TIlE llT(11('AN D H Y--EW Amngthe SmallerThins of ife; .. 4. '1. it ( 4.4.4 4 . 4 '44 41t 4 ' t" 415'i .'.I i .i; ;i.41I!'1 tI15 !4 4 c~44 ~ '.. e' c4n'4 a4 01TH IS lORI . 111 40491 41111.5 ;OR 311 141 1 111411411\191. Th ". '11 '411 i '1.0 . O 0, 2,50(1 $17" 1! 1F 4ev 41 s l1I s, 1.100, 1) . 2 4 SCoiiw]trsvv-e 'W e :Ill lo(rf o 10 t $1000. 1-I y - 1 '_r S~ll :t25eI{ + N YNI, IiI' ,HA S Lv 4101 - ,1II L II t_'1(11 "' 11 1 I,< & ffmfs YA kREUALL ++4++44+4.4.43 JOHN J. SCHANZ CHAS. DIETAS 444X\11TAtLIRTS 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET EXCELSIOR Li(NDbRT DRiY WORK R SPECIALTY.- HANDWORK 117 WEST HU ZON ST.,. Phone 5069 Luther Laflin Mills 1 EGYPTIAN DEITIES "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made" e (Cork Tipped.) A TREMENDOUS BARGAIN Those '9oi Stearns,.,$50. Road Racers for $32.50. are tiat very thing. M. STAEBLER'S Cycle lEmporium, 154 vhtnat~ . Tehp1hule S fiQSEY'S BILLIARD PARLORS ['P 111)LD tFIABLF: l ,y thle 4n1m and get acquainted 312 S. STATE STREET *O F STYLEf STUDEN TS ALWAYS 1 A1~s~~vcE.PATRONIZE SHOLMES' * LIVERY Liberty St. Rowe's CITY Laundry, Work neatly and promptly done,: R1441 'Phone 47. . - 410 Detroit St. 0.M. MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ('e209 S1. 4th~ Ave. 'Phone 944R Ret- dn 02S 5th a4re. 'Phone2l4. Amz 4414on ceo call. } s Y Y + Y Y _ Y 1 I The UNIVERSITY of CHICAGO THME SCHI. ~ OF L.AW 1will ~pen Octobeul.12. The 44 1 44 il' N(4 444 'r l ie Law s'14 (41l. TM LSLOIOFMEDICINE wi1rH , 1111101 H K iJ, 44414)444 ( r'44 11 be, h fitted 1jfl444 the 44 4 4t !l lt2' 44 l School4 . INi EITHER4 SCHlOOL it. ast rear W4 ollege 14444wor' is taken ill 4 04 .4K4" w 4 t rst44Kyear .thIe 4r041es:4(.41444 1 10hhANN 4NE10'' NTERESIT YVot .:( i'.' ( ' T4 'N{I145I / ('111( 4 (C'ht'Ott.) .MICHIGAN NOTES. 4 4(4i4ti'i (i f a ld(11-p4' us,11or4sa4. 4a 444 4 4.11'4l t. 4 t'4 t444'41 -a~i FEY*ss ty-d1i q(.44IIALLE IS ,l(-wery St{444 1by a4 gra4duate44optician. \t 'W lint40 4441 l:ar'.eiles V'stlings tt Wi111". 74944 ('114411141. t1 4142TIK'4.47i'. 14444 o4 "C r'-41 44444'. f4or4s41e. C..F. Bart4t4l441. So. St1444 14414 v'4444. '.44,444 I144444'. ;i; l 4444414 '(4444i. i.4444444'41444 A1l44;1. For 14'alo c '.a1-Two 1(")4l4444' o'' stock of tht Scheol of Miisic- Buildina- '..4(4444)4444. Inquire of 1F. T1. AMeOn- "bci. .104 N. 1'orth street'. I147 4,44 ztt it 4444444t~ , r44.444444 1 1144.m,4 4(4o44 a4414444440 4442144ppearance,'.t444trave1l 40 i4i441414444.lul1l' 1. 74414144",: .-4414444U.1. S. 1144444144' 444. mA44 .1r). 11" oE su44041 get a copy of the Mich- i44444tu rinkimg-Song to 1take Dome as .s44vt 4401"444. 