THlE IGIIIGAN DAiLY-NEWS AH, BU r THEY A ED"N IS IOur new assoitnien-: of 13tth Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking jackets. + iiciiAll that yo'i could desire of our stock is complete in these lines and+ it illbe oyurardeaista -e to look them through bofore buying sour hooi-+ lay presents. 200-202 S. Main Street. 1 LI1ItM, IFN&+LL OHJ- SOHANIZ CHAS.CDI(E T A SEX LSO LN R T55 q j iOR DR~Y WORK sPECIMLTY: HANDWORK 601 EAST WILUAMS STREET 117 WEST HURON ST., 'Phone 506f This space belongs to Good Government Club - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EGYPTIANI DEITIES ' No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." OUR 2ND ANNUAL y ~ Inventory Sale The Entire Stock of FANCY and MIXED SUITS and OVERCOATS will be put on sale for the Next 30 Days at 1 -5 OFF. S EBerry Garment marked in plain figures. Every Overcoat included in This Sate. Every Child's Stilt and Oser-coat 1-5 Oft. Fancy Percale Shirts, stiff bosom, dletachedl cuffs, $i.50 now....................$1.15 1Fancy Percale Shirts, stiff heos, detached -~ cuffs, $i.oo now.....................75c ~. ~A~-ALL GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Staebler &Wuerth. R. S. PAU L, 120 W. Washington St. You will find a nice line of StdDIG 411d [dfl6 GrOuerits ...0 Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- ways on hand, at reasonable prices. Give me a trial and be convinced. Remember the Place. 'Pthine lo5. 120 WX. 'Washington St TUTTLE'SI LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State .St. ~GRANGER'S Claisses in iiaieig-W-g~tinnes, rentle meit ex'clutsieyMsonday ighty;3 Sausrdic i10 a. as. Ladt'ieselusively' Saturday2 p. im. Pestee cuislice boil_ Moniday 'S p. as. Ituition estuardteits t, all theic abosve. .Advaincedi class ice'utile ad gentlenmen Statuedays 4-6i p. in. ., ' ;, S. (Cork Tipped) j V R2vim' z MICHIGAN NOTES. n- r57u MAOS n'' Xecrouts- by Tu '1.11.11 o BLLIRDPARLORS Ff,,ljy te reatc. .Cct 312 t.aST ~ ai S tRe AND SERVICE.. STUDENTS+ ALWAYS PATRONIZE HOLIES' +: +; Libort% St. + BROv'S City Laundy lWork neatly andi promptiy done, UltcM,, MARTINI te14 i S PUNEr AL Offtec;DRET )R u ~ 2, .inis tlic Aye. 'lit tic5)i. B' '. St I . '?lii ave. 'hone.14. Ant- laceonCa] A ilchigan Msau Suicides. l:Ite o f .1 111. 1 *1. t t(, f O i~lt c1ti'at a ii t i tothist Iwo- - 14:It )': p s~ i l t i tilt it t heu ii tt:tin. iii tt tlr tv1tutu c ti,'id hoist ro. thehe te Stlieel t Tir. Best tlts ituncu .t"trlees .nCre tt 'iof111l.;t:tt' e t')\i'i:tE P ttET I. ':ti ut:lloiu tl ieatm ot. AutItI A tliil Msctho.i hrh ise :0 'I10:30a. I.; Ves,- prs :30 p. m.p ttittel el ' . 5 -1it . K l illlett itt. 1;I tAB'ritlt.. FllS.littte'otrt L. utu. tuKTTLE, :etc. tt 1iscrb. frth 84yNea New Material for Why Not awn a "University"? BURNT WORK, Come0 in and see our now line of also Cauteries for same GASOLINE STUDENT LAMPS - AT - M A RK{H1A M'S B A ZAR THE SUPERIOR MFG CO. 329 S. MAIN STREET 215 So. M'ain St. Ii adtltt tilt Cforice lbicbhitit it til MONEY LOANED on svatee, Dtimondts, iheeit andotcerer-ts.ELECTRIC GRANITE tafldlMARBLE WORKS > sntti Prisitey. Otiteeat retsient',3til a.. Ctt. A. tCl. Proit. tManutfac'ttuer tand It tibtt retin'. Altlibusineesssconidentiai lse tt fARTISTIC MM~'ORIALS. SVetutade f turt. 8to11:30a. D. tnsttito 3:i ,Mdtll) C5if it'sttciuiltatntdiiba~se fr outing; 'Stats- JO EHn. O HC.iti 1W Si O tt ta i Cao. 'Phontit )O. 'to0-301iDitritt. J. F'. S.CHUH , tdigsititadit tail tond rtes.t ucElectritalC-otstrutiosandSupis SANIT FkRY PLUMBING Artiiti tus andi ileetrt' iciture. te tainandti Btt a~teer II tttic . Sceigt a citteti '717EAST WASHINGTCON STRET. Bicycles Repaired, Alio t fu tll lint of bilcytlt sunitse' tire'. etc..0Lotk Repiitantid Ke 1 iittis. WM. J. WENGER, 113 1..tib etcN.- - 'Phone 55 DANCING metict's 't'ttt".ttttc' ''5 'th u dii. 14, for 12' 1 it cli. ttcutivW ott lta teing Pint. FW. Scott, Instructor. Skates Ground and Repaired while you waif, at Bailey & Edmunds, 121 E. Liberty St. Spalding's Official * Inter-Coliegiate ++I Feot Ball, used lby althe + leadiiig colleges FootsaiPants-Lttce frot ipanadkneensttaddedtwtih thighs with ' ate atrips. + CONIBFAR HEAD HARNESS S MURPHY ANKLE BRACE Aul he ew itian in 1Fail aititWinter + A. AG. SPAUILDING & BROS. + + tSal itOfliai FotttatsGiide' fits 1itt1t'editt'dt iy Salter Ctp ', Price ents hack Suits I'tcoceci - 25c 't'rousers Pressed, iDress ijt ressed, Soc. All our work guaranteed and done promptly. FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 619t B. William St. First Store West of State Street. Inc WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR.. DRUGS.