THE MICHIGAN DAILXY-NEWS ----4----- Saturday, Jan. 25, 1902. DERBY HAT SVALE Ci93 $1____ ANY t; Uu DERBY IN THE STORE$ 1 C.o IS THE ONLY WAGN ER & CO. THIS DAY oNLY( p3RICED DERBY WE SELL I21-123 SOUTH-! MAIN ST. 707 NORTR UNIVELRSITIY AVEINUE THPF{N EVER The SCHLEEDE E TEMPORARY Oeina. Ato t Cal du t tt~tt,.% THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. !! 1L2fi :-rof yap.rspr3Fp ThOat m ont et -tIof pveaything o SERVCE. EQUIP ENT oatd IROABEDtt. mc rannoz wi- r rixTOLEDO TO COLUMBUS *t F.IE trm$-0 Write J. W. LANDCIAN, General Traveling Agent, Zj p . . StsteLItV DETROIT, MICHIGAN. o The Newest Thing i' BARGAINS 1 1eutsch~ev, the flPbotoorapber. n rr 'f in Up-to-Date II ..I ...TAI LORING... CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES Finde, The Tailor, 119V S. MAIN ST. MWHGAN I CENRAL ""The Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With olrt connaec.tionst Ciat '- go toot'St. L.ouis, Koneaan City. SPaulol and the west. t or1ainforaoaa atthrouoghotickets callonr write oH1. W. HAVES, Azerat. Anti Arbor.1 '1 . It )ivot I I i I Ov w il -1 to t to 000 Ott ttt'0 H AI ;It, I - -) 1). III S Ity ;to 0 i0t. (; S 1. tt . W , I. lot 1 ,, )'t he . .I t.oT. w ll. 1t k t I ott1o -hv. -hi. '' I;1 000)0000 I 'I - ( 1:1 ;11. .I 0000 1 00 1otottlli t t 1- 0 t~ r 1 1 01F k1 + A 1 1 1 :1 n w o t ( I I'I0-00 I tot II.11 o11+I t I . 111 I Ito'tto'o'- II0.0 ))I ' lootY1 otto 00 Y I'a lo°tI;I)0'It'. \c A I . 0t1 o poot at0 on0-0' tVil ootto): 0 0. il ' ' - lcli" '';t05 " Nlitt xis 00s~gi ! i I)1itt'Olt;:tll"0 n1 ;oiI7;1 'Trinty I to' 1 o- .lo l r11 - 1 ): 1 1 toot t'f 0 loo t iiu 0 '.0000t) 1)1 t)r 1ST 1 11 M I 0' 1 000I'"J Press o ri n -.i.t 0s ott 0 0m~ IS1, ~ fn Iwl:tf 1,1 l;1" nii, I~1s: 55 too1.. OVIt 1 t oohis i .011)l(.to o o r toot 0 'fojo11 ti ' --1. . 01 000 ilt tool . 000 00001 1100 00000dNvi~i C hitot Ctm 0:o set o n00000 Io (Cano betotund tt De~ries Art Store 217 S. Fourth Aeve. The Summer... Is over. y olo arepP thinking of Fall wear. Our Fall line of Footwea~r is 8a tp tor1de ini all the jII styles at >$2.00. $2.50 AND $3.00' Glass' Shoe 501'e 11110 S. M1'itn St. Repairing a Specialty. 0 ri 14O spcia 1 1 I5o1, tr, studeotsoltly005. all:0~ito i I l es ''L.iIV 1I M T-L <~t1 sfeet I'1itlriln-Ius il II t'4)tkor 1>l- B y dya fti tle Lead L iI ionOED C1t I A...FlADt ' l ]il tIittr"s. i1:t 000000 o1, tto1'1111:11:1 it; i n nay wint1s lew TIME ITABLE . . a'1ooo''bo o t. Ili+) :;::.,. - t ).'I1.,-o't Sool otoototo 6 SEEL INION Ta.' iav000010100ct Ju11 LJ 1.,.1904.t too toto it . tto ot lotloot '0001. 000 .\000011 I.1.1L;t'S .IICOO IILUtO ' 1)I1 _ _ _ _ *.. i 0 "No. 6.-7to; A. W0 -Not. . - 1 :'10)A. At. 000' tot' 'l tt~lt'tCo. _____ No. n,-to "35 A. M, l 'Not. 5-0000 o-.M Not. 4.-o6t35 F. Il. No. 3.- 4:56 P.ta., - taoi 111thoto' .:1oooo1 .00'loo ' usic to. Ito' tot,000tt'0 l'.tl~ttttlt 0.00 l~t' 0000 ototl to hot t'l~tltotttttgott Maintstandue.Ma roand oeon5otyte a '+on \ltaoOa1;x:111:or1nt1Tttotisono 00000 toO otooo inoo too :Io' S.till(, l ' tot' t't't't-,.t ithey.. toot. it. lOnO rch-o etrU' a 9t1IiiLotttooota$ O0tt. W.V. F VW tSAett.KxaF r- {EG:~ N .0 I 1INNI.ITTI. Q. 1P. A ' '.ooooo 0 . ,l :1 11.1I . 1. 01II 1 I 16 l le. FREna. H BELSRna.1otierl THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 S. STATE ST. . r. W tOetroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor& Jackson Ry. totrs ltavt'or Dettroit evory h'.lf touott