'HE NICIlLi N DAILY-NEWS Ild N I., k , I I I s( -III -'I- 215-M-17- LEADING NMERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the hest xxe haye eve shown, containinig ALL THE Black and Blue St yle ,' and a very fine lineo Fancy Sitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. W I LD 60. to8 E. Washington St. ONE OF OUR HOT WATER would prove a icosiog sworthi its weight in gold duriag this COLDS& RPPE A t U P) PIPE SALE E veryth'ing Must (io LawinBooks AMedical Bookso. 0,r. E. BAR16tHF L L. ICli" The 1, tt . AILY, 10 er ;he 'VAR-StalY NE"V5, 15t fir. t:1e ct t .c~rlI it i* of :117 A ,1!, 71ANAGING EDtORt ItU4S-S i's ANAGER~ I11Fi t t:1:( l a during the ('llri tuia V:I- atti 111, n inking the trig, a lilt""vial suv- j.1I11t" phly mi. (")!ISider: hle i1ltoresi In IIIix Hinter i. r ('t "s wtr.ingc W it IN, galilt, M mod felt o I1l.:rt t 11tlili, ia w it'.1111 tll>1lul t( (1 , .11 :'~iic K .111. 11'aIit W so- otlr IInn 1 ('. s i l rw[wesm ed in every Imosihie: l t':lllt'ii t+i c' cl t :w tl1"ttt', a 1111 w o (h o l1tt; ii.t' li Hn!('>V the (11tIi'YMII. t(I' ;nnbi i N I ions pill t tli l it ('vorx' olio l To (14) tiwir 1F."rtit"IIi,12" w 1I.1; in th(" lWSQ sii"Uhl havo n 1tlIm' in our ;Itllieticy, ami 11c' ))t'ilt'\t VKh 1mt]"T c"aJ:2( IIiN t nm l t't11('It , 'AIlt'IIigNII t( ((silltl l;ivahilt ( .1 :uNi11 11-11A l 11mi11(1 1211- i 1l{>i(1 O v l1iy11 :l t li('1 its titllltlar(i "1' the < Uni1"1 Vil l', .111(1 211( 1'1, wi111 tIw lH arly iIII;Il1t'i'11 r""Ill)l1i)i'i o f T ilt :4I l(tkt'1',iF _ < llf'ili;:a T! ! , 1"j m't'1(}111' I tl'tlllla tt' 111 ii1,'_ :111 \ 1)f'I'It'Ilc't1C1 1 lit ilTa ll ("yN h 1011' ON ,-tar. ilmv Dr. line (jIwl itj11Jy ew)rhh 1l il1p J'.11(, 11;1s1c(qtl)ali Icani 1'(,r 1W List live m irw. IIis 1,:11(,11 l( (l,:-; of NO lam; ine all;i his M11- 1i11; 11 " to it"juirt it, 4h",iild give an i2I,1 1 2II I r tlii ; 14-0:11 ill(h)(tr L,'NI O ;It '. l it ilin:121. 1)1"1(1(,, 2.5o for de al i i e:11". tt u;t lrc itt rtz. t .r tlt.xt Edit r ' odl Y - O rl ,-41'. oiii Z ! I' l t i ) 11I; '; 3 t ;II~t; : i1 1 1 i t tl I l j l'iit' t?: f!! \':lt' 'i ! >. 1 l ;., I l I :311'tlllr" will) ho", I c il' I'( O lic 1' l i't' I)Ii .l:l;1. '':,, at, tIIt . Iho Ill, 'f')w ,IIill% rtluiist It1 he an If. \'. IODlttti rg litulltiful wllllcdy Lliil .\IJ 1z. \\'11t Ii Wo \\"Iqy 21 " Nvill Q liresent- t.tl. To s1pa 1l of this play i to stig- iti t, ;.: st t 11 i llor to lily sotilitl lanw.11 les"oll a!! Harks it) L o a!! parks it) L o I'lll llis and he!