JI Eld: BAN LAiTY--VEW S 'oCoats They're ll ere Spr ing Ha ts m ain CoasvEery article of niens appareling approx-ed of Spring Neckwear by fashionable dressers SSprin ut D~MKh LL. Fancy SirtsĀ° '~ ~ ~ ~it ILL- :ii,: j~ - -iiIttI1-i:i- i-ilutr I S ia u-+4 fl' it 9 : H a0 9at: i H .. JOHN J- SOH"ANIZ OHAS. "'1.I5 isAmEN TAILORS 601 EAST WILUiAMS STREET DIETAS EXC.EL5IOR LINbRT DPY WORK F, PE CIpLTY: HFXNDWORh This space belongs to Good Government Club I EGYPTIAN DEITIES "Nu better Turkish Cigarettes can be made" EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Crk 'ipped.) Our ine orN'2 COLUMBIA CRESCENT PIERCE, STEARNS, SYRACUSE and others M.STAEBLER'S VNLSBILLIARD PARLORS~ 3a . STATE STREET SE0IR STYE ANu-j ~f2ECI.i- 'a. SUDENTS:1 PATRONIZE HOLMES' 1RO's iy Laundry, UMMARTIN.., fUNER1AL 5 r; I3RE TOR f Our stog with p1, are sup have yt 106 E. Hu r I' 'V r t '3 1 i Ai'- ' 1 N,,.- .I 5 GtilUSIfN J. ALLM[NDING[R 1)1EA11;IR IN... ^ ..NOTIOE,,,, FINE ART GOODS Framing.a Specilty. )ck is nows alnmost complete, and is resplendant YJIC . i r t. - Aun Abo leasing and intricate colo ringl' and designs. NXX treme in the art o fashi(oning them, so call and STU DENTS I our choice reserved. 1'o an5! unshyu latoen ci~al? , cllani sc atbei relm in ('J5flr~' Fine Tiloriiiei heeI have sri]ond-ntove 1, H F EaiSr-ng tals, crs, ec.,ind ill wI]I ,~III~dLI4.J~ Trade. ron, - Established 18811 F. W. WILKINSON, 3i11 S, MaltSt. MICHIGAN NOTES. TUTTLE'S Iti '. -t l'? 7:Li. .T i,-~ tt{ c- ,-,.11' LU CIn1;ROO .1. . tti~N. .338 S. State St. 11iI t ii -t " (' ti}t3 .1 idtiil{ ~ :tr'r -Il C orrect D ancing Cla s or private lessons by Mlr. ad Catholic {church:; Iasses 8:00, Mrs.itoss Gr ager. Prograiu Matinee 10: 30 a. m Vespers 7:30 p. m. Satiurday 'ifrernoos. Aootrmbllea T.W ne sd'iay arid Saturtday evenings. _____ Wsm oveHCGHRtaeIN, hado 1' 3 ', 1 3 3 t i.i . t z~int r rit -no ctIeii ill Poirtland Cafe t""'. c eI ;i Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Ii Huron dary and night. wiit hi uo St. - Opp. Court house Alin iiL-ho' tMltti'.'Co. ii 7 1:2. St1t~ ', .t -ii>r ' ii ' Remember!. Remember! Thereis onyoneplaceir:teci-where Yiou i'tan aiwar s get night aid Sturday irlU sO"- ' ice by .siripi v}presting the fhvtt '. l t t rgiltside itt iii' dii' IL. CUSHING'S PHARI ACY Buy your Cigars at THE I ELMONICOUI EET Ri IC OlANitli adtroitILL- N1ORtKS Hugh Johnson's A 0 , A.,tT.-': ( i J.I . i t-SlC. N'1.11 ti t rĀ° z - lii DANCING Th' Seconid Term for Beginners coat miii 'vs Trirstrty evening, Jan. 14, $3.04 for 12 il--' -os. itvittitiort dancing p) tr SatL;rday evenings. University Iii -.clug A'adem'ny. Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. $ AG.SALDIN' & BROS. I "Ift0tLi e l )tht eitltr-l A it 1 II, C' t7 & Pits's., DRUG:Is.ofl WE PATOZEGOYAFR