TII R MICIti AN PA ILY-NEWS The Most Gonhinu TiIngi thtat wre (c0u1d1d10that wottld tend1 to i(1duceyou to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would le to introducee you to a mian wcho has wsorn them. I'carnnot commad the language with whicit to tell COO how- * good these clothes are. The makers attach their l h e- nleath the coat collat of their roats. and they' are so troll of their repuatation that tot tite slightest deect eOthert()f stvle, farisor tailoring, ist permitted to enter any pIart of theCir ptroduction. ou don't kno now101citeap... STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you has-e sorn them. Why daily «aith the ukncz1 iuatity of d(otubtfutl otakesriten you ean huy tte tealtinga ~LINNSGUiIHT&Wf1IL le +T yT y + 4 T j +a Just Received Welt- kmowt Tallquist Hemoolobin Scale ft- dterrntin' themitmtt t 0, I'lento'lto lt, etc. EBERBAGH.& SON, li2 S. .\Iiit Sreet, db S. State Stree "No better Turkish Cigarettes cani be made'r i ij btot 0 t . "trr rr When Yoy Buy Your Suit and Top coat HERE, You -Buy Right, (ireatest variety of all news goads made expressly for young mren. Special consignmienit of Easter; flats just received. (ireatest variety of Easter 'lies Let Lis prove it to you STAEBLER & WHERTH, R.S. PAU L, 120) W. Washington St. You s-will find a nice line of S Ud cand [anGu (.food Butter and Fresh Eggs al-. svavs on hand, at reasonable prices. (iive me a trial and be convinced. Remember the Place. TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM' 338 S. State St. GRK"A NGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING Phtotne iii. Pivatte lessons is ciancittor or'happointnment, hosa' E B x(Cork Tipped. HRADEMLLER '2 S. iltAI S'. RO 's BILLIARD PARLORS PhtOD 1; Tlr It-t il.1 I}t Y the tit tt Ig ((0((i 312 S. STATE STREET AND SYL STUJIDEN TS AL.WAYS 4 t'A'TRONIZE + HOLDES' LIVERY j Liberty St. + +; Wok' City Laundry, tell ape netly andi promtptly dstite,, 0MMARTIN,., FUNERAL rilce DICRECTOR eca nhAts-. Li81 c all.01: O 'liCN% 4 1m MICHIGAN NOTES. ]!li_ .t~ I 1I)l '?: itt' l1li 1 'l :it' I;;1t ~ t o- 0l~"I l . 1 1. .1 t~i.' .\ 1 1{III1 t I~ v < it 'I't t - ta- t o (It Slantio t tl .I pnett (ol or 01(Vol. 1O1NA A.\'1'1,:I 1' X1.4 .ies ol 0 tl tt \v I I toreiltt o e. 1lo )I; Iri. lt I .IIr JIi .iI1: . I'. tf151. pins at HIALt1ER'S. ,ttttt't lotO ~~t thatlisa Ann Arhor 51 t ' Co. sells ta (o stitts, gtitlm'sti Skates (irolnd :tt a t c. 1 aystst t'.~and Repaired 1V'or a-it its aorsstOkd with Ivan- while you waif, at r s>twil l : ot for $ lit Iailey & Edmunds, _______ 121 E. Liberty St. Ca . I:th lt.tLh S0'1'.lic Church; lMasses 8(10, DANOI N G CathOThe Ssettsd Tern for Beginners,otte- l10:3() a. mn.t Vespetrs 7:3 0 p. m. nitttees ttesttay evening, Jan. 14, $B.U -________ far 12 its-sias. Invitation danetig ti",a t (s\NitI l 0 1: . A 'tt-t't C tily gstnrtINti eenligs. Untveerulr3 f)sll tid ts-'onatttts. Thttio t .ttitg Academy. (t ttit tsittetttt.. 11tittttitt o l tti . . Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. I - -- -bicycles repaired, .TE~t'1*:RY ST 1 H. Z Also I; tifiinltw of bieycle sundries ot. 00 ik Ittiattirts ad K ey St lt~t - W_ M. J.WENGER, 1 IottldA SI . eW ntotC'l t I~tS I: , t - - - 'Phosne s 'I N( d st.. trittu tesatsa.Alodos-sipr-Xrin.ts S ustal1 ei pmenststtst. fiaosse~lti saittist Ci os t-e esattssales. 1ity lectrs A. (I. SPALDING & BROS. b vit s s it nst- osecialists o iatio tt ( 0)1t teastt It)r> (' ;11 (5) tt stfitli t llozs o r '(5 'x r t-s sitl O u hi t -t- 7., C11-Y Mea vill. P.. 1:t? titixto thot- Wfhy Not Own a 'University"?I'l. httt Cominsstatnd set' outrmnewshists'of /o GASOLINE STUDENT LAMPS " )it" attitl tletic ________ litJli;sL. eie THE SUPERIOR MFG CO. InHE PALIIt sO Ciloi ,i -o:-s,e .. ha~s 3 -2o S. MAIN STRECiT itt.a i I t - 't St iaiO ,itttt'iit. I S t A. G 5 SI'ALIJINs &FBROSs., ELEOCTRIC GRANITE and MARBLE WORKS. Ner Yr- its-toot Cictagot. SgeofARTISTIC M rIORIALS. 5We inado t~ os-iso 5 ~ Makers of - - - COLLEGIATE CAPIL- SCHUH t. Reoting of 1 ti a ',nt tfluI ad tt ile.CAPS and GOWNS. toot IttIt 5tMo Rs-5I tir, tqtiti 1 A SPECIgLTY. f I I Artistit .m. oatdtttetri " F. itt-..os.iSimsts-i [lot as (tlt-iIeatiowItings ilits- ;'I E.AST5WASINGTONssSTRIEET. Sat-k StitiPress-Ied - - - 25c 'troitnera Pressedi, - - IOC Drss Stiits tressedt, 5oc. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER &~ O'CONNOR, TAILORS. ti9Ltt. Withame St. First Store West of State Street. CLASS ClINES. COLLEGE FLAGS Ii COLLEGE PINS. CLASS and I COLLEGE HIATS .ad ++CAPS . . W.C. KlERN & CO, 411 E. Fthy.5grmt 5S 11I ,I(5 S WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS. _ .^