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April 08, 1902 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-04-08

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~z4* IL 8,1$~O.
I"T ~~~ANN ARBOR. MIC.jMO4NOA ,APRI ,1i~.d n '~
' V4SI S LEAtRU Mrs. Kelley s Address*r 'S COUNJTRY RACE
i'higa n Agaiz* Metu Detroit Aieft- riF e l se ryfTekAmsLoigfrWg I
"nLaur,-rcieSnappy the National Consumtier's l,-eage d mo--Team Will Train Durig he 1gbl-t r tA1 iuf wl
$fierdY "glivefre etihe oadtbrsnlast vi
$etrdytonorlyolca rac.Spring Vaation t-*btql aswW nt° d g sr' i .11ongs
Detro t wil lapiyere -gaiwt t y un-i3911fatories throughout telb Te rowstlunry I brwill -od t l i Jo~ 5tr til
rhea gamle !w-1l) b ci -4* i4:10. ntk fas -cat oy tbe folowing If xt wet r in- r~r n~ uc f -,n
stoi n'itsrppy munch w.R: First, tll goods must hbme anuan rn ody f kU wahrisipro-are b blhll e atuing, ro
~ftitin~~Yf te ~neponts~fibeony ne found that beys tis law and Sevent but sonlythwie winner will rte;sllo psef 1)lbyiter Miw n bi
#duine frm them . Tb4e rooters didn't it Is a newcomer in hestatS y~, ae hi: a e Se gaved o te Wright. ,~ ~:4w he hrdi
l 'k e of ayt yf-f the Peitrit overtime )ust not .a orked.Te &is 4'o h Te place wnet iw~ proggc Iab1wrsmIhy .moen
netIi tI fg~ai w lpaers do are onil ve facoe in' a icigantat yAn) icu.14; nrrtha eu
ooS Yacorrdiug thtbelde of col- obey this last.id Third, children tider will get ribbtons. he ron wilt take ).hanged from u pj e ne atmoouceit at
he ') Say("Xs Wb~j, W-tkis sWas 141 years si-iags' mst notbie employed. llae at 4 o'clock and the start will -te !bginnng qsit e ti' Iistorleal Ser-
ku«"k d of t li h Ist 'be by ilon) This lss is pretty generally obeyed in toe from. in front of the gym. hce 1eSon 'acvont ol' te ."sw ingout
~ Dtritfist asusn~th ~riw te iWEngland sae.Futte r ubrof goouimen runnig which is to tahoit llac'~in Thrsday.
h W elbht y dirt pla, must oioy the tate factory lawst, tisyerhe It vntissueloe the iast or 'the presen saso:
W hi - 31fact , lonjoa ikti o'thIsis Isthe sandard set by the lsely contestee. :he entries ae tad 1117- fSi-l1 Jrtliiiltt ada~tedl
cad"Winaty" that it 1Kt wise to league an4 they have brought it about follows, but men wh haveot en t:_. BW3K li :I il .ai~ (7iii
the Way. .Then till through that many mtafnihturer s have found ttered can do so before the race: --), sole 11774- I i) lyiwin-A
gaue' 1)111671 esehed "Watty" av it ommreilly saluable to obey these Klog ata4 ttsrth thei--tl"ap~ted 'rn-ie ligosupes"tale
how thefilrt b9g should begpayed. laws. Manufacturers are ii the but- V'ooreis and {?eger-t minulte. "u e lirelt.
Tb X1erieaee that te men wilt get esw, nt tnImelttsdbylphilanitthropy nor Dthlllwy, eywoiig. Iedlock lad eton(- X701 1tll(o1i
a St hs ae isP'ri ilfrtefiio t 'frtheirhealthllarpam-tkh iute. 8haw (t171'b-ISt4i isito--Thre's
sttndthem ' orn oods-teast ait the'c7stirtg itt ittittitt ao i)y;rno inl ttain ittreetomn liycs, )dynes Blane Store ant' tttti~le evn
gp_ )15115dItt tbey thtt'laws, in order to get ;'an lyke- 2 niutt. 1Holdou(t 117111-14Itliytutsi lllhil
I e ieu°°were takeoll.uLt 1st hit l- tlii-alilnt-ietttru'goods. 'Pite' league Iansdall. hal-r Ettttr'iui.Elimert he powr of'lfesu oLiin."
