TIIP, MICIGAN DAILY--NEWS - .. .:1II--I.3t1 i iti- 1t3331113 333:33 13333i;: :3 1+. ta;The Mom GonvinU Thios t could do that would tend to induce yosi to buy W~l eSTEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES weocannot to introduce you to a roan who has worn them. 'W antcommand the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to euter asy ipart of their production. You don't know how cheaps.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why daily with the unknown quanti ty of doubtful make when you can buy the 'real thing'? LINDENSGflMI11 & nrfftL I I IF YOU WANT A, MICROSCOPE TsRporte and MherAone 'corer mir l+41 I 1113311d 3543111++.I~t4?-ost .I EGYPTIAN DITIES "N14' better -Turkish Cigarette~5 can be made." EYPTIANj EMLEMS (C"rk Tipped. IT'S NO JOKE ur ' ~ .Shoe h,,nok's well ani finds r ti' Wear. THlE 1IANAN SHOE has tood the teat 0.:tirsj Wit Preaapearancean 1o Prces. ~E.H, MILLER 2 zS. M1INST. RE"NOLDS BILLIARD PARLORS iT I'OIl ) 1t11L1 II I ''(y the reaPftass c int -d 312 S. STATE STREET AND~ STYLE STUDENTS ALWAYS I PATRONIZE 0131 iiiiIq i I i 31:13 *i t 1113 i 0 r nIm IM to IWO OUR 2ND ANNUAL Inventory Sale, The Entire Stock of FANCY and MIXED SUITS and OVERCOATS will be put on sale for the Next 30 Days4 at 1-S OFF. tsvery Garment marked in plain fig .,es IEvery Overcoat included in This Sale. Every Child's Suit and 0vercoat r5Offl Fancy Percale Sbirts stiff bosom, detached culfs, $1.5o now $... .. . .. .. . Fancy Percale Shirts, stiffho; nis detached cuffs, $i 00 now ..........75c ALL(GREATLY REDUCEDIIAPRICES Staebler & Wuer'AIth. MICHIGAN NOTES. RS.PAUL, t 120 W. Washington St. You will find a nice tine of 6roourIs 0*. Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- ways on band, at reasonable prices. Give me a trial and be convinced. Remember the Place. 'Phoss-305 1 1. 20llSWs. Washings viiS TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State .St. S ernde el~lester t'(' miil i t, t' 't iiai 'it ilss iii jaf' .5 stily :li12 Maiynav Ird -1 Bicycles Repaired, 'ilso a IIline o i yi i suies tires, etc.Lok jmrung mid i , I 'itin . WM. J. WENGER, itr E. Ii i(rt - - - 'Phone :,,:, DANCING The .;seciond Term lot Bl , .iiiiis-cr. 0(55 meneos';Tuesday eveniigJan. 14. $3.(1 for 12 le-ssons. -iiivilsition utancing party Sa:tturday evesitls. T;Ui~'i-isiiy Daninsv,.demy. Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. Skates (Ground ii i A 5 n s iiii o O r A n SVi ti swl ris i. t v h: 99 (',iasi e iire i i t colee.an tu in Owni x I 'isisaOIL S liVH i, BAD Si 5 i At t ii, Ns~t>> a.to 125 I li' t ss' i i is\tii. i ir It 10i HIi M55 T lIt tN 4' i 5'' : .tssIlrt 'li- rais. ks1 vvv as'C'sstiiiis t'.11 :t lis(ii-s. 107 -I ;l11111.0 st. tif, 'iIws''iis A 'isi'Mui(iv("io, sal) keep $1.50li, to stuidenitsotnty. '. . I : t 1 tIltiL, 3261 S. St ite street. 'it' si.tsTiiihltis-$2 lto $125.; to i ar irsliic' our large stoek 1;IwN. Isi 5is is 5. 'sos Arbuor 3tisis- ('o.; tot r sii 5:. ;.5j'ss. fs5 - i i' t: iED.As si14,'. lKntowltons"on witi 'si's i vi ii. isiii. tsi' v is E iuiiiss0 iit usY' Trial sif Catholic Church; Jlasses 8:04) 10:30 a. mn.; Vespers 7:30 p. mn. tFOt, ItttNT--Isires' suits , isslf tiii-s "osiitl of sanslsss (moidern)i. isssfist sue ~iicsiie 'if the cs-sic. itt'S Soull 941 U'. oifAIt. pisnysst 1tailer'S. IIOLME3S'9 lIVERY Liberty St. Rowes Cit Laundry 'Work ttell ,p455e~ly and promptly done, ' M# MARTIN.$40$ esi FUNERAL te DIRECTOR e ce324th ve. 'Phone 98. Resi- b4b' Oh ve. 'Phone 314I. A m- New Material for BURNT WORK, also Cauteries for same -AT- M~ARKHAM'S BAZAR 215 So. Main St. Hugh Johnson's PsioneerCase, 2N R I rneSt. Openca uior sighs. IBoard $2.fillpsi a1 3. F. High Gsraie Mantles aned Orates. El SARNITRRY Artisic Ga sid l Eectric Fixturs.Steams :i!t EAST WASHI Sack Suits Pressedi - - - 25 Dress Suils All our work guarante~ FULLER & O'CO1 61t9 Ei. William St. FirstQ while you wait, at a1S It:li lt IiIssir II ii 1 lIt I 1S. - .LY T 4 t Bailey & Edmiunds, - --____"~-1211 E. Liberty .St. ___ --A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. t;t i 7 sh s-iahirs t lial.sthe, Toledo Why Not Own a "University"? 7 - ; th s t Aiw 10 Come is and see our new hints of ionr R illiLAMPiioeis-aissnrdAtlic Coes a re-sadads tiad atofsasi GAOIESUDN AP ty andssi 555-i cci sisss --suchbIby allthe seadcingii' con'iis- CC UP RIO M G c}} A srolinag sports, Whsih in'viayas s itiss THE NHE-SPLDNG ORcilMFGarv CO.s<'>11 329 S. MAIN STREET GOicia. It oici'iassts folii rtti 55 - Gaielic raid Ap'n fotsefissi l his iii us ht I71 dl a r s fo r ii sbah Tartsc.-s alt, Offisiall Indoortear Isi-lill Ollicialp o ii;-las 5 r' Be1ll. Ofiia tlt io l m nt, )lmii A.OG SPALDIING & Riles. { LECTRIC GROANITE and MARBLE WORKS te7 o e v ,C c o Cvas. A. Cvie. Prop. M eaiiaeru adsd--________________ sger of ARTISTIC ME1iORIALS. We ,made 01 Class Memouriutuadtstar'imountingSpan- sh C auo. 'hone 190. DeO- t roi t.MaesoP lectricat Conenrutiioni and S uppties. CAPS cod GOWNS,I PLUMBING A ss C( INESY. and Roi at er Heating. Seieng Mwhhs, CLLESCONFLAS INOTON STREET. COLLEGE PINS. ic Trosusers Pressed, - - I0C HATS andl Pressed, 50c.CAS. ted and done promptly. . W.C. KIDN & CO. INNOR, TAILORS. .ltySttht Store West of State Street. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.