tIlHL IMIC1IIKA N DAILY -NEWS SAHBUFTHI-YAPE&AIDIES ti flnxt ss s T ii i I f sBtubes,1Lous~nggGowns uaol Snoking jackets. . Alli ha fr oulddesreof or irstock is col-repl etein ths i n es andI. sit hibeto y 5 a s attags to look thsemithros-h K ot (sarmis .syour hoff 5.5 +las'presents. 2 2,02 S. M'in Steet.~ LU~ 'i'+ F"8a' * T . + .a ._ ." ' _. '"i S"* . _ - , . . -2. °-"., ' "" 'JOHN H N Z iA.d E FTAS G.. " T IL .VS.u.T+~ET15 1'SI 11V1(N I A t N ... e +,. -ic LO "NobeteaTrkThIe ySai Cigarettes can isery be i-nae" 1 FEs 1'.Faicv'Pecca Y ~~Cllfs,$15 S~S Cs K MICHIGA. ! . ' 1 'Il , i ' s: i ts;i li JP 2ND AN NUAL } ou swill ind a nieimetofSt ntire Stock of FANCY and (Good Butter and Freh Egs al- SUITS anid OVERC0,A'V5 will ways on hand, at reasonable on sale for the Next 30 Dayhs prices. (ive me a trial and be Remember the lace. ent marked iss lain fsigsres. Phoness ass. 120 W. wassfslssrs ; )erscoat incfluoed in Tihis Sae ry Chils's Sssit and Osecoat[-Ol. is, Shirts, stiff bossonm,dsta hedI $.now ..........5 ..... i UNC S.[tat OMt 'iEf.TiI F (EDClii)PRICES 1 it t t¢ i . } m~lft l o''il, + nl 55 t n) l. m is, r d i IN NOTES. fs 5sall5'sIsc'l \, t~ri.Is ers ilcate Bicycles Rpaired, ll~rt IIl IIl t 'cori Ldist - WYM. J. WBENGER, it;,i ,t 5pn t h I I h:I sir DANCING 'I I t i i 'nh I =:tI lls ?iii, I li o, I i nS I t I t tCt n i , :. -,IloI'ii~i.I~ ittl - lay s Iiilit tlit lli }sl; lsissscsfls; - -----------Prof. F W. Sot, rstrutor. I f!-\\I; NI' ass t lt' Iil . t s 1,u l° 1e" " °" alei. li:ll 11' I'.nissisey. sY' Si.atess fIroit iit 5 1uIil us os isII AL ifl'S I .1- I'cpai'Ct :I-i n,'r i~ t~:udiii o. while you tzs: it.e Catholic Cisnelsc; lasses :00,1 Bailey & Edmndrs, 1t1:3t0 a. u.; V'5 en sr7:30 p. m.121 1E. Liberty St., 4 i >': in (1F1'f' I t SPALiiiNCIS' F I'RSr A L a lilO l , } ' 1-,' sic dl' es Oly. Wove an it s np cr tishrihe ftsa TCii il fis ew.N' + W Why Nt Own a University? 1 ildisi1ii clii sitsirie', ComesssIns std Set 'ou r sew listetof ~Ils2 A- '5I +l_.p etdly GASOLINE STUDENT LAMPS ".lv r, saz sri nrtt _____uartds, 5Nos ls k, Pot BallJaktst THE SUPERIOR MFG CO.r'h itnsesaryfortheloo 329 S. MAN STREET frin S, eitedti by Wteirss cos. . hicsls5i555 tes sr s sfss~sis llistfi' ~ A G.SPALDING & BRO. _'_ HansomeTin lutatedtis s Net Y ar t .+ aist as'si ltat Witser Ghisagas ELECTRIC GRANITEand MARBLE WORKS { sns to iny atdess. DIene Cissn A Cnis Pr. 9Manfatuerttsansd'+- . 1 ttro ARTITICMEtlORIALS. 5 W ie, 4+++ madelIUI~h + (11Clac No-oial nd ine fr sontngeSpan-' 55l1i1htCOnioiii'Phine_____3W.3_4_DeritSt ._._....__rMaers of COLLEGIATE CAPS 3CHUH.T iLJ GOWNS and HOODS stes tas astassst nd sirtit'.CAPS ay GOWNS- PLUMBING ASEdLY and Rob Water Heatntg. SrwigItahns CCLASS CANES, INGTON STREET COLLEE FLAGS t COLLEGE PINS. CLASS and 5c Trousers Pressed, -- ' IcCOLG Iltrestsed, 50C. lHATS and eed andl done promptly. ?F .C KERN & CO, NNOR. TAILORS. at tiysetu s ut Store Weat of State Street. INI i' ci .LDRSI 'ci ' '- 3! S '51 E? ^ .Fk f. .5.5.5l' .,1. A~ sl 5YLE Nei Material for V,, :N ... BURNT WORK 9 STY EN TS also Cauteries for saee + NIARKIIAWS BAZAR ____ ___ ____ a _ mu 215 So. Main St. LIVIR12- V + MONEY LOANED + onWathes DimCnstyheeLaad oheryer +_Lberytret._llbusnestill iE T A 0thfe, +IRHourRsA to u3arnanvo uaant,o +555. n..' JOSEPtiC. WATTSi 0 eS C t Lscdry 'i -i2CrIi I n"Iiad rte. W r nea' FULLET R YOC t'hc~ : Al. 4 rtistc Ga 19nd l. Wrilh'Fits . St. ears r , A+ CL n 8 r 1 .....r -%-,r-% . - . r- 7" " ''i T% T T d"% Cy WE PATRONIZE GUOUYIEAK VUK iJKUax.