.00 Fonsorrossi C ,,SU°.an low LunatcheoutaiByns Cigars 308 S, State St. Law Books, Medical Books t If You went to buy, sell o x change, call oan C. E. BARTHELLz t , YIL. A D IL - ,W L 1: t 20 / ri Wahr'5 ABoo~store* H. L. PERKINS d t' Dealer in + MEN'S FURNISHIN%15 CH S4AFf NG DISE ,,. .,"r ew line ls ie. See oil" r, TI3 , T l')LAN 0 HENRY& 4k Sccessors to Henry MERCHANT TAILORS in 709 N. Univ. ASSe tIur Spring Stock is Opel,1 inspection ' k rlt 1 'i' is 4 o A t1,i00 ' ,t1 t lt'~ 1 I~ I :tt..It ruord , I t 0. orior 1 ) llt'- o of' 'Ii Ct'l ,(l ' t rwtaIi't i; ~l1 l''' ttil t o o.t'". ,i I'r't'TllofI2' tic 4 III) '1 1 nsn will not (i-ac your lme; olla0 rs o 00 undried wi wear twiceas'og as otherwois Toledo Laundir Agency, 121 S. Slai streetSn Aibor. Phone 545. I f. ins= grade, o mus00iv i t.o 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.4. .44444141iiIIIIll I11 I14 1' 14.- ..I AT ALLEN'S I + 4. 4. + Athens Theatre TWO GREATEST SUCCESSES OF IIE CENTURY THURSDAY, MARCH 13th CHARLES FRZOHMAN'S company in the greatest comiedy s ever written DAVID HARU M D~ramatized from Edward Noves Westcott's novel. Prices: 25, 50, 75, $1.00. r FRIDAY, MARCH 14 [he famous American and European Comedy, THE BELLE OF NEW YORK, From the Casino, N. Y. City. Music by Gustave Kerker" Hugh I"lorton. Mr. F. .J. Connelly and 50 others. Ai Prices: 50, 75c, - - Lower Floor, IALL. Spring Styles in the celebrated Dunlap Hlats now Ready.. .EN OUTFITTER TO 7IEN, IN1 IISOUTH MAIN ST. Ir #++++++++-I-++++++Mi ++++++++++++++++++++4-i.++++q toto f--To Tre a n o 1 d" LI A I 0- n UnriversityIokelers, w- Y=-_ - - 2o S..State Street .011 ;CREAM.4, WHOLES...ALE AND) IIITAIL, "DELIV'E~IED TO10ANY I'OT 1?THE LT. MEGAN'S, 110 9. MIaN STI3T.