To TpCoat's They'ire Al!tHere Stpring Hat R RainCoats; Every article of niens appareling approved of Spring Neckw'ear bv fashionable dressers rn SrnSit D M KfN&K[r FnyShirts JOHN J__ SOHANZ HAS. DIETASI XESO ffNR 601 EAST'WILL AIMS STREET 115 WEST HURO0N ST., Phone 506 Thi sace belongs to Goojrd GoA-%vern entCu EGYPTIAN DEaITIES ' "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made" EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Crk Tipped. 45<>-p By CalIi ng FINE ARTGOODS Framing a Specialty. B11TuLCIIFIELD'S Trde Fine Tailoring L UNC -) OM 1064 E. Hiuron. - - - Established 1881 338 S. State St. "1 - 'tiff1 t If t ;a ii lt lI lj t' i MICHIGAN NOTES. GRANGER'S 't' 1t1[i+ illti't'tf f;I^ .j. t"1 t'- t;l ts t'Ii .ll1 tr i: (v art till. 1 " t :i it"ll-II If/ilttii N* ~ il'IIIIill: I ff2i i i f1-i. fitS ifN. I .I ?1 I11 If i lI t I f0 II 1, if41ff if x ,ioff 111f-if "11 If,. tul V . I i iff:;,1 " ihi i - :,zx . liI111:I -N, ,. hf +"I f M f111-V ~ ~ i- _ ACADEMY OF DANCING i" ft11 _ '; 2..t' . -'.wit - i 4 1' Vi 2 l.. a4 f f1 . fcf l) . f 'Stf 2 2i - j f-f- Iif:i f1 fifl1~ I NEW QUJ TFERS, _ _ _ _ _ -l id "'; - ; . , - ;f I ?,f - - ii Cahli urh a M. HCOH EIIN. 1:0a. m. Vesper.-:i730p. m.1 it{. 1' i1:1t- V011 :rld T 4'a Term for Beginne-b faa- , -1,' ft' Nol 1ff-fil oifi, yo a 1 day+ewening, Jan.14,$3O( l i- ff1t ffffforii Pli is .1 1ff f1111 fv 2 .ir a. luvftation dancing I liit f1,' w"f1 of1 :t .tfflntt ' 1 3: 1111 fa- S l dc - ~a f"-enifl.s. Untverstg -- /iV ffif. fO Li 1 11f. f fcig cademy. - Prof. FW. Scott, Instructor. STUDENTS I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F Wf - -----IwWILKINSON, Will "4 Pourtland Cafe ) 1 / O ROSIy' BILLIARD PARLOR1 3125S. STATE-SPEE:i SFORi~ STXLU'_ L HOMES' v LIERY LiberiStN Rowe's City Laundry, Work neatly and prtomptly lone t5ell 'Phonfe 457. - -4110 Detroit S 0. M. MATN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 4'l e e2W) S.4th Ave PhoiwQ#. S WSe n9S th v Pi arn t 10lanc on call. Pia w')f id; l2Mjt.I RL12~bI~ 1Hot Roal; Beef Sandw fiche, A.LHN ' PA M C Ui. SPALIJING & u A ABROS. *1t~ 7 . akes o SOLLEGIATREET. +~ . ' zOWSan IO I i If- 01ffi ffIffI t, 7- If ff f A aaOGOW:a Huge Jonson's >>Lx : 5t. ' JI' r SAINITARY( tPLUM~BING Artt4.11a . Elelti i auff f 01 aru an Rot'', a:,:Vr iAtf 1>EAST WA-HI. 1 N 1 . ___ _ _ S ack I DrIess Shits Press-ed, 50c. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR. TAILORS. 1ff)a E. Withiam t. Filr.t Store West of State street. t+4C ti WE PATRONIZE G-OODYEAR 'FOR DRUGS. -----------