autl didyestlerda y ley lili4" txot I is tlso blrotli ll ttgottods frontthe ad t yd ti '31 niti. 3taalls l751-lt l. $'ttie'-'"Tht
ndWorkhetifront 'isi'~felstk till .it t'cloek -littiapesitiltn itworsitiovry ttsil ilass- ovtg tIi tI sitti-rli- t is u1gat insgne'- ''i )hte~d--lt
T eew''eOitly tlitttilist ti enItti fltli-- ca, iii-- tti'st'lwinti acr iene s havi a d itotseek thi'siete-lr i)t itrtrisnton snod tilt'. itioil1. iss
101 "aits" li~tS''niugli tt fi-c ii' islilt-t Itocc sgttt'l litit- grit-itiett t.hlt'ggmiiantid1i. si-uts tose tat i ittiath.t'lsiibell
Wlt1'y hluiiIs -hit-It swept atro'sstile-Thtt'ttilt' ttttacitor l eittits' lists tll ig siill tiilo iii ti dootiilsrs till teli rii -
hiel. ld 'eui, t t isu, ) -liiandil whthertit li wst arett'obiiyediloriCht. tatatiant. Iat-lih l'ilpat'isk las bilii )C" Roe AaswerF iolni7es
latdy, tiletitUS iIt's' was vtt-y Lgtsind Til heirt' a rti titly ii Ncinl l aatutuiov'' tl s iuh i
(lekii i alrlt' ga- ttiiii ut lhi t ltig ihii It ssslthrowrsti t n ii ii' 't-it -itg>'t-si iittp Iiii'lsc~
n s i~ ty ihe leit i hus t e din glit' i ity'iii Si-rut tipieIple igwho 11111 i t t p eui t le and i til ioni ile itig k'ti c, it.' sd tnw t'i ttsuu i slt h
Le , f t i ,IS t tit t l l ' li1 iiit'h l itti nt 5 ". tu I ils t It- Sidt. apii ti i ns iivbyit-t i'_-si . I },";Ulilt :iiit',ii-it,: t h t 't t ltg11 seCirtin
'Derot itlit w ulat' ill i-atii-u uit iiitifotrtt ittiit i' tii it-. i sa ser frt-il l e-vuutlt-slllict tnow glst i.iui' ssecfis
'"t o s n ll wvi-il sssiti'it, usrrs I-yw te =littitb.difierentI~litmpstorth ii luil li ten+ i ttb-lt)uriug li t,stiliis tt'l andl il tis s its i f t, t ri Le. S in l ti i ii
Sat' lot lilt;i-tl hl h ow 1, t tt ~ s t t'isu-s itworker. or It Stout u o~ w tug .stu i- haul. 1'lt ' li"l-I s t , I o'll on- stii4H55 ie a h o uttty ltiaets are o iachng it
lb1 bo ndy', lill t h-l iu1', t ili t i t t illt.11 "' i rilli v k. e it iii til ret- 151 ii ts ftitttt newtil t it' s tiuk " it-init'll, a utit tftio l- t "N' slt . Mle 'titi t to 'a lt -it sir af
backitti1 p phulai ths.t~ g li'd') at as ititie innt oft heil ltui. upon tuuli ii' i l'ito i- islwi', and 'telli ey t'ti a bles ' ibee elisoial t'tlsuthatl
tkitg 11 ti tur aY g in t~i vclv a o d ll o) b i g l t t t 'rs on itc *)lay - ssr intli lle isvint hos al""t yii, 'i-t i'ii i - hl h s
-1 ,c .S ti' til aill si-:i: pt i Thesug it' an'duu Eal g ht't lii i-i ch11 11.itit s i, hi-I s-i' a itu ii - lit' l''l9,rl e ud :rs , "r1st- : ii r ics st:. y knie' these
i't e il, otL -Mit itif 11 1 i it i i i- l- I thait[ a ll ifood sie imadeleatak- ths i tt tt -ituhs ng i lisgts o'fitlau d jd
lititI si "da y sa ' gitI hiuiiltIti i' ttiliii it , liisk l-ish~ illgi. 1N1 ife."'lit lut, 11'uut uiol tlitusu wt.ars i'ile ith t
