THlE -MICI(JGAN DM1 Y- NEWS r*............................................ Th I Most 6onvinoinu1ThIiigi I tht we tt 0 d o that wooldtend to induce sot to buy * STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES vol b e to i ntroductte tou to a Man who tos worn then. t e cannot comm and titelanguage with witicit to tell cou how * gco5j titese clothes are. The makers attactt their"'r)e n eaththtie 5coat collar os their coats, and they are so protto of thr reltutation, that not the slighttest defect either ot style, farcs or taioritg, is permitted to enter any part of their prot Cio. yutonit know how citeap).. STEIN-BLOOM CLOTHES ~.are, until youtare worn them. Why daily wit the nkitorc * Iuattty of doubhtful ttake,when you can huy the real ting" EGYPTIAN Nobtter Turkishci\ be triade," (Cn~klippd. cccccc~ PICHI jj c itv~it c (to t11111 t c ; A o + JutReceived At.Cpi otf test lstt alretli- Swell-kttown Taliquist Hemoolobin Scale A stimple bnteffciettt devitce fsl dmte-et sinino tte atltofi ~ I tuo lobit etc. EBERBACH & SON, 12S Maiti Street. - - :,2t S. State Stree . f TheyR. S. PAU L, They 120 W. Washington St. Miust Fit. You will find a nice line of r s ei " cc tdpIflandFanGa I11111 \I l lUitrl.,1st11te heitit e ' (ic food B~utter and Fresh Eggs al- ;,t I11'I' I)l~l t;iio. 11t ays on hand, at reasonable " i t. c OC A}7 ch1, prices. Give me a trial anid be it Rem-ember the Place. F, l i tic0). 0t A'lt V;S 11 xx t ti i ?. Ou l iNsi\ ATS ave a TUTTLE'S Marked Sty le.oh LNCH ROO Thlie, Sweiiest I NECK NVEAR . 338 S. State St. ST~EBLEB & WUERTH ____GRAN ER' GA OTES. M~it .1 It5 it i 'I it ll t" :31i{ ACAD iEM&NY OF DANCING ittme 246, Pri tt 5 iti, TI ti'{ tt cit " J'cc I3 e1t to icc Skates (Ground wieyou waif, at Bailey & Edmunds, tnt ti ii ii, Cl.iLiberty .St _1its Ccc !IiiI+It. SEASON 1902--1903rf )iwsa" ~trolo ~a i ci 5 c dii cittiucis i- tineof cl i n ii io c'.tsi ~ t tlt M ith ct N Ili. om t ti:; ctil lr t> t~t. ]I. no a l~t c Iogi ~ is it ii . e0 tII1 -SCOTT' S SCHOOL OF IDANCING _S S. .:, Bicycles Repaired, S i II s ohiss c BfLAO PBOS cc 5 .. cW JWENtiE } l~ i i,.1 f. :1 s1.3 Ilrlil l3 . lA ,. i~l i. 'si.1lE 1 , ,:",t- 55 .t1t t l t}1cti 2 itcit Ilii ilil FOR ."1S51 lI ____________ I;itit;_ ____________________ 4. A 2 .. tl,.tCh rchl.( AIW..... +..it1 c tS t 1c5 1t1t ilist1C t i t 4. I~T R ~ l S T 1 11 x lltctc1t li l ( ' a lc k , :it st s it ( I ac ;cit C To O +'IkltltlEt t:s:ctmtt CIc cc cl l 1 )5 5- s ,+d ,c;( t i o o t i ts l 5 , 1 t s i ttc It s I l 131 ' (5 Wiccits 115 ALWA0S.+NSamped CoA)I 1g;if . V)115 s liVSeurle ofw i lttt5111lttln 5 i.list tat i 155c lcls e ii + THE SUP RIORoMlGred Itict ssmsssl a ,1sic 4.'E canOffel CS n i lel lne hat15 t1 wt whccc.ici X * ' a c mid tin I i eccc di Nc A i nTvc es 0tli it rq55 d 5th5.55t4tis ltIE t j'' t tt)0 ilio5c tlAcs 15cSilc S cutit s5cct( l it" T E P DNHO M Se ;l cci THE UPE IOR MFG CO# Bitc1,listci l 1t1eictil l phjji L I E R 2 i ,' cc ast lnFStc. ccm n S~c~ T RETl n ea ila i Ioll t t De55,c cC lG "F MARTIN.. LSic sDtsmccssc icc' AIak "cmii I cc E R SH 25 L CRIC GRAITEanoe ARLE I Oc !"1"4th At.Rihits t1 Rest FULLR &tO'CONNRLTAILORS t~~~~~~~~ON tandhan lsn c .Aa 05 sn C~ic (tt) ~. iiha SicFirs Stoe Wst o Stae Steet WE PTROIZEGOODEARFORDRUSad "1'l t.: i:s BROS. TRAO; t Ya qK. ,{{ / " s 1 :' t-h 1 t' Li c' t d of titT:T3- ttirt" 1 .t.5 ;tl l3: 5 of, rE CAPS, 3 ROODS. g of GOWNS, ALTY. tiNES. FLAGS PINS, S and S... " im N &M CO, -Seventb St t C. I l L. .