THE MAIIOAN DAM - N IWS NEW KODAKS A ~ CALKINr' PABRMACY 324 5.STATST riGKMiGKBtIirO Pd! ws aifiNORn 7c7 NORTH UIVEh RSITV AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RCY. I I n aan nhe etof0 nsert 0 IL E CE [IiREN T anti ROADEM'. Y s~ t lsTOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDrIAN. General Traveting Agent. DETROM F MIII6A N. LINEN PAPER' 15, 20, 25 and ;;0c a !b. ___AT SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, 116 S MAIN STREET FULDE ....The Tailor.... EDISON WRITING RING A msarvelous invention for everyone who writes. if-proves your handwriting one hundred per, cent. in a few days. Can be us ed with pen or! pencil. For nan, woman or chitd Endorsed, by Boards of Edlocation New fork, Philadel-, I hia and Boston. Sent postpaid for io cents. 119 S. Main St. Ann Arbor The flan lr~or tavings Bang Capii So. $W000 minplu, :050,800. Resonrie.15.0. ig. I d uder0he u I tiBnking Lawt 't5r0 t.51 Receitivs t'4 guynse and eellS zdaneean the piminuti ie of the Unites Stat.. Draftse e hed sponproper identfication #30t dst" ale t ec .ec BHarmne,ice-PecM. ,J.Frizz, Cahier. FIRST NATItONAL BANK oAnnAro s0,00.Sup . ed iroeni 1 8000 Trtwct ageno a. he (1 g baIn F. orego nenha}ebougeht anddvoid. Fatnieb lettes ceelit. N. D. KENdNE. Pree. HARRtSoN SOULE. S. . LARR5ON t ttelt COLLEGE EQU IPMENT COMPANY 1WESTVILL E NW JRSEiY l~enecherthe llbotocwaphet. WAHiRI The Up-to-Date Sorlo ARC~ ALWAV3l TTRACT) I ra ill t ": r ;,r ?_ CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES J N A \ 1I1 . l l NNiAlt to tit1l1, 'aeli - : I. t e i . Sliiwl',ci 11-- E~uiiilie. 1vii l ;asteclpho. $2l l l N te . I iu ire :1101 t'rai(tilill t .-il All the latest songs, opera scores and sun-stegs lit A. A. Music Co.. W, . boTs rse. t' [ tE e assi. aiared eat AL RS. N Glesiinstructor otfnsandoils, s.TxsAe N. ,d Yic-e I sitAnn Irbirn" MtasleCo. tee .C AZ. W ts' . 1 :r "fV NU l~ a I 1itle itl: Pill. slin iis:[1'____________ !t NK nl. pr ci nN. Sit -st lIe- t5i \IXT) I Ia' I:\' s.Sttodeitx QRB aL 'Transas a general I I Isu et ii- w. as int- 1time pornit., BankingBit ness. irin-- hiii clia 5ear.asiouldt Write AT 10 \t OF :S .1+W hEY 1STORE. imediteelyaforour 4load Iosekelts-a ____ b 0i . ensin¢lne r~k,, ageliy epoion. ns. wiiaga- LOVELL'S CORNERSO ____ tltl ber~m i snwilnt(akzn> so lt i e ult tog FRIDAY and SATV1IIVA your linen; collars so laundited wiltloiii ut .1 t li 5ar. e ore n~taing an MAY ~id and 3d Car. Laein enn1-11 iee®. twice a. tong as otherwl0 i ninise. ,n iitare g;iving gond Capita,,0 s rprnt. Wmi .000y. Tfac~a Totedo Laundry Agesy, 1011S5. Matno l ist sd oilin 15 an ,ieeii ly itwr- tOC a O l g neesi harkgniene. street, AnnA rbsor. 'Phone 543. ii t anliisi. Our canly es tine llnst RIt xr PT"e . . C. N. Geerwe, Vice-Pre*t. i tisfi--~ i'rt 'fEetr£ ineesuto tht a13- Further Partic'ulars ,r FeRo.tH Beeer.Itnoblss. Have your jewery rpai0d nd0 ltiiiits inst .iit}. Wewill senditol________________ oodyear OMove Rubber cleaned at HAkLIta S3 ataitent-ia ii -inteestedif ntien Oat- CAMPUS BAR rroR tjO Pul lneof lkskn ym.Shef, lin-Iii e Dil -(iii N sis nicutiosied. For a fist-class Birm Cu E51 i f'lsi Yn he, yoeted at HALt 150 14Jtwelry hddrs trenai us--t s'p-irtme~ns. ItSLto-:.' + and an Easy ShtVe 'A LAMBERT. 613 William St. 'tore by a graduate optician. t'UI~~l