TILE NIChIIGAN DAILY-NEWS WAGN JE R & CO. ' a uly r ~r::ih t stc:ss..;is.:..::. TAILOR~S psoohgosea~ss.I yu reoso i drig a 123 .South Main Street thin;, 1fo' men's 5weer1, letits alk ilover wth sous. ri6kwIGk Billiad rdriors ad dBowlineu 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. II Thm ie. o ssns th itot5 of overyttetus: SERVICE, EQUIPMENT andI ROADB~ED). wsitsuroraswittHroraIn" T-OLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. L.ANDPIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. BETTER THPRN EVER r '.t ' ,CI i.,= ':' i:, :i , I The SCILEEDE TEMPORARY 181900 Opn it utouil O'sl~y nal s itsto $ smatll os' lamge qat of paper. Paper' 3 l g 30c. Examine ours Up. tutu Pens from $1"" ,:do S. St~te 5t Hlavema= Loo k IN [tilde's W jndows $3o Suitii s at $22, $6.00 Trousers at $6.oo Fulde, The Tailor, 119 S. MAIN ST. Our Window Speaks -for Itself. The Ans ntsrborMsic Gos. are-sdis- platyineg Iou nxs-ss.linegty tte lite sf GuIsitarsn t assrs.aiesas, stnsd havs- - arks-d.stlee prie isssmasny csoes I1slhow actualf:t tt:etry vst. /111 ises'tion tt 0111' ss'tisso< siwisl s'onvince yones. Itt- Ott'ssenstsi asIt ste e ay nstst. "titg loss' Eris, ssesectiosa AVIV ARBOR MUSIC CO. 249-2 t 11E. Washington "ThesNiagara Falls Route." THlE , ORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct coennectiones at Ciiecaga far St. Loeuis, Kansea City, St. Pautlused the west. Ror information and throsughatckets ralono write to f1. W. HAYES. Acent. Anna Arbor ANN ARBOR RAILROAD .z MD '1 Ot'IZ~s TIME TABLE Taeing effet Jesse .190. Trainsaleuon Ann Arbor tsp Central Stand- rd Tine. SOUTH NORTH 'NO. .- 1:25 A. Id. No. i.- 8:10 A. oM. No. 8-01:86 A. am. 'Na. 5.--12:0 P. be. No. .- 81F. P. K. Na. .- 4:10 P. eM. * 1 0- 0:00 P. bV. *C +lot-9:00 A. M ,Runa between Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. W. T. WILLS. Agent. N H.B8ENNETT.OP. A" Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry. Coaeslave fear Detroit every ealf esor beginsineg sat 045 a. m. utilt8:45 s. m Aftser theat too Detroit 19:45 and 11:15 p. nt. (Cers leaving Ann Arbor at 1:15, 10:15 oond 10:45 run only as far an Ypsilaaeti. Waitineg room corner Ann and Masin Sts.: Dtetrosit, 70 Woeodwarsd eve. 0 a p 'Ientschter, the jI'otogwapbet. CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES i E TeLatest and Best Stndayst Jan.'ste I dd\sts by Dr7 . Methsisslt i Elitsc()pal-I.. S. (Nite . tttsttt Tylt:: ofte 5 tticatg otesu- tpasst. 101:30 a:. Itt.. s55rI'ttsstasndsset'. I tttt os1ct CoIis l 'SL A. et otsurttse. st.'Aiivv -l myT toi.p so istFr~ tsl sItSt.5 tt: i.aJn 2-.5od ae.pll :3 .01sm. HotisttCommunion:: t.1):301sa is. ilsyhoaltUnon t 1 we'st~tIss t .. :( servitte.atds sermon':sttt ',0tpi int lSatura at n.t' 25.-s9 1n. i.Sale ofteve'nitng pyerandtSt mon t'sersved's at 510s 'or 1sty telstl :openttd-st St isi::l t'hristian-- '1'. . 1' 51':'tont it I'l1515 'stoylS choots l eot Music. 1Istor. I'. ls::3Itt 41. its., sro n.'t -1,11'It isttstst F Isi 16--Uivrssostity tiall, IPrimsitiveI' R ligion,-: 7:3ss1p, tin., test sfstl ttt rIl asdway~t TtblsI'I'55l:' sic«- irs1013tIs st --t'1. I'. W.tosti1g. Ipasst Ysskto s:S. U.. A. 1 5:30 .. ni.. srnls s. ''Tiss- alto':1 1 1 ()13sl o~ther s ollow. IntI:sI'i ,tI Isos li 11. 