THEIHIG. 1.AN DAILY- NEWS *4+++++++++4+++.+++++ ++ 1t ui 14+4 " 't t i Thle Most Gonvin~inU Ihing sat we.cold do thsat w,,ili tend to induce you to buly STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would 'be to introduce vou to a ruan who has worn them. We cannsot consmand tale language with which to tell volt how g'0od these clothes are. The makers attach thleir labe: ;he- Reath the coat collar of their coats. and they are so proud of their reputation, that sot the slightest detect either of stt le. rabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter any. part of their production, Y~ou don't know howe cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why daily with te unskno wa tUastity of doubtful nsake,when yost can buy the -real thiug' L1NDUENS6BMII & tirrEL t 4E t + 4 31 S . Maimn trf Just Received A suipplySof snew ltu areats well-know's Ta quist Hemoolohin Sca A. simple but efficient device or determining, the amount of lenaoglobilt, etc. 11EBERBACH & SON, "eet, - - - 3,26 S. State Stree 901-..:u: al :I i4~fE~i: 11: 44.l4.444 i* EGYPTIAN DEITIES "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made.~ EGnYPTIIAN EMBLEMS (Cork Tipped.) R.S. PAU L, They PI120W. Washington St. must Fit You will find a nice line of A t . t.h sa ct!-st--sl7 u t ~ r rn, rIatt e ias~geT he a so, od Butter and Fresh Eggs al- it as I- .ci aar hoo, t stcl thi w'ays on hand, at reasonable vi : t sn ofIlshy tle bs-st prices. (jive me a trial and be f oIl the srt. --is irohabit conv inced. st a tO r 'isst esirtA !sitsyou buy them,. Remember the Place. i r star s i te re;solteotr lit s li 120I.Wa