0n4 44l14'atiRoot's usic tiouse.5 Auil h latest songs, opera scores and two-es ttA. A. Mode Cos.' We e 4.444444 4tn vstoclealith11 1man14 4401li 44441nd 4Iltar 444041474and for the 4444044404 NCIII sell $54 worth for $1,. ANNAltlWEt MUSICCO(.10 H1A.L41,1.'8 J.EW'ELRY 'STORE. Catholic Church; ftlasses 8:00, 1:00 a. in.; Vespers 7:30 p. mn. 1AIIjR'S IEW12LIY :STORE. d Government Lecture Course MONDAY. MAY 19 GHR~ISTIA1N J. ALLMNDINGER 141. DALEiR 3N.. FINE ART GOODS Framing a Spe-alty '?lo EHuo Sli. Ann'.14444.14'4 TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING IN NEW QUtiRfS, WM. HCHREN, auitarl Plumbe. 11t4ema 1 444Vi 4.41 SEASON 1902-1903 Prof.~ 4. 54'44444shes'4 to.announc44e th444 +r511 attendd ri44 annsal meetin44g f Nrmal Shoryl Assn. 1MasteCrsotDanciagg4held4at Nw York 'eit 14414 cmng 4summe0r, 4and il e pet' )ared 4t4 glee all the. lalt txehd.s and ncw 444444es4a ie1454140444neatt4444. SCOTT'S SChfOOL OF DANCING Sate St. STUDENTS I If yen want to furnish your apartmtent. cheaply, call and ae me before buing esenwhere. I hive second-hand ste tables, chairs, it., andl will seos mioney. F. W. WILKINSON, 331 S Main14St Portland Cafe Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Open day and night. Huron St. - Opp.Court House A. G. SPALDINGO6c BROS. 4(lsiarl '4 .11 leadilng ryl andpAldtic .544iAhe good are tandad of a aa4- Ity and sare csnld a soh by tll 4he letding organztioacn trolligsports. whichl invariably adpts Spaldnga, Gooads athe hst. TiHE SPALDINGOffical lague baseball Offical Intercolegate 150144041. offical Gaelic and Asn fontballs, Ottical Boaaket Ball, Obeal Indoor Ibaseball, Offoal Plol Boll Official AtletIc 'rpleeneals. a- slal itoslne (Glove. Saw Yorh Chicago Denver A. . SPALDINOA& BROS., t Maker or COLLEGIATE CAPS, oOWS and 1000. Roting af CAPS ad GOWNS11 A SPEC1{LTY. CLASS CNES COLLECS FLAGS COLLEGE PINS. CLASS and COLLEGE HATS and CAPS...4 WC KERN & CO. 411 E. Fity-Sventh 8t 15441 t. e. l, L., I { SHAVE YOU RSELF 'Be guaran t iysneof oure Iuatoral. W'alscarry a nicoe10 1lin fGillon''. S41l Razors, on which we ill pave you4a free trial for .tlslactl O O 1 ri4e 14414u 41441 $1.25 to $3.00. Every One Guasranteed. Answer calls uii-ht and Sunadays. CUSHING'S PHARMACY (Fosrawiy WIlder's) t;S fSt. Buy your Cigars at THE DELMON1CO9 STATE STREET. CAMPUS BARBER SHOP o istcLsHarGt EICITRĀ° RAIT'S and MARBLE WORKS. For Iist-lsaSflar C4t Chao.. A. Cole. Prop. Manufactorer and de- Hnd an Easy Shave. . signer If ARTISTIC ME1ORiALS. Wemd ,0 H RBJO NS N ClssMemnorialanadbatelnor monlit S a' HE B nr ir 4C0tannonshnea2r. .4 hetro t. J. FSCHUHI 4ig4 Grado Mantles and Orates. Electir4al Constrlcion0and k4444 410 SAONITAXRY PLUMBING Artisic is and Elactric ixtuires. sieam and Hot Water Reat ing. Sewting Machins 2K1 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Sack Soils Pressed - - - 25C 'trousers Pressed. - 10hC Dross Shits Pressed, 50C. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 6419 1,. William St. First Store West of State street. C ,. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.