THE M1I1GAN-TAIL- -NEWS + that ire c~o1I to that would tndtoidu o t o l i' + c . S vG Vi .+STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ON otue ontoa nal t hs or t iINSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES + 4'e cannot10 cornS 1)1(1 the larguage withd 1s btoted oul w 4. Is s- ysFo r Im- hs-siatssry ('nrsess 'a + + -teca ,a' oftheir goats., ndtred ''irs s' so pvo r q. 11r+ T° I'ST0LtaY, .o.I ' A'l'IOIA)(Y +Iherreuaton 05 )o hr slighters't dSrI ~teithe s* si . 4. ' e , aU as f:'_t? orta1c)2"I14' 1 )e~t~tte~ !t t~3 t 1- 1t tt t ('r 4i Is , 1 aiats;Os '" jr a t c'f lS. 'is r'_s 'sea lees;; r ) s.' 25 1 V) 4 +s 1"I u to . t ? o ' n w'.'C c c..7 ''tt i,3 . ! Y t2l~, t 1 STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES 4 + A i . C+N + rtni o ave Irs) Iles))) XX sdoicii ll h he ssaksi x' 4 E +E) ! +./I L.. 14.J... ' I-(inlyo tod t lI5.ke5))I enslvs o ' sn I') th' 'realthIt) 5 ,+ '4.' '$+tit T f P L mt XI X's IIxI ter NaI Itt~ ll MI N Ic~' of II J I ' ' C. T T' ('II:v~lt. I^, 11 1'.'tti [I(aud 1 E«r 1 II1 . I ti '1'L 4. 4+" + "I + +++++I +I~+++++' "+"1. . a"£.I"rF+++E: + " "k .+ I"+ ":+ +I+" ,I"I" ++"a" ".- I+ t sisl I las i+;++-+ls.i 4.+ - 4-+++ ++ + 4. +4.+ 4.yfi +4. +4« +EGYTIAN 6011060Mon ' j t i n 551 lIN11 ItdWGS r &he ShonU~ (t11, 111 Ih'tSt~hd MICHIGAN NOTES. s S S S 0 R 0 S S I+? 1 ' 'i ~ )' 1 ::1 )tI t t .1t a 5 . ' ' i :3{ttI 111)1 I I I I Is ' i~ 5')" t( Alm A' i 1 ' ' I t) ' ]32Ir' I-Il'')'' I ir : lt;I1 +llli''r1 : rltr t. it~i 111 i~t 11.E :1i 12 i': lt+' l'* 1 + r+' lr~ I tt'llr R. 8. PAU L, 120) W. Washington St. You will find a nice line of GroGwIcs .*00 (Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- wsays on hand, at reasonable prices. (live me a trial and he convinced. Remember the Place. sillw "(5. 12) V. W"sh'sii5550111 , TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. DANCING Blo: '11le("ticycle epaired, os 1 'i15 .5111xs. WM. J.WENGER, 11:11.1 seitv - - 'P'lsssse 55s SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY, Nts.iel i"' Mlti, StS t. ill opsI)i)l s anI ns .11 Ositlo slsAssenslVs 'as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O t 1l,'ls I.rssl.Js5 s a s.::0 l :1~ 1)0 . ,1 il) saiis e 1) i neI ~ rI'' 4II)1 I' , i') I 'e ili trsrsst:l, a. [prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. G Ba iley & Edmunrds, I1) ' 1 ' . is Guns, Ammunition and Fi shing Tackle, 121 E. Liberty St. I II 'I l "il 1' II1.1) vc 1 , t } t' " 3ttt 1t t Iti.I t 1:1 : i Thl' ii ')1 1' ' i II' eis 1 , p . r i wr The Sorosis, The Queen Quality, and the Ralston Health Shoe is GEO. H. MILLER'S Rowe's City Laundry, ~'s lI* Il !. 