~t1il. NIJCiIIPANPAILY -NEWS Zf. HNi k~w rH .. Yn. le ... - DAL:.N- ES r - vz , , , 1 t I - I CI f 1N .) I d4N\At .R . i, jncc 1 :ll [ 1i"it t - Il _' iI l AC!IA B tIPI tc\P~ I. I Wy. EtticI pttc hhriufs p l t{tk hiX ;I rlltk !: l I i 1x.3 kl' ' ~ - I I}I VIl. ~ l }x- } N . . . 1 1 I 1 I 1 ,6 ,.. ;i (! f5 { i Wahr's Bookstores EI t'', . i . xrr,," a+i. .111 In FullSpply i~r) I .OVA C cr. [ Paf." I I StI LS I m C Na 1114 iI H.- L. PERKINSInd D~ealer jits !1Ikf "E-,S IALINIS1IINO ,'OHAFING DISHES GREAT SPEOIAL- IAFELR THE PLAY It I T ' " l it~l-k j1V '1pC !i L 1 1 11) Mi..T MLR I II - o 4 l }Eli 1k el l i4', i _li W, + 4. . 3 - .,w p-m°.x* .e " ejr '1' 4 ''*~s" " * '+" °" 'de- m, Oah-k k ""i ' t _e sYere - - ,I1 .3I _ ,II ---- - "._-._v.._ . .. --1 1. -ILNH lhVI for11N kII 11 cr:atutre 0on Istt P O. is ik l c(P nary toi) pay one gal;l nd be1 Ta le T nn sthat this is reallthe most f ascinating indoor game on + _ °-i~t. roo fu of eopl ma be eptinterested i the play, thereby increasing the pleasures of an evening party, be- sides creating an agreeable diversion for the playersthtemselv-es. We have them from $2.50 to $ 10.00 per set. SHEEHAN & MQ University Boks9ellers. 32o.So. State ,street 1,;- CIIIAM. WUOLWAa..MAND) iCThALL, ILIVE ILTI) OAN I kAlT OF THlE UITY. kiIGANS, 1II S. SAMN 8jijyT-