TIlE MICIGAN D.AILY -".EWS + ++++++++ +++++'I +++ ++ ++++4.44.4.+4+++++41++++F444.+++++ 4.++4++ 4.+4++ +4.+4.++++ .4.4..4.4.44.+4+d++4.+++++++d ++++++44.4.4..4.4..4.4# +Among- the Smaller Things of Life 2 WII a c - Inni iIr1Jtcal nede ii ia f rz~l HS STOR oF lt[D U SlRS FOR MUM'S ilRISINGS (" + Q J 1Veek I (icyi ..ts. I h ic Mliiiiiiiii t$1.50, $2.00,.$.50 ind $2.75. I'::,14icy' ashtI ,.L\ ~ Pit>t~ii o $100'$f.50, 2 ,ii S +. iet11's Ak rc I $.0 t)I$100 It ,tcl -.I XI i 1:.1 c- 5c-,d 0 + I1DHI1MS,R1YIIN & IULL. JOHN 4J- SHANZ OHAS. DIETASjI EXZELSIOR LA(NDtRX I 1TAILORS IDiY WORK FR SPECIAsLTY;,H FNDWORK 601 EAST WIL LAMS STREET 115 WEST HUE"O ST., 'Phone l5tS This space eons foo oernieni~ct Club 11No better Turkish Cigarettes can } be made." EMBLEMS (Cork Tipped.) A TREM EN DOUS BARGAIN 'Those 19ot Stearns, $50. Road Racers for $32.5. are that very thisit. M. STAEBLER'S Cycle Emporium, 11 W, Washi tiigloii eli,liiihne S ROSEY'S BILLIARD PARLORS TH LD RIit)IELABLY Pri~iuy the game and get accqoint 312 . STATE STREET *+ FOR STYLE t AND SERVICE... STU DEN TS ALWAYS PATRONIZE *HOLMES' SLIVERY I Liberty St. Rowe's City Laundry, Work neatly and promptly done, F3ell 'Phuo 57. - - 4t0 Detriit S. 0, M MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Otfiice 20 S. 4th Ave 'Phone98 v - dence 302 S 5th av. itPhon314 Ani uil nce on cal. (i IICll1jcui{ LAIC'utlo~trinlg t-adt'. y""Ci ll - lio i it ac e f atii iii L ii i Piigskill. HonIldttt attd iidito t tetmt.l I Fabrict o hi lt i tix to11 t te. BURCI-I FIELD'S =Fine Taioring 106 E. HuLiron, = - = - Established 1881 MICHIGAN NOTES. 11-ii I ta i i- N . Iiiil: i The -1111ilrr 1_Jws , ill 1 1i I rN j st'vI 11 V riv ( t-i kes -1) iii.i-i \Ia11 t Ni cindy c-ititlg. at Sli 110\1> t1:, 1E l. s(1 14 1 o ipartiipate. I litc l it-ili''t. May Feiva ti ~ s s-s {:al(I' sii lit-,. Ut-c i-og -t- miii dno :yii S i t e Steet.- A eeole Llii la-tight tA.iiigIit i TSi-il Ioitiaiii 'I«o lior e t, '- at, tttl d.111y A. Adit s 1J-"litre ati fget a copy, of the Miclh- Sznotrinkig oii:; totiae home as ., of M. pin at t1A.t.ERS. All the latest songs, opera scores and two-stepis at A. A. Music Co'a. We are agin overstocked with man- lolin antd guitar music, and for the1 lireseil~ will sell $5 worth for $1. ANN :A]1t t}Rk ILLLSIG O ttAL1tEItS JEWELRY !STORE Catholic Church; I'lasses 8:00, 10:30 a. mn.; Vespers 7:30 p.m IILLIrI'S JEWELRY STOtE MAIIVI PE TIItOLOGItLt S;01100Lt) . I tiitideil IS-It. New entloWneidos. NO ilociritial leafs. 'Modernt progra'm. Aaple e(quipmetno. Thorough training for colege graitoatis. MIany lectures by viscitiiig speelalicisr, if iiatiiiual t-tpu - tillilt. Si-nil ircaetalilgile to Pres. (1. at- eaicdivilie, Vt1. 1)0 GH-RISTIRN J. ALLMNDINGR III ALI I.t.. FINE ART GOODS Framing a Specialty. '210 t iittion -t. - A n Arbo- TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING Photne 246. Private lssotts in dancing by appoittment, lhotr lessott$1.5o. IN NEW QUAIRTERS, Vi' lhavei jutmooted lto Statst. (head o Libiety), atdinvti ti y0u nogvn orwork a1trial WM. HOOHREIN, anitiary Plunibr team andtlasFtttng SEASON 1902--1903 Prof. Si-tt wihes to anoune tat h will attend the annuat meettng Oormriat Shoot As.asers of Dancing hed at New fork city tils coming sitamaer, and wiltte pr- pared to te all tte latet 'ethod and new danceoanhta scknl neatal. SCOTT'S SCHOOL OF DANCING STUDENTS! If you want 1o furnish your apartment cheaply, call and see nmn before buying elsewhere. I have second-and toves tables, chairs, etc., and will sne yo montey F. W. WILKINSON, 131 S. Main St Portland Cafe Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Open day and night. Huron St. - Opp. Court House A. G. SPALDING & BROS. * iital o0u1 ~ otes ito ie is iiil eadiitg Colii I- ' edgrools tdAheticti'c 1 V i lubsli orithe Giioods reitndalr of ual ity and are rag iii ilcas fl'i byll le leidn l¢n e ,aiiiisi~n irolllig eot, n icl ii iiiiiibli adps ItSiillio oil s Octhe hetl 11111 PALDINGOffical In ilL liaieall Gaei-li nd0 A-'s lcltlliltc, Oficial takt Itl, Officiail Ii Tor tioetall, Offi-tat Polo ciial toxinie tloves- New oe k Cic-i-i etnver A. G0 SPALDIiNSitiOS.. w CLEGAS CAPES, GWNS. Kan &OODS SHAVE YOU RSELF tt e ~ uar~til i- eIll ti i l urRaz~ors. XWealsot carry atic I line if G(li i 's Saoiy Razorcis,ilt icht ill iill eliciiou ai le tritlfsti h ctlilit. Pries .run 000 .$ I hA to $3.00. Ev ery Ozie iiaraiiteol A nswcas rti etsi and 4Sitita-s CUSHING'S PHARMACY (toni iI l~yIlder's) .-36 S , iUteSt. Buy your Cigars at THE D EL MODNICO STATE STRE ET. CAMPUS BARBER SHOP l~ot a first-class a ir Lilt atdidlottEasy shave -.-.-. HERB JOHNSON ELECTRIC GRANITE and MARBLE WORKS (_l-,A. to.lePoli Smt iitonl ~a~e rr? odr-, . RTISTIC MIElIORIA1S. t-lindey 01' ( a- S l szl iiiiiil r !I ui- tue iili l': hIttoo.luli o. a-nlne t J. F. SCHUH, nt liiI Mantlec int I I tc'. i ii i Coit lucid ititiiil SA~NITARY PLUMBING t ll 0WASHINGT ON.S--ci Sack Staits roet - - - 25c TroitsemsPressed, - - Driess Sits Presed, Soc. All our work guaranlteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 61 )t E. Wtiiham St.Fr.st Store Wes of State Street. 60c ------------ WE PATRONIZE GOO DYEAR FOR DRUG