1se . - -aitit Dl ';)) s i I os . l t'I I i. s { 't l + \ , ' d . 1 ' II 1 ( 1 1 t t i t 11c.'- II S 'i 1 lit. i . l 1 . 1 ; " I' i ll'ti ii l11 t72 '' cii~ i~~t . Ilob. 1I il) lil e'' I. .iII so t II. 1Iv il I. ll I s I lls i' .IIIiil11iIII i - e:. i'lll' '' ll'", i1. l /., t ' 'it li I 1 t lt.))) 1 it ll I "11.: i ,I; I VI I ,illS . ,,ii'. iI . l "13 i 11r ' t i iltI);l IIY. l 't'l'E' t'lll- sl, . ?'i'IllS S'" I I~ill 1i t, (a . s l ' [ s' l 1 ''' I 'S ' l<< i I ItI ' " 11 5 5 '' I isa isI I ;II i ';Y ' f1 '5 S ~ i "' I ' . ' to1 f :1.vI . I ; I [ I ii I s 's I '5 I -H ' ' s ilst Sr'I ... , . . .. .. ...... .... . . ... i t 1 ___________________________________________ .ii% E ts if 1" i t I ' ttih s 5 'S 14'? ll . 1l' 5 ']A ta 1411 )w 111_ I 'sII _. _-"-- -- - - ++ .444...4' ..."+4..444!'!'+...44 1 i . ill' I "iE ' a'tll'it l tl' t '1 "'' I *l a . 5 'i t tl's's Is 1 1 11 +l 4.' . . .4 4 4 4 .4 s .. + 4. iS' r le.i i'sss 15155Iss'' 5 is )') 'I'''s' Vl.'s +palding's Official ' OR STYLE . + It +I'lil Ilelr . rI.) !tn NI 5 Y '1s lsei- 1I Ill .11'1 S Itis 1. h tls s c. i. tlttelCti'.iat ANI) -SlERVIlCE... 4 5lrl ++'I IrsI"l ' i I'.'' 5' F'5il soot iBall 4. tar II tttts. s'.i tslIii , Is.+3 ++ STUDE)NTS +~ + N. A i ." 14 t FtsLa. 1tri Cs EN + HO M S $.oeach + :t~ 1 HNA Os's BAC 4. 4.tas le ro + LIER + Linen Paper 15, 20 to 25c a lb. A. 0i. SPAULDINO &BRS 4. 4. I~~~~~laying Cards and Poker Chips. Ns'uss IAL 5511 +++++++4++ +A MA RTI NSOHALLERED MONEY OANED116 SO. MAIN ST. on tIVasiss", II siss IIo Ils,tV21ee sl' Is - lo ys tret st 'Iss ii IIIs r'555iil E. -"'ad fo~ 51 )115 uls I "IIlaniL' Isst~l 1,COLL.EGIATE CAPS. O ssra sioIJ:3 x FPH rr t ~ .:X indA'to ) EIc o551 LL LL1LjiIOIaSFNITF\RY PLUMBING Io> C:is.As s >i. 111111 1 if l sIcr sadlsie ' CAPS and GOWNS, ra Crzni5)5, ' YI~ll ss 'O II. I .Il'i' Isolli l 51,par-hss s.EAS.T ssss'B, I;7;I'l: r ssss II slI'l. t,'s: y LA S ECI T all I') IsIIICOLI_-E15CE rINS, 0. M. MARTIN... IF YOU'LL JUST! DROP IN... i F U ER.LL s sel .15 ~ns ss ' LL et 5511.llstal se ' it 1t',.:.'. L DIREC OR 55' ti,_te'st 1 Ia "',1 '1 ..25irsloc !hi i tt r> tA 1. " "iF ERsI1 & O'CONNOR, '[AILORS. L VI. ifty-Sev eLthSt 1071 .AS')OG) L hualc oilI. i19 l. WillsiamSt.Frst Store Nesa o' State Street. W"E PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS. l 4 4. 4. 3, 4.