THE MICHIkxAN DAILY-NEWS 1 A few years ago 11 I Better Than Ever, the standard price day one can be ha( TH"REE, T Fully guaranteed- 93etter WorkmanlsipW A GN E R I _____________ LATEST SHAPES JUST IN, ri6~K ~kBillldI Farl rdPP an Iowing 707 NOK' IIUNiIVERSIYAI NI I THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I!I That metts the beat of ea ytl g:sllag t, S t I iI't ~i a xand i lE. withl~arun ~rTOLEDO TOOvUBU Write J. W. LANDFIAN, Gleneral ITraveling Agen DEITROIT, MICHiIGAN. Five Dollars was efor a hat. To- id for SHAWES -Ahat made with rparticular men. Z& Co., - - - Sole M n rI le Agents SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT On ThurayMtador s ai. haliatiaeettistted artiste lKATHRlYN lalltJtI It iof David tarrick' 0In taortal comedy 11 a I t I 'This will be the mI nt ot a iv dl i'ti lt, present theatrt- season. Saleaofa to a I NNi tooaina Tuesayc April 29.lrcs 50c. i 9$.50. )naacout tof the g-retatteretoaa~r la t a aui '1Ott ia s taet and thte argo atatatoet of inquresat, Ot- bo o/lce, it has beaa en dil l tan tpplicattit )* easmade before teoeig ) wsi vi e tIt do' l l itthe order atfterreceit. 1 1' t ist jsttaIv( 0001s1speded for this ene~gagoiett ... ..... . rt" I r++ +++a FULDE ....The Tailor.... l11entschler, the Pl~hotographer. Il S . F. 'fX.P. i ,6 6 / T. ".. i C ; :~7i l CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES 3 19 te. Main St. Ann Arbor The fla fRtor Savings Bmn Capatital Stack. 500. arptas, $160,01. Organiaed uadearte(Gneral flanking Law thia State. Rivesaradeosats, bays andao mage onthaprincipaI cities of tae Unite( &lTs-i. Drafts cashaed apaa proper identtfle~atio Osfoty deposit bones an rat. arooarl CtidaesiaR. iaeask. Pres.; W. D Harr man, Via.Prtw.a1M. J. Fritz, Cashier, FRTNAIOiN AL BANK Org ier~4 Cptl, 1t00a0a. Sarplus and Protits, 5 tilt torneactsaageneralbanaking business. Foelga exchtgo tbougtand sold. Fuanishtatteraa, credit, -- triiltr . at. ltt,t gas, tt(-lphtat ;+'. $ yegat'es repttired at HA LLER h ' a a'a'tai~. Iltt aitril Paca.'trdl at.-I L1,--()) elet ro ' lotian ,li)(crt. All the latest sotags, operaseotres anta irlo~lt baI1ll)ltlrla +«tlnittlIttt''t 11)a t-t eps at A. A.. Masic Co.s. ii. lilt ii liiateaterl at t{AA:.ldlt?', Jewselry HALI RS JNVEEY TOR,. tor, lay itagraduate optiiaat. d~al .~ . Mel (illlesple, Instirnettroaf tunaloliat, 1'+ii TIto Itnaslwill not Crack at Attn Atrbor Musle Co. your litneat; collars so naundrled will _________ wear ticle an oong as otherwise. Toledo Lttundry .Ageatcy, 1215S ~i 1 UIEST street Anti Arbor. 'Phone 545.Mat COLUMBIA UIEST I1 ass Yor rJeseley r celaafired and C.ow- t tA LLolat'. FAR AHEAD OF ALL Springeand sumnmer A'OOLENSUITS JII ila' yl aalll ,)1t' 11 aitlit1 ala, s~ztl ttP* TIt NE 11 t :a25 :a mllt 1 . Slrill 091 Thel :11,I t t 'IIt. alaYIt t V(IttlAN a. NO glIP one 'o" -o1 I w ill Htld yoarIttl ade FRAZIF R, j'j'o1 a A Special Feature a is made of Artistic Picture Framing Dehris Art Store 217 S. Fourth Ave. DON'T BE FOOLED- Ip a ill'Ita'aIfl Pllatned Clock Ilaay a eatia(I STEE2L PuION ED Clpl ft1,1L00.SeeIblit clotk0 0118%t I>tat t ttiolil ly55 talalara J. L. Chaprra"' 2((;S ;ii t C.AMPSltBARBESH tOP a rafis-lassIhait Cuat anad '11a asytoyaoaaea HERB JOHNSON. SCHOOL OF LAW A. D. KINNEtras. tHARROISON SOULE,_______ lr~yra ous i tayI Vice-Prey OffY'iar treya ors fsuy S.W. IILARKSON Caier 192112 Iiattlgtntt tittlant aita'iilalaIs ant aPublnlic law laeadintg tao the "'-=- 0liio0itt IaIAprnil 12. if dale 'of .L. B. Graduates, of caal- 0.d.BOTt, inS. a' lt'ges aool aciettifllesattools in golaI W.. SaRnOLa itd'ice-prya intar' asitala r-airintg at l1AILEftS. tatatrlitag:ate admitted swithoati examti J a Aaao ,~r. ant aiera n ~I ~ at iota All laersosaa5olter -thtatastuai Ni8 .