THE MICIILGAI\% DAILYi--NEWS -044--ot to to-Its q The Most GonvInGino TWiO that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would he to introdjuce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of thetr reputation that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter asy part of their production. You don't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why daly with the unknoer. quantity of doubtful make,when you can guy the real thing'? LIND[,NSGHITI & FtL I I I I IF YOU WANTA MICROSCOPE MIscOAiOtIE, SII It ypaINCU- tAT'ORt, iiEN'.IIItaE boL H-NIMCY- 'I'O.IIE'ITER, A LIL MSN&t .IETEt RI3HA- n~lAALT0BINOsI'ER, URCOAST- FER, t.JIINOCH~ IEt L, HERNO:ME- ''3r . rainy thlr 'toe 'scope or tnore. wri t;l be lferi dto show you ou 'urSr 1fle e irattr you iterestii v BEOACH & SOH, Isuporters and Manufacturers. I + 4. I 4. I 144.4.4. 141 I4-4. ,+P+i 1+111IP4'lll!14 HIM ObioF+4H #i i # 4 EGYPTIAN DEITIES No better Turkish Cigaretes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Cork ipped) IT'S: NO JOKE To buy a shoe that look's wel and fins it doesn't wear. THE HIANAN SHOE has stood th e test of tre. With Neat appearance and L.OW Prices. S 'Iv; A; N'' GEO. H. MILLER 2tr2 S. MAIN ST. ::GOTO.- : REyNOLDS BILLIARD PARLORS TIr' OLDlFL IA 131 312 S. STATE STREET SFOR STYLE . AND _SERVICE... TU DENT S ATROAYS PALWAYIZE SHOLMES' SLIVERY ~Z j Liberty St. Row's City Laudry, W rk neatly and promptly done, elphone 47. . 410 tetrot St. Q, M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR 515e093 4th Ave Phone98 Re"t it. X-18,th wv. Phu'14 Am cea cll. I v I i I to i i i i , i i i i i m I I w P" ii Tf -iTTT f-T .TT f-Ti " _i _f f i_ " _f f f f f f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - TH .~Ti"ORK" i8ack Suit Staebler Of any stit in our store to the firsti 50 prrrchosers this week for $12.00 Our black and blue sluits ex- cepted, but will include anyc broken lots, overcoats, trotus- erg,..anderwear at less titan cost. "The New Store," &Wuerth. MICHIGAN NOTES. Mr-e. (;Irr"'Dlrir in Zaslvirra.'',,3Catholic Church; I'lasses 8:00, , harsrrtrtn;tirrrhrid ar rniber or therJ1l0:3O a. mn.; Vespers 7:30 p. mn. I r i rI ''of, re int rrrtf ir I,1 irt 'IIy tof___________ W 3 '(n5 I.V 1er'M. pirs, at Hael-sr lti, uit ll,,l~llt"rhat tire Li rt r- rr'rc'rr'atsstil rr' sir rrnd 0r,1rall Call trp thr AnnAror AMusi'cCo. trioer taier ' air atrd ;'rrsvu e arrd getthe Chequamegon Orcestra l~~cialofc aios, oro el5'ltierrra, parties, dnces, etc. tf Tl rri s \ r a rer r trrtn01(l ti -- b~ida119 -ettre -rl'r r tm'« r r. 50' -rag; 'twe a valentine. (Airr a' ir' 111" ,'tior latc, Ottre <>lliior e' I er:anter' tallarlesruah-e aara'rtalrle val- ,t orn'rtrli 1 errnre rtt' fot'' erreiri " "taire". ArirrAero :Music: Co. a io i lk-)IIrtorrr Ixrr'rr"'l antie irlt rt~ to rr'lre ' rrrh_ a rrrrulr'rrr Yor'rrrerrtLarw. XMeriarl ant 1)('r11a S~r I .i~'r''r'r I sr' 1'1 'rer I hle ok.-r-;' rter irl r'vr'lartge, oret'illpa N e 'Ae.5. rrerrart tt rr '' 'Hre .'''Pulrl... t rti Cit. r tr)'rw fau'et1 :Ilitlrr' tktan L'+IjfSkates 'Ground and Repaired white you waif, at Bailey & Edmunds, 121 E. Liberty St. DANCING Tho, SeernldTerm for Bgirnte rem- mest u'iesd(ty eveltb, lt. 14. x:3.01 for litl e.. s. Invtratiorurning parry Soloed'ayevns. Utierity Dainrrinrg Ararey. Prof. V W. Scott, istructor. Bicycles Repaired, Alsor frll l, ineofbiycle stntrier tires erc.aLcItre tirlg and Ier WM. J. WENGER, A. G11. SPALDING & BROS. Ofcil r0 0 0t nioAih r jrle'i e C',1sr t'reh i,(tiriie r "radng0hive arirArti(titirc io i tyA ( e41e .onivd a r Nr r y ,i .1e)ca eo Altivct-rrr. GOWNS g, (ld a heband',. DS THE 8PI.DJN COL agLEC A. G C.SALDRNG &BRCS. A.t;l t l ri ret rr r' t'er're ie1rr t 33 '4 41 r-tr errto irrtrrtLov..S3rri;r}1, ih ith * errleeer' AtoS1 ' ' rv se 1Our'' r1,1 S . F' itlh aer s1e' "S Grt 01a1eacnllirdae at'hr Toleedo; Ltreirrry. Urnly'te e rartie tf Ailil-iiterrp5ire.te At,-11''a IJE-- I, lAY ST SOREt. Ilt'e rr 'i itt i ; Je ar i Ft a Ii lKite Stare (lir1i. :;1tS.i it atV' s New Material for Why Not Own a 'University? 4 T!!Rl, Cm I m e l~t ie(1 also Cauteries for same GASOLINE STUDENT LAMPS' - AT - MIARIK HIA M'S B AL AR THE SUPERIOR MFG CO, 329 S. MAIN SREET 213 So. Main St. T.aatter .or ,ana tr iir v ie r e u~ughELECTRIC ORANITE and SMARBLE WO01KS 1Hugh Johnson's as.At e i. Prp. i4 treriandd- tatertr r0 ae, t4U. lrrrar -i titttOretf ARTISTIC MEMSORIALS. W-rerade alen (gay ret- nigirt. itoarri $2.5aller wk. ir ici n ieee "v'9. 0 Oe0(4 Dtrrertit. J. F' SCHUH, ff. h Gae Mantles and Grates.Elecitrieal Con.structon ad Sppies SANITA~RY PLUMBING Arius - vite and Electric Fixtures. Steam and Rot Wster iieattn.n m 5a. rrrner 207 EAST WASRINGTON STREET. Sack Suits Preyet] . - 25C Trousers Pressed, - 0c Dress Shits Pressed, Soc. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. et9 E. William St. First Store West Of State Street.j WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.