THlE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS We Will Announce... .ipritig t i untiStn r iWoo;- }iii fir l11tt'2W4- r an sho-n .atde line of AN,( t'oo ai ittiittt , ltrotlng s ann foreign and 1donntit. VonY:': p t i~n t! oliitftil C H, WILD CO. loE.Washington St. THIN WHITE SLIDES, 66c. gross SLIDE BOXES , For 25 slides.......... : For 100) slides ........ 2 For .200 slides.... ......, 'i QUARRY'S CAMPUS D)RUG STORE WATC11 FOR R. E. JOLLY'S (TREAT JANUAVY' PIPE SALE Everything Must Go. Law Books, Medical Books', I f iiwant to bny, sell or ex- change, call on C. E. BARTHELL 3,24; ' t 'tate "'t Ut . ' x> mnovemnt in his geat 'C'omneora- tion iii"-' the on that rt - M q . . W S at'e spohaps't t highestNvinier D A I1~E S toark in th4 i i itry o the great patriot iu:'r of Att-n~fa. It Is the nohie(st CIOMPRISING iitt'lary pnidttti u n oatrebythe The U, of M. DAILY,. 12111Year. The 'VARSITY NEWS, 1st Y'r. -III " . fi ,il is t"sI iiti t t i iii ii ii iii'"tmnm'nt at .riugfietd,; iot tttn tiirttt o: Altrithllit tLnnoit11thI Ini Thitaipson McKaty wrote hisI ta iItinl!ti t'of triblist' it tO Ipaid tt " tit'Thet' I 'totaj'th,' and int Ititi trooghoatt rhi'0ioutnti ~to 1th imto i i u i4" T homnitpson, a soldier front 'the! upator. Atu idtdirtsstuttdor slti' tite tttt4r iside,'reatd his 'Linra tn's G(t'e' 4 "Itinstlt itet3 and ;oiineh"titytmt'ttlt'o'cttto Phi Beta SKnppa n' ' ity of telltk-itiwn {hii'a i'htrtnti, aki n Iltirvird I itstrotty, a p it- (nst'ting K oyd ..on-'s is a depa't art, it the o t6I(-int ranasi trulotsan od ouittumars trithit*,ant it tttr-tine ten'it~i'iappt 'tis'and 'ju Ti- andtiffig b ooc;gae-lKt t~i2 , exswohss t o -sfrow it: tutuli'ttunit aitg the Liooho song; "M t Olil War i-ants to tnVr iS-it tntifntieinort for the Norta or for Iondd thi' inteiration ot the pot in iutti "'lithhot tar iteuntite ounotry."; moantylrs'tloit. TONl 'al tt I-hfttrami __________ giains thet' warwttsu'wne-;it ihiltle-d, 1 L4'E ON TUb I)DAILY-NEAN'S t'tltis't'ttttl him: ititidi tutu i tl- SAFF' is101"l i 'ii it'lush o llit illsilt ' 1 a watT ft e itt iii tI o ture an ; 'tlll i at i i i i ttit It ii tt it qtil it .I tt 'it'st ' t iti iii itI l I"il r0 01atioll o wi~~r "til t n It ;liii i, atf l ok Lk vey hn Text BooliS New and second' hand for all depart' ments of the Ui x'ersitv at Wahr's BOOKStores Gym Lab. Snts dtt v HdA~.t L. PERKIN10$ Ct Mas Deacr in lo MEN'S PURNISNIo NeokwearOl and Undccwear CHAFI1NG DISH56 Our new line js came. See our GREAT SPECIAL' Drop in aadtvrBRtTHro in n t l Lunches of alt kitl' 14F Hiurn St. Nex o I? OarnealloLinerin the AeitNC(, shown. Contai'iinalthe fN,' SUITINGS and TO STYLE GUARANTEEp f Phone 226 - 709 N."JII Its+I 4. f. I SPORTING ISPORTINGi HEADQUARTERS I THE HEADQUARTERS DELMONICO 302 S. STATE STREET t~in t f -tf'+ f r~ avr ii ot' s un i t -ii asiti i iin i ty. e'mRitti etit ti Athens Theatre One Performance Only, MONDAY, FEBRUARY I7 dings tgal iowtititana'Pituoitt ei n i l)' ells " iltriri ti R. HARRY IVARTELL dong al teti e hoe ; 3 3bal P'resentts a platy with aimottal .t otrong an a sert)'" SobM ohKEH OUE HJll VLUN1IfJ 1ii 16IIE. HURON STREET .+1 hoeaeantd Retail Cigar Store. Smtoke the ,iontbtlelard' ___________FRED E. - 1lhdrdbflet'y itgb HEPQURTRS/GILBET QSRTRS PRICES: 25, 35, 50, 75. y Scat sale Saturdayti. LAWV' BOO KS, SECOND SEMESTER, FIRST YEAR. SECOND YEAR. THIRD YEAR. 5 P'omeroy, CmdieRemedies... ...... $4 50 Hlolland's Jurisprudnace, 9h i..'''3 Clark's Criminal Proedu re........ $d3C5t Wilgus!, Cases on Corporation, 2 vol...tX) 0 Cooley on Taxation; 2d Ed........36 Mechemns, Outlines of Agency....... 1 (t) Greenleaf on Evidenee, Vol... ........ & 00 Elliott on Municipal Corporation.." S Mechnms Cases on Agency ........ 2 (00 Mechems Cases on Damages, 3d Ed.... 3 (00 Rood ont Attachments: . "".. Mechem's Cases on Administration SHEEHAN & 000rec University Booksellers, - - - - - 3oS.Sae5 ICE} 1158AM XXW'OLIOSALD AIDRIT AILDELIVERED TO A NS tPARIT OF-'TIlE CITY. ERG 'AN'S, 110 S5. MAIN Tt