THlE MICIGI(AN DAIL-Y--N'S that lvr 4-coud lo that wotik, STEIN-BLOC wottld be to introduce yos t Wecannot cottmansd the lang, good these cirhes are. Tie neat is the c oat collar of thei their eputti, 0n that nct ttI fabrics or tdlot'tng, is et P roducton. Yost don't know oe ti STEIN-B LOC ar, it' isis me:orn titem lquantity t o sto : l sakews tI tend to induce yott to buy + RH O U U.CL O T H E S StI(tCUI( ,II: it :1 Il/ t ,ll, t ' 0 to a touin who has worn them. + + BAT R 'I:I : iN'I i I IT(1 1 I I( + nage wi th wmmitlto tell yoo hew + 1t S(I;fTEI., A 1it' i tNO A[l FtI'sl.. H '+ makers tis P their loleci be- I5 At itsiAitli. I~t:Iti'i'- + c( at. oil iteyare 5so proudl of I;1+ t 's it i lt P'I{; i ftl s-st t DIo i-:- + sil-h est d fit ei er of stile, .tH a, itt(t to civer ai yptart of their +1 non citeait. .+ +s 3H CLOTHES+ en youscnibtt .real thitg', +A i III RF L) IJX S "++++- n?-:+i -+: . s "r""icy " t.*- i.-' '+ _+ --l-++' 0+- n t--+-l "+ : - st' +. 0 EL FINE ARTGOOuDS F raming a Spccialty. +3 FuII Line of L .'10l I".i~u"n t AI- r +LATEST SUITINGS ANDGO + STU'1DENTS! TROJUSERINGS ItH s i ant ii slrnisl fipat0 t -is-ishere. I havei c )-c rn d s B U R F I E t ahles, ehairs. (tc, aid 'ii av 1 +F. W. WILKINSON, --------l--- " NO better Turkish Cigarettes can be made."p G LforkTipe. I 3 Our Line far 10 COLUMBIA, CRE~SCENT, PIERCE, STEARNS, -SYRACUSE, and others. M.STAEBLER'S "NusBILLIARD PARLORS h'joy the ''s 'i .tse oitd 31I2 S. STATE- STREET FOR STYLE AND .SERVlCE:. STUDEN TS ALWAYS P'ATRONIZE Ll VrRY Liberty St. Rowe's City aundry 13orkl neat anti promptly done, hne41" - - 410 Dletroit St. FUNERAL °4'lee C0DIRECTOR lit 09 4th' . ie. IPhotne 98.Rs ioai1ef c c th: 'l o e 1i. Ain- t. M M 1 s> MICHIGAN NOTES. Day of Prayer for Colleges. M'i irpln in iissia i-S LLtiWhI .1-- \1,t1'I -. t l i't li i't lit ''tttrtt ii ;l ~?11( I aro ui o ;1t1 :t l~i11 . tltl~t. t~h ". a tlt, :tl a-cs Ii, (Nests ats-n Orchestri i [ }i 5t t, iifititli ttllliiti ttot't'tr(ei'il _'-il I I IsiS OiI'5 11it'Ili. It oven.a1111d: t-i-itthettto-si-i ll l1 (I'rt~lt "Ntl io .t 'ttil m ii iic, tittl t -1tl~ l':tl:iiili.;111:tes, sitliIt.ooi1it1:8 1_Ii ai' slts,1. fitI.' sills i' iiiisiiii's Ii- itt 2MI L . 'soc- ri s t E tlm. tllll- IsI 1t:Catholic Church;s"ilsse:18:00, tos Ii -~l'st- l s l 11it s-so -ww 10:30e. C ekn; VePra7:30p. If TUTTLE'S LUNCHR(O ,338 S. State Sit. GRANGER'S. miss esclississis Mols;, i--t' Ssi liis i 0I0a.)1 . ii' iil '- , ' ' si-IsOd-iy'i Peatc i.C'sifrts' :101 ishe above. sdtatiiiii layi' i e .an -iiti-esme Studasi -i i n IN NL~W QUARThR Wei itv 55just nove osit n' ,haco Lshbety), andIilust }itil, -ko uri g o' s tisal. WMI~. IHCCHREIN, an icy Piumber. teai m ad ishiutin-ss DANCING Thte Soc-nd Term forEeatlgiisuer's eom- itnss-Teiisdasy erening, Ja~n. 14, $3.(K f oe 12 Iessoms. lInvitationll iaticling lmty Satnellssy emvesings. univiersity Prof. F W. Scott, Instructor. Portlanid Cafe Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Open day 'and night. Huron St. - Opp, Court House w F "' F F F N N Sulo'cribe for the Daily-News. Subsscribe~ for ttoe Daily-News. HOLIDAY G I F TS Ebony Sets' Wave Crest Ware For Gentlemen. For Lais. LYON'S and LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES fior Everybody. WILDER'"S PHARMACY A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 111laliOt it- 'it teptits and A~ ~ l1uitu -lalAiits goodsuloare s eliaril it tias- sty an11ae)tsi et'ssseeas melth1b' illIthe teading erguationis cons- >tenlltig sorsl, which iaraily adotpts tSpliit'r osods as the heit. THElSSPALDINGOfftil~ial league lsssi bait. Offlicial I Iii ci-Isteisle foothall, I theist Gaetic intd Assila tetlistti.i-al Ilsiki ilall, Otficl iot rtlor littelificiattlt Isls Bail, t. ilettlAthitei.Implemsentsi th- ciloiniGoive&- A. QSPALDING & BROS., Newn YortD ever, Oliagus. rMakers ofr COLLEGIATE CAPS. il GOWNS and HOODS. -Reotleg or CAPS cod GOWNS.~ Vi [[I~ r , {4SPECIjqLTY. 4 r s Hugh Johnson's Cha. A Coe.Pro. Mnufctrad e Piotneer Cafe, 211 E.Huroll St. signer of ARTISTIC MErIORIALS. We made '0-assemoiat and hase tormuntltig 5 an- Open day or nighs. Bittrcii.50l li-es's' -i ~ a Cunon'ltol ne S 0 - Detoit -t.- . ff. SCH-UH, High 1Grade Mt! i s adlilat es. itri1 a0liostrutilsn ad lOtilie.- SA~NITA.RY PLUMBING ArtiiceGOs and lStectrie Fl.xturesSteasi anuS[litae HeaCttintg. Serving Macins' tilt EAST WASHINGOIN STREEhT Sack Suits Pressedl - - - lac Trosers Pressed, - - N Dress Sails Pressed, 5c0c. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER- & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 619i E. William St. First Store West of State Street. I IOC --- --- ------------ ..._ ...r, ~ WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.