THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS 'U n L1oufi ii o 1 t ite ke .1 ionic iii-i il tIcc tare anurtls.cot sil -ee tin largest rand best + T \ T A LOO)KJX elected stock ot New Fall Suits and Overcoats betieen Detroit nid Chicaaon Tb t Ilootconiplietrlilleof Men's Furnishings and Hlats ins the city. The s ole cagenits in Almt ArhoiWfurthe (ill'l)Clitc (I PSI LA NilT1 1ND IE AR. F ij.AI\Ni1l A I INTSllll dcii lOW'Aii )iA'TS. + W1DhAfMS, 1RYAN & HUlLL~ +200-202 S. Main Street. OL +......~.........*44+4.:.-. 1111x34: ........~ + 4. 4. 4. + *1' + + + + 4. + + + 4. - +++JOHN J, SOHANZ+++T++'i+"~"{+++7^'7'~iT TAILORSOHSDET' 601 EAST WILUAMS STREET DA EX(EL5IOR LA(NrbRT WORK R P RGIFLTY4 HANDWORK I WEST iUiRON ST., 'I:'incne 506( Reserve your seats for GOOD GOVERNMENT CLUB Course at Quarry's Drug Store, State St., Saturday Oct. 12, 8 a. m. 4. + ++ + + + + + + + + +1 + 4. EGPTA . + 4. DEIIE 4. + . 4. 4. 4 +SMOK +4+ 4. 4. ~ EGYPIAN .. . 4.EBE Agen for Crscnt Coumia Stars Syacs and ote4.ecl Bic cl 4.pisBcce ear 4.'1' h e 15. l}f r i ti . 't'++.+++++++++++++++++++.4..4. MOR STEBE AND ent I for. CresentColubia StarsSyracuTSe B+ y e up Lie, AiYlSRpar ing ~ PTONZ Laisad+n' iylsai R iwersCty Laudry 4.brt stet4l.oies o fd nit 4..AN! JSEVI EP.. 1A . MATI. ALWAYSAL PAFRONI c. V , 4 . Full Line of4.1 LATEST SU ITI NGS AND °+ M TROUSERINGS + t. .1LU OHIE D 4. H4.IEL : I ' 'I iti. cc,. hs01i~ srnssil ccctl: t"il- cccir t i, :iii l i t"ii, li : tl I ti, t ii