()I'i't iSfIlUl,'. .1 talla atal tlat'tttlainit he eligible fot' aalttal tl ltiit lll--o.111 Itlit ala' aaaak farIr t'Siolt tartaeslontoore Chana ofCalatn- 'Transacts a general a Ial~in altt ar. ,i dltr t i la' taraittlta iltalla'georart'etasent to taa-ettl Banking lBninesso. tllar iti.iiI ttrci-a' pall'. aiitttl I a ailjdi tliaf the Itegenattsof the Slate oa i11cineyforlorla bll t llt'a'laa'ati -'NewYork, or a certificate at 'lpattle itw 1o l i 1tlltitlilt IThat, 11 taa;1 tiaa th e tgents ittliteu tereof. 01.11 ti t t t'il 1 1ta"ttlalliti i.t~l lil it / 1 'roao ai i/t i/tt'e aca/emoic year atnly 1uay~r. C r lit g at tt1903-1904 no person will/be adin/eetiiao Car. Manad Huon Streets. it l II'ait 11)1a gat 11t(1are 115iv i ttaIothe so ol eatatxcept gradnatea af ol a- O~aptt, OlbS. nrpines, Sneelo. Transats tallat aati r vl eoartt'ttta l''' itagly iltae-r altt asie'nttaicschools u ino genranbactktng bootnem. itat ai'iatttttta 0111at wittytt aaaal ra ailatata a R,. Otarr, Preo. (C.1. Gi~uzos, Vice-Prey. Ia rttifttitofat f'al lal cica to a t t+,111 saloi , ar persones prr'seltlny alo/s- FStan. nHoson. Cashier. aai t11', integity.wViStll ,'10 1 tIatl }' e7le'lct f eoial lrt 1ce Goodyear Glove Rubber Itartit11arto haall 1111111 ala it it ie a, plyli iti oIta' wit t 1 olntaotd.a For irultarms tontaitaitngfall infoar- P'ullliano of flt skit ayma. Shtoea, Ala+iaes illlaga' o rtat1tt-111I lo "i tat iia ddressathes aoSr'atetat'y, Cai1tt LAM I BERT, 6f3 Williana St. 1t '11111Sill NI;., a a'oiwal t Its Ila a I tat UasrIty, Na-tvYork City. U I THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. C ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE Tatlg attect Juan2, 1901.1 Trtns leave AnnArhor byaCetnra tand. a' Time. SOUTH NORTH 'Ho. 6.- 7:25 .M. Na. l.- 9:111A'm.M go a.- 5 ,-At. M. *No. .-t-aso Pa-. a a. A.- St:36a. ma No. .- 4:56 P.w 're. baetwarn Ann Arbor and Totedo only' AU trainsn daily exceptaaSatdar. W. T. WILLS. Agrut. as ft ENNIITT. 6ti. CA. _ FASHIONABLE I ' HAIRDRESSERI dressing,Sam tpoo-I a intag, Manteurnagald -4! ' acti Massage pec1 a Plim. J. R. frojanoowaki MX'105 State St.up-8altea A GOOD SHAVE, ' Rawer Honing, Bnthraaomsr satasSunday, 4+-12. Hi. B. WELCh WV. ef Cok douse. Earoa SI THE NEW STORE Men's Fashionable Ready-to-Wear Clothes, at $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Ir yon w at younr apparel t0ohat distintitve atnd ortiginal. up-to-date tn style, it, atnd tailoain try atn of oar SUITS made hy HIAltT, SCHA FFNER & MARX. Chticago astd New York atr SOOtMON BROS. & 1.EMYa Rtl of Itoche tat. N. Y ST.: 816 S. STATE ST. iWJCHIGAN CENT-fJA "The Nagaea Falls Route." ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOS a~ti diata ata I I at~llmola Wath diKrat , a P isat ctago fot Lusatsaitslast s t AantI010waaA D. Y., A. A, &J.REY. beinnn te ritalitt o r ia r oi 04111a~f i After tht tto a lot rtit !).45 at asJaiA nA brat 9:1 a, 10:1 and 11:45 runattialy to it e arasY a1 l. First car friat Antt Arlaar to t~ 7:301 a mtatntdaIhoutrly, util 11:3 is a rmJcsn t n A br Stm atd oadutirly unatil11100 1)11 taO"' Waaitinag roaom llaraaSt., NY. oMa Deatraait, 7'ita 5/ a'ti r av e . SPRING WOOLENS H-AVE ARRIVED SPRING OF 02 MILWARD a