FtlH E AMICIII(7AN'DA ILY-.NE\VS L ii All .. 0h t1n low II CL, to !)DA5 i~iILNA MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB, CO.tI nc. 4 -P e . . L55 lc I tTra . t I. IiI-n ii i t .1wL H 5 . I I7I I .i tT := ; 7 i Ii I, t + !'r tsi ,. t 1 ' " . ES i II I Ii . wxlJI (II - 7; ,} t III Ill' N h 1"M 1ake n 11 ;ti li~ lt1' 40l 1 H e in t11 ' 1 H I - ilI \II 1 t E 11 t' I I 1 ila r 11; l S m i 51h~i~, H IM ', 5 H t it I I ll i ~ it 0 i ))1)1 ii II I" I WW1V1 Am! ]l'' t 1; i iti I i ll I" i s too ;t 1 i li , K N O W i" Ihis Ii l '!.I h, 11' dOur1:1' avinoI ti lifOftot 0 of oofthti bestnetroplitan ten- PJNI 5011. We assur 7 tolt the newest stele and promp~t seicl lt 100 CARDS AND PLACrE St trijt, 10 P lesn.. . 12 lonian, 5solidcar, ti sves . $.2 ioiii~iii, shadedi......53.50 ():d EngIlisha, solid . 52.25 cul Lndiishn sd~rceo l ost 3.50 Lic etter, shade fine. . $2-00 3(115 letti, soli(I line. . 2.00 AT Wahr' s Bookstores WANTED The Superior Idouf ( o S.M in I I 0 1 Alm I N I S' 1 it E ngraved I Visi-tin I ards jStrawberry I Sundays AND) Crushes l~ ai" . 111 N' x~l I~ i I 15 CENV; 15 ] It' 1 ..i :! it illt " It I llt'1111111 Ila , . . 1i. 11+ :1?1 t ;11 41 34" 1rl tlllj 1 1('111H1.:t1tit 114 litl' it ilt}1'. ' ho ( r .fig fllQ L.O II II ( I .' .,IN " i ' 1+} i :ice t.tl!1 il. l l 11 '+ 11 1 I II I I i 5 I IrI XI Iillial I Ir, il1 il llI-il I tIlN cp i r 1 1 +I 1 ' 11 111 III 1 at + ,tii u Ml-. i' [i ! 11111111;ill 11 M. I:N LDJE W 'L2 CD l( miy l S\Il1l 1 7 ?+11't _______________________111;_;)11'_ Itt Iit;I E i PAT S ECPLA L I I1. tI'I'l 4';414,4 N ll+Il H ts l l s 111 g t) s ~ ss st 55 Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccost l'li 1l11 111 \111 NlII4+ R C1N W C AIL - and ill 111 I lI E - It:Ii il I+I 4aill I. (IHIII h' BANKRUPTCYder111w ;lL IL iM. HENY &fJEWEER. LAW4 OLMS AN[) )pI) ll II 1 1;~ ' il> ERHAN TILRS inst(40 rec010.oin 1t1(:11rp1tplt F2(r F. in L0 6 Sis t -nD i 11 1 "11' Irt1111 ' i 1:11 ' i li lI 11 t f THtS T nfTR l Jl .21 Tha }Euusie urmthlro'i t:t rCaljiletyle THEE NGHT1COMENCNG1ONDA.4JNE, f -,- - - ---- -- ---- C5 - - -- - - bi I 'The hall nmark of REGAL expresson. ,the style of a "Worth" gown is as correci in New \ irk. as it is iParis. A REIAL Shoe is as safe, to wear, in stylec as such a gown, or as a ''polte of London" coat. Each $ 3 50 itSGAl (for Wonnen or for MlenI is faithtutfy copies? frimsnis original as great, ins its tine, an the produclt of Worth or Pools. fin sole in i1 Regal Stores, within jo lays after its couinter- part originates in the highest priced "Custom Shops' of Lorndon or Paris. "T'annsery tsoC'ons tilnier'' tactics, msake this rigid actioin ait tov firire 10osile. See: Style Bhook. THE REGAL SHOE $3.60 1hh Ys'I'sfssaidfAve-,- Detiiti.$ich. Sold by PAUL.C. flEYERS, +I' AND WEDNESDAY MATINEE DEAN M. SEABOLT and ALBERT C. PEGr The Royal Theatre Com pany 4 Players of Quality WILLARD MACK and IlAUDE LEONE ansitineisolowinig rseognizeed artist: +* WILLARD MACK ED. F HAWKINS + WILL H. DEHLMAN WM. F. WAGNER +; ARTHUR nENEDIsCT MAUDE LEONE +' CHARLES LAWRENCE MAY HURST +ARTHUR J CAMPBELL ESTHER FAY +CHARLES CHARLES LOUISE DILLON +WILL G, ROZELL DOROTHYT + 9 Big Vaudeville Numbers 9 1111 iiliusI en los lancs . s Sol5111ten so onait- PRICES: 101 20, 30c; a few at 50C Sets o ir nheentir n oa esent Hson,-wek n is sice. (IP~ "y ".j. i. "~ir Ldr " ^ "T< +wyi--± ..;r.i,,'..:..r' ° ' ' " 'e' "rj""I" " 'rf" "j*' "°a"a" ° '' "' ' " " ' ' I" °'i' i ,,.,_ ti Cno/lcopn JcAu are fimio critical thanl any o~ther class. That is why' these collars have been taken tip by thnemn i 3 dO Cluett Collars 2- cents 'etih Arrow Collars 2,51Slt'. fortonsot' A1Rod BR 11 'THE EPBEST:%T1 MRC I I A'1TS 51.''li2t KIT.' 5 'IiOXI, I i5)LiEn's5si tAND15RlTl'AIL5, )jvf, 0siI+i 1TO