Z " 'ZI: F z6 MICHIGAN DALY-NEWIS PUB. CO.!In. MANAING EDHIAITOR. {a?.' It. I 1' , '.1DTdf i U Kit' l t'. "I'. ti ir ;II ;I\' tt; iili ..E IIII11!'I, It11i ik CC xvik "Tht, \\ ill tit' 0+"1.11 I01t1 h ^ is in Pvii, rt -immi \\ttrdty t,# d w ;l1ll'tlttl". W IM I r qlth , ON W !, 1111, ko i ON; ii rmnOw f"r i llt, Or>r 11111,". IllitAT Ills ll t"d :ititl Mai, 0111 1w %;;In lift 1H.T1. l1ritkIl iilllttglalisi, lout 111:11 Iii, t\ ;is t :- c llli;lil\" :1 A-lil/,t'll o f I'll- H 11iit"41 Itt'r to!' 111J. 1":11 11 11 :1tt':ll iln- t1l;lip litt°ti :11 riit, 4 r:11p1tqir o f tai f{t i i fll~ti ' t . -it t!it ou t'lt 114 a~o ii f~ 1ta il ;tllllll;3 ill t+ ; t^.1 w1 -1ro II 11 sxttlt' fl("Iinr' ono t'ol-.111. t t"t ;il f cr.zatl,:+. its f i li+ 1 x.71 JL -~ + trl 1' , }+ f ealer in is ttI . i it ti~ C HAFING a GREATSP tat JEWt ii; Ii cir+"-ttt itl } }t I ENRY c rt, 1".. MECHANT TAILO' E tt C ll tl . iN 1 c . t I~~l~ l- I l~r s1 111=tit U 'lr " itt' tilt it'411 !ii ii AT JALLEN"S $io and $15 Sult. and 0 ercoat {K- 5-e S t. ITtile Neat. trs~ o an $2'0 to $5.0 { Athiens Theatre *lo nlattApril ; Kirke LaShelle opera C IN'THE. ELABORATE 1OPERA ()PAIQ 4 A $25,000 PRODUCTICr3 "The PrifuncesCi Prices: 50, 75c. $o,000.5. as the ;'PFriowcess Chic," ' 1 -.J... ,,. .^,,,,. ,....,...w...,._.,__________.__,_________________----",------.- ,....,..- -'-- PING PONG Table Tenn is ittate past year has miade a perfect fuirore in ttrig .And:ito id ltt o that - PUNCH'" nas made it a subject for caricature ont ts instpages. it is only necesaary to play one game and bec rtirtt' ticed that this is really th' most fascinating indoor gande on the niarkdtt. A room full of people nsay be kept interested in, the play, thereby increasing the pleasures of an evening party, be- sides creating an agreeable diversion for tthe ptayers thenmselves. We have theit from lfl~f ti( ;.r (toQ n('In'er set. SHEEHAN & CO' Uniiversity BoksteIer'4 -in ts tate 5tr1" -u t "vtlluj.'OilIAN ~hAND ts 1A 'ii k. ?WL,5t i BY.EROG& N'b 11t