.- _ .ys.+t THEJ MIiCHIGAN DAILY -NEWVS CAN DIES wtiitttiii.KOIDIAKS\etolitei II i its'packe;i o f l t il sil:o. We Winiter sc"en(ixy land winiter' 5aitis lmaike IEi dakiexat i)U'k f<>t.lsh ipm n it hot l~c. ine e rtho tullidixys. W aalte c atterns-Q, + Se tiem in l r Nindaiiw. per cent. discount on kldilks. SCALKINS' PHARMACY 3 24 SO. STATE STI? riGkwiGK Billiard Frlors dod Bowlingu 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I lba r0 an tcsoheibest o everything: SERVIC7E, lE~tieIME\T and iROlADBED. Wt ProT Cr 1OLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. V. LANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DEoTROIT, MICHIGAN. PAN-AMERICAN PLAYING CARDS SOHALLER'S BO0KSTORE~ 116 S MAIN STREET f. BARGAINS '1Rentscb~et, the Ph~'otographer. K ils Up-to=Date ______.a ____________________,__..__ .,.TAILORI NG... CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES $3.00 $3.50 Pulde, The Tailor, 119 S. MAIN ST. MR3HLIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With diret onnecxxtionts at tCteago for St. Louis, Kano" Ci(ty, St. Pail and the west. Florlinformastion andthtrsugh titketscallsasn r write to ft. W. HAVES. Aneat. Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE '1ttitKeffetu~e t2, 1981. Traint teas', Aaa Arbsr by Central Stand- rd Ti'me. - SOUTH _NORTH _ *Ns. 8.- 7:25 A. i. No. 1.- 9:10 A. Mi. Ns. 8,-11:19 a.a. . Ns. 5.-t2:3. .tt No. 4.--.6:35tP. a. No. a.- 4:56 r. a. -Kur etsiAt sutAnnAroor snd Toledo only. All trauinsti lyexnee p Sndav. ptV. T. WILLS. Agent. X It. BENN ETT't. iG. P. A le s o, She . .I t 1.xi ilslxxaih-iiaft Ow T he l1iliitisiniiti is aI s1'xty huisy ot1he1rs i-il IIillis daiy h fII rrs1t Y x l I Irklx tiioito i oiitCii'i.x.A.l Iene~r tor lads tat hee 1011 ioiiiiexiinterestii othes folow taknltis IViealillik Sll Vsilili:l Apc~ l ile l. 1 i.50, stu xen slitnly. frlom 1 'iisolsi lix l z i1to h :1r- C. _._______________ S.St___ sre t._____ ('Ileis blillitheli il 1111ics ic"Ill' 1;.of . gin at 1Ia1e's, c a o I l Nlno 11+ 4jS il 11111 IlhlIi lii lii tyor cllaIrs ioieiat i 11(beTlxis Oflo w liixhsuit. \i - wl rk iy --1111117. l We Wereiol iel1io- xxxxiwill So e li"1tililivusedxi 111doixxlixis i the sill x i x- he Xtionsile l tre oi- l si iAn ii irb ior ii Mus ic 1lo11 11 11111 11.01 Olyxi. I i ll Il.]1 10 Itis a pure.ii gets liii iisiiii llte e t N aeiii. x .1 l i ow. levr i1 is111:i111-vi0 till mo t 11aiil=;il l ii its xxiliuiois. 1t Fx- ifti eetxi lt lis1o-nt oInNal l it-s xiixiis \ lixi lili1105 oIreivelii thaitix atxx fo iitill. tilide xoniy.ssiiiiitioii, T1e. xli I li ndixi 111xxxix iix ai theoxi ixisi o fx- :tiorco. Sat an Wahigto Ss. ie 1011 51 0111rs 11 ii lxi ix o co i ll de- tilllit 1111 1111 lul liit111 i xx iiitcs ii011 s ioll 1111119 11 1 ll re1' lpeia 11r1er piXXils and1b)1on1 at e111 11 xinlix lils1111111111than theioni it1 ril. Foa oi Miss Sint-l xix iiliil". hl l'liiiig parts ldowxxi to Ii Ni- Sixi . 1 i hm Msis o.iin perfe itihiids. As a1 xeslt. thoi -- - -ilit byIlThoth Dress Ii lii illilic. A llI'NNI"', NET a11111 1910racqueits fsr llill xi ol ix- f ile:1t lil -i-s hsix- irli W.L.DDUGLAS FINE SHOES OUR Double Deckers AND OUR GENUINE F R EAKS LEADS Others Followa Wa~hr, The Sho8m8 Free Shines. GRAB SALE AT L0OVEIL'S CORNER 5 Friday, January 17th= loc A GRAB. Cur. 5Mainand Huron 51treet 81 Cnpitl.150,000. Surpise. Suliutle. gxexeral banking bnsueeoV$- .Pr Rl, KExPP, PreK. C. E. 'GE xe.0 Fanix. H BL n.a. shier. T.: 816 S. STATE ST. I I I THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. S' ... Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry" Casxlhavi for Detroit eve-ry hlfihixur beginigic s ,45 a. O.1until 8:45 ip. a. Afixr thast to Dectroitl41:4351an1111:1,5p. 01. Cur0 s Vleaig AntilArbor it 1:15,100:15 stud 110:15 run only a s r as Ypsi1lnti. Waitinig roam corner Aran and Main Sts.: DtitI, '70XWoodwasrd sve. A GOOD SHAVE, RtaoocHoningHalthroosen uSunday, 9-12. HI. 8. WELCH W. oh Cook House. HIon xiSi. Hugh Johnson's Pioneeur(halte,21 P. uronl Stl tpen ayn:11or ight.hRoatrd $2.50 Ier xt;. CAMPUS BARBER SHOP For a first-class IHair Cot and an Easy Shave . . HERB JOHNSON U. of VMBarber matae a speeal- Shop andil Bath mdnbyltn Roomsand Paris 1M n ff, axa STATE. J. R. Trajanowskl Katheri~ne Ridgeway Concert Co. UNIVERSITY HALL, Thursday Evening, - Jan. 23. Admission 50 and 75c. Tickets at Wilder's and box office. Goodyear Glove Rubber Fulmxlht; io ksGym. 51110511t LAMBERT, 63 i>lll The tAin irhor SaviflP Capitial Stock. seieeuo. Sotpls.fo0 r Resorsese. 11,70.000. L$ tOrganised under the Generealt u ndl af thio Stair. Roestives deposis, buy'steU1ia ezrhsInge on the rinciplpistihsof theSlti State;. tDrafts ceshed upon proper1idp Safety deposit houes rent. . W- oraiEp~xse alexsE. Hssee . Pr55iper. Ha ns'et, Vice-Pee.u 3M. J. Fritz. car FIRST NATIONAL BANK or %. Capial, 8100,000. Surplus und V010ts 1 Tranenttsa ngeneral akn bsns. r cedit. E. D. KINNE, Pro,. HARORISONt)N S.W. CLARKSOlNCashier W. ARNOLD, let Vito-prs J. V. SHEEANe, 2d Vice-pire 'JI JOHN. C. WALT,eAsst. Cashier )V$ Transacts a general Banking Business. THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH ACI °ENGLISH SIJITINGS IN THE Cl1 HAVE YOU SEEN (HOSE NOBBY BROWNS MIL WAR D