TI1lEMICIGRAN DAILY--NEWS Our new assortment of B3 sth Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets. +I+ All that yo s could desire of our stock is complete in these lines and it will be to your advantage to look them through before buying+ 2 S.OMainStreet.e.V W~~yfN& L L[ "HN -. SOHANVZ OHAS. DIETAS EXCZEL51OR LINNbRT ToLIES AoME A ILORS vDRY WORK A SPECIALTY: HANDWORK~ __ 601 EAST WILUiAMS STREET 1.15 WEST HIURON ST., 'Phone 506 Thsspace belongs t Good Governm ent1- UFi- OF R .P ULub 120)W. Washington St. O UR 2ND AN . AL Yoiwill fiindainice line of E~ft A&Pl'S1AvIGe n E:Ho 3IThe' Entire Stock of FANCY and! Ocod Butter and liesh Egsal- MIXEDI)SUITS and OVERCOAS w xill ; ways onlhanld,atrsaal j epug on sale for thue Next .0 Dayo prices. Give me itr ia adb at 1.5 OFF". convinced. "NO better Tri iiRemember thes Place. Teumade."E very Chil mrkd Suitlain fOs ig t Poe 0. 0V vs OH flfll w Cigarettes can FEsery Otvercoat includedt in This Sale. fa.ncy tPercale Shirt., stiff bosom, idetached ittL cz fl $.on w..........MI;anc'y Percale Shirts, stififlso~rsr ,ditar iv L U N C EI.cuiffs, t .orrnows...........3 All.IA (3IAIYIEi C)llI~38 S. StateSt. Yippd.) _____ ":__A_____G__ EATLY___ REDUCED____PRICES__ Vi- G R A N G E R 'Stin.' am c ITNO JOKEI Toell }' tat unk's THE has $ MILLER; NST. SILARD PARLORS 't5iy heKlsl t wqtt i t 312 S TATE STREET +1 1 R P9SCt ATRNIZE, 11ibDetroitt. OM.MRTIN.,. DUNE. AL 1 ~CIRECOR bii ~ 'P on 'S) 5% tu ,5 Resi- u e .I 'l I Am-7 lyllUlli13F 11 INU I lCZk. (Wt1ti OS1 '111 II cl ; 1 .tii' S t it iii 111It~! c'i~ t tI i'r'st tart 111 ii"'Ili Ira 1. t ,Is ox iri e s- sr' i\' : tl?' iratti'I 1, 11 t1 r-si I r . Iil I1';i " illI ) £" ' <11 siir\ ' ''l ii ilt I I i 11I (tl 11tt T IS I NI11( t ir i i55 H i it 1iietS far stI(ilel): . 1t 1 ' is' latt4" I' ' I ~t~l' if~tt Se11it£'r'i fa tik Da Iy News.'I~t'( ''U'.S. Si ''I Curls sti 'iti'' St4ir stC.CI111y411 te C4Lt rflASS CiNES C01 rlln p rt h ch LEGE PuN aos. W.C1 KhGed a he e. Ca New Material4 for r BURNT WORK, also Cauteries for same MvAIIHAN'S BAZAR 215 So. .Main St. Why Not Own a "Un~iversity"? Comniitatid sees our new litte of GASOLINE STUDENT LAMPSr THE SUPERIOR MFG CO. 329 S. MAIN STRPEET; IHesadquarrters fur Weltsaeti Matit Is and GOlasswa'tre. Hugh Johnson's EETRCGRNTEad 5ABL ORKS Pic~eerCaf. 2 E.Huro +. sgne ofARTISTIC MErIORIALS. sWevittde hiierCt. iV urone '' 01 Class tttmrtilend bse InormutingSpn tOpen t o or nsgliIz -A2.50 s' is htGannon. 'Phase 5.103.0-30 etraoit.'t. J. F. SCHUR,1 lti itteiMaitisrandlO{rites. EtectricatiCossitritn ansi '-sppies. SARNITAuRY PLUMABING Artistic Gsnd utEletei, ixrs '. Steam tani t siSOurs''Iea tin . Sewvisa alashis 2ri0 'AST WASHINGONSST'-fiEET'f ~Sack Suits Pressesd - - 25C ''roiusers liressed, lOc Dress Sults P'ressedt.Silt. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 6t9 E. William St. First Store West of State Street. r ------------------------------------------------------ , WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.