THE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS Thle MOst GonvinGinoTingD that wie could do :hat would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ould be to introduce you to a roan who has worn them. WVe cannot command the tanguage with which to tett you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their labet he- neath the coat colar of their coats, and they are so proud of fabir reputation, that not the stightest dtefect cither of style. farcs or tailoring, is permitted to enter any tart of their production. ou(too't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, utilou o have worn them. Why daily vith the unknoc-,: lttantity of douabtful make,when you cans boy the reat thing'? I,LINDENSGflMII1 & I1AFtL 4 1& 4m MICROSCOPE iBTR.C (I ttP1f IE, lit St1i Y- Ct = I:'I I, 1IItI:tI 4 I ft''I: I 1. I,:t_1(X.U~I " 3 +:'I :Ii I IC'(1ZE'- b'I'lERL OI * - 4. lo Iortes ad Io tfaicturrs. 0 s e w P R' ®' 0 6 D C t B 6 t 1 EGYPTIAN DEITIES +!No better 'Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Cork Tipped.) ITS NOJOKE Fr0 lln, a SI1t s( 'ha",i ar~ THE I~INAN SHOE oss cd te 1lZeat ao; ) -Canst f pricesn P, +.++++++++++++++++4 , i { _ > / " y/ P ' J ' r ', i $ l i jJ 1 j i It( .,l_ THE CHOICE Of any snit in our store to thte first 50 putrchtasers this week for $12.00 R. S. PAU L, 120 W. Washington St. You will find a nice line of Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- ways on hand, at reasonable prices. Give me ,a trial and be convinced. Remember the Place. 'Phone l3ll. 120.A V. Waishfnlnt TUTTLE'S LUNCHDR'OM Our black and blue suits ox- cepted, but will include .anv broken lots, overcoats, trous- ers, untderwear at loss th m c'oat I sSta4 tail ( illt {'i !t![i :ll iii} "t IIiiI ilt" 1 1 3:t l' aill ,l GEO. Ha MILLER: HF~iusBILLIARD PARLORS ,the -Maie o41 .f t actoait i X12 S. STATE STREET POP STYLE SA SERVICE..J STU DENT S ; 4 ~ ALWAYS ± * PATRONIZE IhOLMES' LIVERYI Liberty st. 1 ROWB'5 City Laundry, Vork te 'J pcneaItly and promptly done, A owtft ,, - - 410 Detroft 'SL o, Ma MARTIN, FUNERAL bit DIRECTOR cr e 4th. Ave ~ ' Phone9,- tisi- ' t~ce{>caf vf Pi e ; i n : d; o. -I .1(d h t f t Ohsit Lissttt y. -ale.t Calkins' I Newr Materi BUR;NT also Caute: M4ARKH1A 2 :15 So. HughJ Psit'-t-r (afe, Ofen ctay or (it. Artitit i~tti andtb: Sack Suits Presser All our' 6t9 E, E YORK "TewSoe" 338 S. State St. ack Suit "TeNwSo," 1 bler & W uierth. )I, wl r loloIt o ''l"?:l t t}f ol t < 'Iil t e t i llit MICHIGAN NOTES.l":t i', ,l 11l 5111rl tr~tt ilit' ii- Catholic Church; -asseS 8(10, Bicycles Repaired, t-Nwilills 10:-30 a. In.; Vespers 7:30 p. m.eo ie-eiSl - '!' it ~li 1 1"lt t 1' 'iS ttl\ it i't: '- -'t} " il e l it-. 5 - ) ol Ii - itti -ii' ii''f-rs.WM d WENGER !''I t', i1it. ' i1-;- - fi;itis IIt+<' " DANOING t , 1 'o ' : l~ - . .(}el '( ? I t 5 staI tt i'1T rm fI iiitossner m' }F - l t l i't lil - , t -. it i-S atlft ' ' llgla . -I-1. til - ' ' "'t' '-a. -iti if. ti fS:l . ' I' Pi jo Pcoti ucto0 (111r. 1 ni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t1lI11S Il'lltlt S 'fif'I..-, u o iaif t'1St4 ii:{ IiiIt tittut- l' :iaituacy. i f I I flt'i l\'t'a i(I :1 ;lI \!'r"!'0 itlt Coto in aalSklits tGrousd 329l S. MAIN sre! iCO E. it ou(tit, (SatI ttl tite,( n i \ A TKla t-ss }+t, 'ili il - ni it e st-, itft AG.SPALDSINGOR BROS. lea i- 5. -ar u Jo no s (01Ai'ta li lt it lad ______________________ 'aliifo tr n Ys I 0 Nt AOwnICM OIOi i:=1 lit C ,. C L LEGy. IA APS Goods5c 'lrnaequPesed --~ rts terssa'mtse ssed, Soc. f fui wor gurateeiadydne roptl W11.0 KE~to'lRN &COf FULLER &I O'CONNOR, TAILORS.~tirlzw oll WAlTam tFrs-tr Ws tStae --------------------- WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.