tti ti t t ,li . to sill s .tilt' l i st-. i ult int o 'lis '-ist nt' o,.' ttu Na-tug "lii.; has a ul ih 1 u st Bull , utsg1ti-is' i t hisii t ht iv ere scorediti
Aot it ti tialit ti r ilt'a ll t't-u-lIti itit hI iCioa iii' ot~ig lia i ae'. ot i'. ssbt ssiut.n w llu',cttt t , , 1t{ t oya- . pe vesily tsitu 2t._l igt hi s lcas tet
sthe tiito Si 111-ull t' titus'a s t-ill srtit utuiti-ns, wi nts' a Ilt' hali ie dil's-t1 it.) ! t ro-iu i nr'ti, Ilspriig , til n d sat- i'ilnthi da -I t.ti its- u i a e IfIth
isir' itt ii "utril 1111 , i laslp u, it ll ii t hile o p o le it \1i ttt'o'ty ta titr'u-in. Tohnsoiet hithg lissa , utl>ci ', s ideaghntwy tiad t'xu'iti'ttg casiti g tt of
t I' oh e 'rtin ht Ili andthuelii tuiu'r- Itt i t tilk t i t h i nsi' clift'. itilil-oly , ro a vdlos t erl thesvacattistit-n h' eogat'toet f-i w 10 11U itit is olr'ai
the tinly 'stilgtlia i hlt ingbe . wI li- e .in. i'tin.tiary ('inteii'nedtalhthltraniwe're' rS tg h "is' aembt' ore -suitlteuomnte
Air 15arui ofvht"Rrks utro ibrnii't fiulfolowng eistite-ig a p d n Iwt'il ali t o ''n ave
,-li)Tri e ii li'rliEngit'ders e tolng- eComp Fot o le tbal Scsh tl qwt styoedule lsoan-ot-t1ou.any stt-t't i' biahtueseti
house Allat 11' hets te.. Wt'slluighoin i'd________std- t h i' sh ti tiutay. Th oireaI t.il- nishot'ttli:adstutu tlig in darkneststo
vitrihium, tnsiouldegt4t"grigasturnElectricttes- t of teTeiease iwi{etgheT'ii eaItsshie thatti iistit a rhe-
i inThy it al s isl i)Yt h iSoy fuf- 'thum o t.but if shed hul t maetfhi ll n a~a .mia t atilul' 1 u- il'l earnatd lludte-
b'In Edgparn,, lotes)".,rtIily ltieds iloi bet r byManaerwoulltseby {lbwshl nttitrhy1M 1-feileTmutmti InadI i
1jtr ant Of thu twiltimhut-wnd )iow nulgame'b hos taete Ul 1fndersity.its.. '. tStoit. pif , tiahti''ugtetis- adetwceotttheWwe're Untll hapitlyi
- oui t _11 an rs, inu t thag ~ ctll mite f t.eS. ain. g uie co l till. bichurh, iprseid at . Sn- bifws'e' I-lit' thief an t ut u re'oh ses e- o
A rf. Ih Iset. jerttbtng willeve unBeyset' is stcerooti ear toewadopt is, t r, Wousxi an ts-.el, Shertact-l io'no 'Igaieti. Finti i tt im
Arbsrhittgttht. t e rteitiosand ll, o Killes howfied i vid ls, hbut who n illsto tsruew er. -lu die. le R , htht Sr. lotra' ho he gyt is s agitget t
Throght lit' ty yadthe pateltviit adotthem fos r ttexoyear tiuhldtey KBroost'tetrts, 'Rl tti-t orkofee sty olwreo caityositthet
thfle'l 11nts 'but-auFo ir ltIg asms -n- taeuiv eit oust inetothe r e t s 'lii tatun ni t -re jhnon ig , n Bishtst iller.Iri gtlyu ant Suxi d m nfg -e n lie alwt -
httos .I.fu 1Adlae i iti i oti sclphuDi i ds onli' itte hinl, Rt' t th nssitttn-c ii te r} sea ofa .sh.tednt
