ji T T 1'__ E r S i( AND A I Ln Aw W in z Aft .AMOK o 5'h 'A ITY .?.! %:i > 0 mm . LU+ x.st ~iII Base Ball Guides 11 '' l t i ( t t0 t ll lull \ i.fl N,1t1. . 1t ,4 ; i I~ up i x it il "i'tl \ Ii I0 Spaldin g's Rec' Reach's for ig02 - 1i17 U.' Wahr'sl : ''_t+rli~ i{ ANO "1 i ;I;1 ttti i :I 1+,iBito>hsto res1 ! SuflaxT1 p- '1 x xx is 1;'f lli if Y11'i i i i;- l- "; ce 11 1>'t 1 " CA V P S nsR U4 itilST.O R - 14 }1 t ' a 1E. J O L L Y'S l t-* ' I I ii W ho- j'a KnU1 L U, EIvL .11:1 tte St. II lu I i il P & 1ti :. tt 17' SN Y"rTUDEN11111Y',TS WAN , T ED US I 1>!'f,,1'iiiiiiiu IH ERCHANOTAIORSN L A [+M A D ORrR lv i kx x tiiilt 4i i 1 u-it !'+t 1 ijt!!1) i1t1)'lit til I i~ Ixxpe t~jI II J AT ALLEN'S - Rags are Unnecessary Whe n you can buy a new Suit of Clothes that show their { Uy1tir and ' ie you Pi .AxII', for sio tow a pric. -;' hes Suts base strorng seams, have i/I been well cut and will lprovel the Best h Clthin onEarth for the :Loney. $10o.00 and $15.oo - Suits and vercoats Athens Theatre Wednesday, M ay 7th Stetson's Mammoth Double UNCLE TOM'S CABIN 5o Men, Women and Kids THEL ARGEST PARADE EVER ATTEMPTED BY ANY THEAT- RICAL ORGANIZATION IN EXISTENCE. Prices: ioc, .20c, 30c, a few at 50C Seat Sale Moniday. F I A , MY" T H E P OA"W E R K B E H IN D T H E T H R O N E " PI NGIi POJNGiI During the past year hass made a perfect itrore in England: so muchx I so thsat- PUNCtl " hiss made it a sobject for caricature on OR * its first pages. It i is oly necessary to flay one game anid he lable T1ennis5 coni~tnced that this is really the nost fascinating indoor game on the markdt.N rooms full o people nmay be kepisterse in SHEEHAN & 00 O teplay, thereby increasing the pleasures of an evening party, be- sides creating an agreeable diversion for the players thenmselses. UniverCsity' Booksellers, W~e save them fronm $2.50 to $ 10.00 per set. 32a So. State Street WE C'Ul WA. W'HULUieA"AOAND RElTPAIL, DEIVEREtDlj TU A ,%YPART 0 BBS CITf.i3 ROGA.1', 10Sc. J . IN 'TIDET.