TEll ~lft'H1fAN~DAlLY~-NEXVii I Ih Most Gon in inul mu ~tw oh o hatwo 1t tr tO 11 C STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES t0~~~' 'to otroor e tot to a .~o who. ao Watt 0:1. We ~ at Cototoand :hr an;aaCe W 0' 111CC 1 11 POnt; r etc ot0 es are. The oak. 'to o:tat' 'F o Jo Ceart t~e :oa~ onat itt thet (ORt, at It 10101 ~000 tort o theIr ret Otat or V at rot rho okigotto Inn t ethC 0! Ott iahr CI r railorop, ho. perot. itoh to 01 tOt 0 p ~ Itoor 01 0 Pt flit 100 0 STEtN-BLOCH CLOTHES re, ft. on have worn the 1 ha ly ti re irProot;:; 'alt: 0 dnibtfooiiakeotiei 1(11 to 111 t 1 real op - + J 4 4 4t 4 40 + 40 iF 4 4 + 4 40 4' 4 + 40 4 It 'ust Received It ~ 1 I Wet -kOtOOW' a~quist He o~o~i~ Scale A it hi hue ~titt.r device' deeroonong the . vtatt of ettitoenloblit, etc. 3ERBACH & SON, Li I,. itt U Stiect ___LINDUNSGIIMIII & tW~L, EGYPTIAN DEITIES N0 better Turkish Ci~garet~~~ ean be made," EGYPTIAN I! III I :1411111 11t4 i I : I ur r R. S. PAUL, imiVniur X ou iv ill find a nice line of When Yoy B~~iu~i 120W. Washington St. Suit and Top Coat I4~S" ~ Butter and Fresh Ligg a!- way on hand, at reasonable HERE, prices, (ilve rue a trial and be aonv inced. You Buy Right3 'trot ~ e ~ it (irentest variety of all new goods TUT'~'~ made expressl3 for young men. Special consignment of [laster 1 t~ use read' d LUNCH ROOM tire r tare tv of I .00atrl' Vies S. 5tate St. tot t rote' Ito you 338 STAEBLER & WLfERTH, ~ (iRANCiEP'S (~oerk Tippeet) H ILLER F MI(HIGA~ YOFES. -oooooooI0oo 0o0001ot10 t toil Ott. too I 01 IttItt ', tot' tl.'tttoo'tt.i I It 0 tt t; 5' tdp ~torV it ortoo'tyot A .10110 Jt0tI " 0P itt '1. ['rot I" W Si tILt, le.~trnctnr. Ctttttottic Chrrch; 'litoses &(iO. thou) a, in.; t'aeoplt 7PotY ji. in. 1 BICyCleS Repaired, IC ott' ott trtii. WENGER, I t'0 ' " 1~ it BILLIARD PARL RS ItOak 0It0~00i(0t It lUMP OttO Pitt t 'II " ' 00 0111 't't, o 00" 1 it tooktt 3t2 ~ 51'ATF STkEET t0to';.oo.t ii ti tt~i '"I' '0 ottO t"tt'tt'11 C Jot tO Ittit' tilt STYLE New Material for Why Not Own BURNT WORK, Cittoc it aid ALWAYS also Cauteries for same GASOLINE 1'aAVRON1ZE 1. oo> 2 Ct "'It I1IJL~E 15 So. Main St. 1' .11010 7 to~ 00, to"'' Ott 00 - ~1 " rt oJoiFiP0 0 11iitj p;t~ 01110 toottitit) to; otttttoiOOt 00 oeltto I 0i~JniverSittY? o 1' it itoh' jut 4IUDENT L N ~RIOR MFG ~O. 4AIN St'l1[ttT 10,0 tOo 01.0 to ittO tOAlIttit 0 1 'ito 0 0' 0 Lttiiottt00 A 4' 'IPAI [IIN(i & [tRO 0 Itot it A it 'too' I 1 I 000000 1 ii. Iii All N( ot t 0 ItO 00101 Oo ii 10100 10001 Al tUe & ititito ii 1 Itt '0 1 OJItCiOWftS0 01 OCCipOTY tot CONES II LOGE FLOUt COI0LEO1C 00 E T NTZ GOG YEAR OK