- Illoillor al Dick's vs a dull tl:I ;lolllt'. and Itm l seeiIli- liiost \ (Intt'I1 ;1 -, t stt ru f"Ilirtsl- ,,t illt, (%xiilllliall {'lull. \\in) could lI, sit.lt rtm. n i1Ii>ll ont ns it, \\.hitl1 1 :l Iillls t'Iilt'Ilt . tit 1;±:tti 1!t ,tllltl llrefol . The cttn- SIaq! tliado, ail tilt' inort> t f'1't> tipt by ttt- fiollill oil "s stir t.Ikt ii l'rolll t ,tt li.Ilyy t:i11 ilit'iI' llttlllt ttt tlit 1"lteflll Kull and INIA 1,'II I i l l'4 d u l'- 1 ;:.fill It1 ilia 11~= fitUs.' It tit} cI'f w lult"t> ;t m li.l'e"li- r4il ;ill.' Ii nn li, {1;1m all s"ris t)f Iliings for I ho r1t1;I1i 11- h {,s; ltut to i II1111; of n ---- W W II LY01111CilM I nSMICINKIIA; IlillISI O i \ M W ~i+'t 1% 111 :! lt't \t'cllil;Ili 1, sav, 0 f,, dwstIt' it m is i"ov Awn Wr t Itlndws'..,\ t, 1xvilvo i that Ill'; rly 1lltq't' ; iitl wmi"irr Ii1mI'ut"ii.tll in ::loth] VCIV t 111 W o liil:l.aji Il+,r lwl o I,(t~, erf ill, than is A", has A "A ! f t>tltttl Ill Such " play as "\Vlivlt \14, '.SIS1, iu 'llit It w eep = l." t t t ltt, il.iic Mtl. ill tho rttl t;rt;It illtt i't st Avvs Ae flit, ;yowl IwttW" we Soo .Ilmmil 9:1lut, ltd tilt' Its. Slimly them, is in) Itloro deli.^;llt r g i11.. I" I", rut 1l lY ,tf W-l"11 i11 :' HIMI T+"titlll. No: Iltl lito 1w fm- m I711.Slo has tAty rt"A" wil :;rtWIer is O JOl N I it ltr.i ist 111:111 1111, lltlit-s a nd c Iltlt Iut xI ; .y BRING YOUR .SECOND=HAND) Bookistores GymLab Suie S itt G and Apros asdt H. L. PERKINS Dealer in (% (ol- DaeinMEN'S FURNISHING,. 1Fttrst oo troft:atte otdI CHAFING DISH6 Our ntew linet just canmo. See our GREAT SPECIAL at$5. UU WTI. ARNOLD, JEWELl AFTER THE PLAY An tropit tuanti git oyter naLnchsot allndtits D tioE.7lron St. NeNt to F n } IIERCHANT TAILORS 1I1'; v' 11 11 3 r lit, i t, rl r t ; lt t t lIll?' t fit ;il , 1:t : txt' t "t fllt il ,+l21 t 11 il)t'Il 1''It r +t+l!' t' :11th Ali( 't'II 1.1 t"Il 111 l 121 i lt' ,51' 1i 1 i li+ 1'rit'I 1;I i 1 1' ' Ii l ft, t = tic' i I(S t2 1 )il il;i ; 1 ;I I(TII WI;, of-s !i, i 3E"z"; I l ii lt i ' . [itt Ino ill illy ;tll > ;11 1116 i AT THE... 30)2 South State Street. THE... SMOIKE HOu"USE 116 E. HURON STREET 25c. worth of CIGARS ANY BRAND. All the new books 19o2 can now be foi NEW ters at discount pr BOOKS Michigan BOA""hKPost Pal ti it"i 'i i 'il, )r' ii d"' t i t' I i'- Our Flal Litre is the Bes G Y (lr'-lt~l ? W li~z 1+ti shown. Containing all theFA ii' V i iiSU ITINGS and TROUSER"\> MANIi' I. ; C11,1. NICE' STYLE GUARANTEED cl~t ;at Ii titI t . Phone 226 - 70 9 N. Univ- ACC ,r1' Saturday, Janua~ry 25th. WILLIAM MORRIS and JOHN T. HALL HAVE THE HONOR '[0 PRESENT F' A COMPANY 0F ARTISTS j ~IN H. V. ESMONE'S GREAT PLAY WHEIN Now Running WE AT THE WERE COMEDY I TH EATRE TWENTY London. ONE j Eng. GREATEST COMEDY OF THE CENTURY Prices: 25, 50, 75c, $Io, $1.50. Seat sale Thurstlay, Jannary 23d, Postal TrlegrapltOfihe- CARRIAGES 10:40 for the season of Fund on our coun=LL f t 'ices. Art Calen=Pf s, Bibles, Prayer S e h n& C University Booksellers, /" 7 -1 20 S. Slate St.. - Ann Arbor. U..aenaar _ _ _ _ 'I id Soc. Tf'E-CREAM, WHOLESBALEAND RETAIL. DELIVERED TO ANY PART 0 THE 'CIT'Y. BROGAN'S. 110 5. MIlN STER~f41'.