THE MIC 111AN DAILY-NEWS +'*+++++++.E-4.2-t.-++++44H. +++~-+++++4.+++++++4+ Tlic jt Go . gn Thing tIn a ItI I 4 si th t terid to iiduce } ou to lx STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES "V'I (i ±tc, lroduce y(u to a.mai ho ttas worn thire. WeCii .. ," coulniatid the.lanunage wixth whih tto tell you ow s gooid tlene clothes are. The mr-cs attach their label be- nearth the coat collar ofi their coats, and they are to proutd of itei- reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, Fabrics or tailoring, itslpermeitted tuo enter any part of titeir prod it in. Youdon't know ho,,,((trait.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ar, unin youhave worn ttem. - Vltsdaily swith tire iirknon I Jartit -or doubltftul miake,wvhen you can icy the real tring' LIND[4ISGIMII& F~FtL +R *1+ t 1 1* +11,2 S. AMain Street, l 5} 1 i st I " itit'atin raliquist Henioolobin Scale A simrple but etliienrt dev ice or dererriinin th ie amrount otf l emogIobi tl, etc. 3ERBAO'H & SON, - - - 12(1s. tate Stree 4,**+sty.;..;.+++++ ++++++ ++++++++3.++ ++++ k 4+1« f"! 'I+r "No etter Trks Oe maxde _ a .r. 4 a s r .1 f ! i 11 l } I P C P Brixton,, k sup, 'r They Must Fit A utors It )t t' 4i -, e it1isf-t , wr t0 I 1L blu v it Iit'i ba <1 T !t! t 1 ti is cltO he ti e s lu tl~ cullt i e i + rs. to lst z in wear lie day yei l iii themn. 'These ire siie ():I t eratmisoat 19sih iritn lotohes-s-(tave noit 1101e othter-svillitlease mitu. Our SPRING HATS Haver Marked Style. The Swellest Line of NECK. WEAR. R . S. PAU L, 12 ) W. Washington St. You wxiii find a nice line of ' Staulo and IFdIIGU (luri«d Butter and Fresh Eggs al- w'8ays on hand, at reasonable Prices. (live nme a trial and be Y convinced. remember the Place. i 8Pon S30 . 1NStVae nonSt. LUNCH ROOMi J ACADEMY OF DANCING lesciri $1.5()i. (Cork Tipped.) j ~SY'TA PARLOR 312S S1FTF STRELT +FOR STYLE~ +AND ; Fl~ u. S T NTS 4 ALWAYS 4 4 Ro'e's City Laundr y, li etly and promprltly tlone h ' I -a. " 10 trit i Sti . i 0,m1 MARTI.. FUNERAL bd t tal me I tV<. Iho ne 11 . Am- WE PA'] MICHIGAN NOTES. net! ttst1'li 444.4ItE :tt I i inn11'i 1 em ~ ' {)it I 4' 111 lW I l t III 4 I- ot! 4) 1fr :I( , t 5 1 . 1t(, f ll . L i - lt Ft it!)r S itnIwI t'c4iler ii 51 ttoenei. Io iior I I' t .,I I t -4. I 1ir- It , nr c ilitit ttlyo r jol r 1c1ttizktt.z 1' ln lt -ta eCopy if tlleMieti- tii i~iit Snj.i ;tvtate itnrhe asSkates (iround ut- sint tili Citwhile you waif, at AllI the latest nonge, opt-ca sentres and Bailey & Edmunds, lintstits t A A.Musc ~121 E. Liberty St. L'. of Mi. ptis lit HIAtLt-.t'S. a:":li %e2St7'I{d ih TaI- SEASON 1902-1903 S Sm- t ttit i t I1t- rnlttehi1i or ti ff ''tS moan-n tl oth ASNN SiIlI ii Ic CO. e-ty rts omttitit nt! tititt 1( isit itt I.S 1.1 tf'tS dr-EWS11Il S1ilII. . SCOTT'S SCh1OOL OF )ANCIN6i _____Staie Sr. Catholic Church; Mlasses :-0(), 10:30 a. no.; Vespers 7:30 pa n. iycles Repaired, Sii 1. -N liti inI'l. tNi-cet r ~ti'rii. Nt ltsit' o l ', iodt- t o lii eIt-itt etttntIttltifomctl- le to i-iteen!G STU D ENTS WANTED tt Il'72lt(I i t m m ai ~s t'(TIiiit WM. J.WENGER, Il "'I. Ii itrit - - - - ltlmtt ")5",' A. GI. SPALtDlN~j & BROS. miftii mitt) S linlutit N , "'ii ci t i11iFr, I i sri.. o iI COLLEcIATE CAPS. GOWNS and HOODS. f~t aw Rering of T1 CAPSarrOGOWNS,,. " .l Right ParL1tis (t1le I -m lti n d ti I ° m 0S ttt!I -CcteI SG.-i~ltrfmIt, 215 So. Main St. CAMrPUS KA toRSHiOP For a (finr-tt-cl-stflar Ctm. and ani i tilt, xi HERB JOHNSON -- A t mA, a l, an (I.!t ml - -tI tF mit I mit : miitti .rvtn-ii. ttmirlintF 5!. .ff. SC}-HUH, SANITARY PLUM\BING Nt .t iiandRetrwFiii ii-4.sit innuindfl-atiiiterHeminntie. emstitM iottls- N, ASTnWASHINGToOSNn i ' atk -tntts Pri-seed - - - 25C Trousers tres I - Dress S4iius tPces ed, 5cc. All our work guaranteed and done promlptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS3. 6Eit. Wiltiama St.First Stare West of State Street. loc CLASS CGNiS.s COLLECt FLAGS COLLEGE PINrS, CLASS .and COLLEOEiF HATS and CAPS ..-. W. C. KEEN & C, 4nn1IE. FiftirScenotbSr r t rRONJZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.# 1111-111---l%