uuh-s-tu o.a odtvu hty foIts setl ttl ht-utttti hrouiu t h
ho aiit tutlstu ut eiti uu uttutussfiI
I u Id at- s-il1tstcued:lhtuutmnis-uthu- :i t iHi 5 ~ hs u u t-rity thuN".l our- ppu-u- ls(vi il~q slo, I olui
g"ee ),(T isutci 1]11al0 iii.I it\ t tu i il u" ..t. uhiiialitr-k lu s ou "l Iitu Gt- I huut 0 'S - ler etui le ilt s o eille
(un - - r ustti htt l -l-i- tiaeta v ed l~~,lo f ro illtuutiut uuut-u- t uttull ) -hiuguuui us gututi to te i s- e a huhnM gtt stut rMnRe
se- w luct hici hitut ttu it- -ft ai uiu -a -viln atvs sre K n o .(Ii
T i t u i u e n u t s - t i t t utu t 0 1 1 1 1 : 1 y a i t . s u t t t t t u i f t l t I t itii t u s - i t i t t - m e t - t o . T h u s t u r i - i_ s af eo l h id u t t c
eom it-olt ut-v ietetN ( til isg'ethirtdhuhi heiut ry fag I-i-tilts thoutuithe ti-c uuu- an Cas tittu, :11 if -ru ilhnt id
S t it 0 ll hi ilti hit-it tiltlhut itt - i tougs t Ni u Ni t i1 ill'('[ 1h hu-I s huttututs tutu isis tuallhutt llut i a uxhue (r-itu l, itt s ;orets
all u5 l l lI ity Sl t:iga t ________________ou t (fihoIlll m f fp iut t r itlCh ti g lt t (ft Is IItu moItusre ,lsfltt.lri a i
ST cfu l i it i i u tufSe t i i ( 10i arsi-l u utut, u . 0% eo urIIuIWa uoly luuu politts it-uldi-tu tud l band wth u a dto a
i l ' O SIlf -thure st, ui t-terar rIle fu12 sauuuwonItus. A -i rtigl. 2;si li 5 tuu titso. Slisititiauthtelllti Xuut e tuonis crgti MeyerXs' V s lL tall Thi
tud- Ti gtitti itt utts5 tiill ht tti-ftiotithisg s titu t o efld i- tuttgo ,iir losi-chnindea wl tIsdoe forutllsuu- tf r . hiuxtout fia r ais
liul utW15ti ttt sut ttu"t af i ndBiert hu S-t1 utte h ititiett it 5itt I 'Cti.utu u rn hhut I eitn-sct uttut -s--llThu-Cit ut to iti O uts others pri-t u t y hu oil
Alt I e Iruuuuuituttstued. Mondthy Iite o alr m.4) aese otuig lit hutttutucthisnus-utuitug a gdiii a e-A tI iLLvneY Sign
- l ue lo, husb e e terminedu-sby turieyof744,usecitt i-s ill(,ulieutil Les-tuand thantChicagooutadditional_________
aSletIItA nottit w n ll sit a ht ut , g wuuson lty .Sit h. ttust is '/isnt s teguulWelluttututlul-,tutu- tug of t nt-i
st-inet<-ruu-uswithlisbteisecsuhittue t in s-hitleufs~ e ts.huotitnctiugr ondrersitthe-11yghiunilNoe,
Tluus i s - iOT Ie l ur id myhus iuihoverliiit neefdis uh i n - pina ts willde-ritheucor dtutr Main Sat-e1114s to.t
e, 141 oritde ollto w o il lt j lup Iv llby V, ilitl, It e u([( util, uuet u.a t tieli) Ris oingt o C bt weei n Puiaiu ts offs, Bite M nrof
01 oti Tlat chmsfllsth af i Boduni lievn y a-held1ft us -ta orth- se i nstreeXts..Tit(,,sXcceAsflNiddITers tyr
tue It i t x170 WctttttN-1,1adtso it tO ItThI hutspli-it-iitutu-ut thugle sitbeslistDetuit, therugi
rtl s it iuhss tg rsuuuus is-s lg J111 , h t )It 114 Mttutugliti Ed~ Nilg$ 2,5 . b hi F il l c m
4 illt t .ll, tiltOatNS(Ypt. Vihut us uva uti wlty iii ait Ist fuisih t -lults tsota ofIome.by l d Its isutluuexpsciuteitls to s-tcrs
hi l tihis : IMINhe Ie t tNM itg ng o sjt~gNu h SI-iugluu .1at su-itfewuis __________________lts.ssuy
Itat' t lus htii a tuh uh tl ttltl professiisal det-tutusssitsdti-t-:n~uber -ifh Isecushand
atte51 lug h' TI asshi tut-uuts lit hil stil o t-is- linst of -ulsuuu lo~ sil heca llenge of Dr.I y t ou fori a
ri hu 1 1. is ttt sitht Ist ths ii1 'tiit si it u t )! us lth .s IChicago si t t e llt, t Itulsit hits wi een ttitth is I-Frsls i sn it-s
I P" Ie tck ts -ln tb i ti.l-i-uc tushw its thi s-suit1 it(urehI(sf( us i'lleit at tus stutits l is tu eleto ithtu it siuii 11:5 -it t
0t)tllts "ttl hJ t111tNr.Dy r, ti8 ltuutlSoit l u-h it ut ul l i hi ils uuehu -uttuu-u ht sue ut hu icttsut ha sten utut his . by ti,10N
O-saltessalthe su1110t4yWill ibe puhosntthu
isitt tuuue 5111 1 1go ihedtistht hIligil th s- Ilw . tiA LE ,U r
e y It tilhynoutah tut oture ifli rappt-otal Idesire(, thuema
bSaaty 3100 Th riciles $100 1:302. llM il Ilthigauicosiuu Be t illgholloNOTIC_______EA)R tE I , hun
-O I Sie t S 001- eosraei yfcl hile th nrlp om~le Vy CMllub, Satie n u ianb yrdFr-31 Coedy rClub, -atay , May451.i.

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