frYE MI !l1GA_ DAILY--NEWS Z-q Q Cq1 z < 6; Q- 0 O 0a The L , - «;_ 'A 441DAI ', - ' The 'A.01 1ITS NEWS. r. l" 1 : 'e 4 ~:1 MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB. GC. (Ir~ea P - }' . 5e 1.' '' .4 44 . 4.?'awG W. liras1-4 . . 11 441H ICSINESS 'ISNAI4FR. TT()14]I IN-. 7411- L. 11. W44Ni 44.. I- - Y - 4. '- . ! 4 - b3 - - 4441o 44 oiti n l o flit 114 1V4 '' 3111:141 t I1t14he ll4 444114 44411 l ^' il'4441 ,441441 '4 1 144 4' 4444444 44444144(^1.'' 4 d 414. 44 4-4414-:Iv1 r'1'll 444444t 4) 1, 1 4 Son444 'r.t'+ti 4 liv i I I a 1f w 44 44 44 .tom444 14 h t l I }1 41 a > 1 4-4444.44';list44ty 14I!. ; 4.4tt 4 4 +) '4' 41 1 Il ' 444 kti-'c411444444.44 t5't- IV4- ill the o4444441444441l 2h14-4. 04"O4e4po44. NewBoo113 Ati14 -Lytihe author O 'I 0 4 il ays-I-, Alfred 1 (1 1 Lewvis, '?s B.o'4415Witlh the (;rreeS The (-ian1's Gate--By M~ax Pemllberton. The Portion of Labor-By Mary, E. Wilkins. Letr Not Man Pult Asunlder. By Basil King. $I.2 0each. l 14.l4' Meth~ods of Lady W l dehnrst-By Fran814 $ 1 urlettI.. . . .. j 0 lOhr Presidents an~dIJo018' Male Tilemi--By C01- X. M4clul-.4.. 16 WahrS Booksto res Gym -41A%144444Shirts44 1 10~ H. L. PERKl!9,n ' o 2(,Dealer inigitrb EN'S FURNISHIN" Ne4fra nd44444 CHAFTI NG DISHES Olur ne1w line [451 came. See 04ur GREAT SPECIAL A ci: 1 .;-;r T E PLAN' 44-4 07,411 .44.434 Fresh Strawberri es4 Served at the Fountain Tomorrow'. CRU:SHES and SUNDAYS 20c QunAOR R Y' S sC F.I « .' }i Y '444 4441444 ho4 .y -444 44i4t144f4414- 14444.14 444444 44. 1144- 4144.1'nts room ill 14 :?41_!1% 41144l1) ''4'4' 14 4 44 4 44444444 '44444 'I I'( 'D' {I1144 44444444'i flli'lt12 -1.-I- Il'' w - tv A dt'4f~? :,4444 .s1444- 44-- 444 .. '<' I4';4' l I'414t