alinistAl-iois, ti-u-rot T otY llo lMatnyutinelui- tt-onehe' ibyuiighmas et lii'Hy-h'de, Lanl Yr sil- hntil eii i vIit'yos tie t hifonS 1ti-,yd fr o t e si
lieondayl' ll g0 toit t 'it'lilttt'I5whife gaits, rs T he Ce tur'itie h'ilnyi, fsit tiwereitn mhl ctt uoti ii t'' tl uinhi ct' li-ttsmes tiis Mosa t e l
I ThutstdllhI' ndit'It. i. te-i'nou l 5 sI lwI'i-hl g' l-- i"s'-'' -isiiait.'i e siltl rsui u'utl u til t a ndtutillide ii thi lt s td
tihittit iii' Itiititwors oft he lt iihlow i l Ourilautl'ortiiil' s i iuls': ii-si i'uul'u -iclCtes t i'htup andi crowutiIedy aloudhs t)ow h iii'dto
o liis i' llthI i nspew u tdulu'we s Si-it. Co I-pluete otbal.iliiSchedule' _ IIii hli i L .' Iute S i tS i llncytun, l i'opuriy antI hotlhet
sb 1'idi~t3ttl 1itill IItufh 111th5 li'" ;. tlit. t{ lt' it StiltA l 1''.(1",i l111t ii mst Il, itlit' liii's :tullt l tulit';."y fiftty-two 'Sotmuiays inl1-acltpyoutlh'im t
--ah f1 111'N tuu IIii. 1II I I fl alh l m .a ll 1H Il-lySit hiu.~" Iut Iua htnnishltin uie'n O f''ILull t. Hit-
1{<ti- I iI ilI.111"i li-I." i 2 5et). in.I c- 1111it ii AutitA '. M1 usieur LsRoux itt!'s1ltl ttee ('his utditsne'e lt ki)f t eI
} lht1111'I1 1 I .lt, «i1' iIt i t' 'I t ltfl1 I' Nuts1 I I'(ls' tIht iI 'uiu i.t'O1I1Ir ln tit fogy' I'tlactitttt-t111 . lIke'
llt 51 f1 ii'"c;(w!I .1tipel flm uS-5 lat:nIhm Ieie.'lt iu u- I tli ltA -u itmmi-tsCs sia rn"uttui1'"iutivi'el IntI-Its
i hoI f111lt:i"i h ls. ''lty' Nth. ts \ iutt t i 'tuit'. 1iuugi's T'hthhI;x, huL i . tti l I-tl brtI t i h111Iulim ht l' 'dti '" i1ssibly
" ''il ,gt iI"i i ii it t I 1i us. ii ltlt i -ii S lie " ''ttl iIle . sil i t l i L. 'ii ll ii'111' itie hittmtlute it t 'lIti ~ i
:r+ Gt1'ill Sj! t 1} i,. l i t tilt'u i iI-Nuts i,''1 :is"'isfiiiill 1 ' i' tti hit's iI] t+' I i I itis i i 1',I tu-l itt . d ]lut a gjro ut lgmli (si5t 1, h ttnith f
oh "1 1 :ttt iti 15 I!':I thu m~f1ttl-atiiitt' S - hN;-1iw ltl. III x1' ;1)1-is itI 'tiss tt. utA! kuues' !whit .h ' (-i )a., get ea t oesesa,1 t t117., hN t'e
T e ii.1 ",- 1 :t- l- IH l ii . culttubu i. ls tt; 'iiututu eu-il bgfsiti sitelettI - ,' t yU ime g luts tusd- 'b)4 ij' e u ;14-he' beaumlilluo
Itfll t--l ut),t-li i itu 'hutue I-lS - ---ls il tgt--ss-tutu'ut'.1',11t1:] 1 -i['s. ,it'lul-tus- -t-l "( :..londt y mil g, ltmvill 'si 11111 ight
:1.enhy 'tile'sX11>I 'lu ]s si. ilian iflf:lnv thet-eu . inm-i-lte, <1life'l of tr..ittif':
Itlfir - ' l'f"" 's',-'-' .11!- .!'1r' _ i eiut'I.!'u l l-ammdtll~l's, uuiVui-ut !iti ithuss''t 1 ort-n t si. lsts Iuuue alitinisou 01i 11ho e digiltimS wordl Is; ofi
F' i -1 t S-t1 gust i t i s i ,'- mm S i . i iin it o ,, i a l i l am I s m a s i

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