THlE-MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS ,4+44.44.4..4..4..*44.4&4..4.+.4..4. IV.. 14. Ihe Most GonvioGinu IThing that we couild do that woul~d tendi to induce you to liuiy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would 'be to introduce yogi to a ma n who has worn them. We cannot conmmand the language with which to tell! FOu how good tiese clothes are. The makers attach their abe: be- neatli the coat collar of their coats. and they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest detect either of stylhe, fatics or tailoring, is permitted to eiiter any ;part or their production. You don't know now cheap... STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn thenm.tWhs daiiy with the unkno'rr quantity of doubtful niake when -ioi can buy the real thia' LIND[ENS6HMIII &IFtL !4f} 4., 4. 4. 4. 4. +; 4 . 1 ins? Received A supply (f t t lareads Wv11 kniown Tallqisi Henioolobin Scale A simple bet efficient device for deterniinin- the amount of liemnoylobiti, etc. EBERBACH & SON, S. Malts Street. - - - >h, S. State Stree ++++++++++ i f +++++++ 1 P+++++,+44..4..4..44.44..4..44.44 P++4..44, EGYPTIAN "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made."' EM BLEMS8 -a. ~ \ r JiiSC 5r L~t Bcrr1Xrw 5 MkS it,.! r They must Fit. ori -11i Iri'tsis--st,, c 5t C2d is hastlt i ven '1- i i ' .iiiesomeolT e lsnse ; iti -illspi-ehse io Sil The o'5-e stnleor ECK.issi WEAR~. STAEBLER & WHERTH, AN NfTC l~ l~lt'! 1~t{ttl f~ t~t13 'f 1G 1 - t; ' c t lvfii repairid andi ,_ i,;:i}, f ii,i 1fI.- tl -l 't ilitl IE lr liii 94- it aIi 'spy of he M ists' f iiiiiiL i i ltti bus Siiiatistake homne as M :1Y i ;. I;it' s sliig5. operi'i5si-ores ansd cS t~ o-:".> .it , .A.\Music Co.'s. B1d3es, the Bad~ss IIsti 1" u I ll A liii-'c. if'ij iitis i i'lsilii ito GEO. H. MILLER 0 ~' t '1 il lii l ti4'It -s IllO-.i H Q It I L L h-lIll ~- I 1:ii0 ,ifl i ;CC- tlifat :ty ". lt ILt i i I -____ _ '_1t__; 31 . S AT0 S ETO - .t ~i tt:1' -' \ S sYii}11f C to i lturh;il. 800 it, t lt_____f_____________1;__ ;__________________ Ci 1 -10:0V10 a.-i i. V Nespe 'ii 7:3s0li.iii. - t 1llST Y L E l t i i ti-f-s s - is i' lzijii:.s -t n 312 S S TAV TE.. R E 1 '"3 il -I