5t'sscslist'. s "U S. Stses l 'ssttst'iiss t (tI iitsl J' ita isI'l o daysl~s."' sesiasl stie- :15. , t st ets onlys' . Sesond ist tl~tlist--I;. F. isWilli::Iis U. E.-:. II ILEl. 32stS.lSt-te strset. I siso. 10:30.stt. 5.1 Isit. ''5:trtit It heit _________________Cost:___7:3tt, s-essos. '-Entettv Wes-lk .1 o MW.lt pYills tO Ifaltler's.: ss~ttsti'v t IIt~l l.I ''sst ttit t S-I Tlts: .:s tty. l 5 N Is: ItsI t'ret i a ts isis:Is-t I it presntt t ;fo aliitd im oly t1,NN Tlint ro11 :) I ithe bslktdit'ses ashios 1:.Bsns Mla;rSretiii1Scial so'tsrdersinso :sst t tos tt heS entaie week wss opetnSs'ssadetiitti 11.1. Ell'S .1EWELRY t'S U II slit :15nss'sosipsta lame and ttwtss It In tItsI Is Vat tilsi' it Is 1s-s)stylt Is idIt lls'se ' lss)foo tl i stl Ilss ol osstl e eis ll511of1tiell i 11 s's-t:. 'lT:e sgstsl oeisi as'opy ofI' 'lhs Sisstigisl5:Daily'- ssf' Bthi compants~sieso are'cr1w:h' ret's' Ns-ss' Fol Bslt Years B' ookss. A.il ii ll' s 5 nesiit~ssthe oists:5157 sillgiv's \;.a3. ;1ti boostore5'ss,1Iscenitis. 5 intrstlig' timess aIis-spet. ''F. S. +ilissitssorspsorstioss-' (Wigstsi : i-.SNIts51EN. speci l s'rice 1.50.to (1 ssu tssl only17. TIeess: swiilIse-a 1 lnisjss 'Issis tt'sIis' E.II.1ll.1 1MLtl. 326siS. State15sret'ss. mi 51:sttt7. at7 Is. il. J. G'. STANIIA UT. TENNIS NETotto i oacqeustets fo~r -'___ satle.UCalkints' Psarmaey, tf t stosertloe for the Dat14-News. i IN 9PICTURE FRAMES xand MOULINO You can find at DeFries Art Store 217 S. Fourth Ave. The Summer... In ,ees. Ysvt treDO IlIllkilog Of Faell wear. Our Fall ile of Footwear is snP lW e- made in all ttie a styles at $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.p00 Glass' Shoe stor , 1009S. MtaiseSt. Repairing a SpecIaltY. 5GRAB SALE x AT 10LOYELL'S CORNER STO0F it Friday, January 17th, Ioc A GRAB. Cr. Main and Macn stree .j Capital, 10,000 Srplu, $85,00°. Tra 1 general baking hsnee'- vSO' , Karr, Prs. C. E. GxO13sV} -T1he finn flr1or avl0568 Cptitl tok. 1500000. Srpiusa. i1 "of- Reoroe. 5.00.00. k~ orggnizeod unde the General 0"' d of tll, Sae. Rooivst eone its taye ndlo seaenog onntheo prinipa iisiofte State:. Drattecahedaupon propereidol) "Saty sdepithsoxsoerent W tlpecso: Charee E. Hlssk. Pree-j19. Hues. man, Vic-PranI 0M. J. Fet, Ce5' FIRST NATIONAL BANK org i Capital 100000. Srplue and re01, .1% Traneacts a general anking b eitatte eachhnge bought and sold. Frnish~ credit. bE. D. KINNEPeos. HARRISON 8P S. W. CLANKON Csitrlee W.: . ROLDent PVicjef J. V. SoHn O VoepeeR, JoCWaAee.Cashier Transacts a general Blanking Busanss. Goodyear Glove Rubbesr Fal line of ElkknGmshs$t LA MBERT, 613 Wllia ST:816 S. STATE ST l U. of '.M;Barber Hby l Shop and Bath ydD(t methdI0s' 1 Rooms, 9855STATE. ad RI THlE FINEST LINE OFSOT E .XGL:R sintss ;N t S.Le.An I THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. I A GOOD SHAVE, CAMPUS BARBER SHOP Hugh Johnson's For a first-class Hair Cat Razor Honiing. Bathrooms soen Sunday, Pitoee Cafe, 214 E. Huron St. and an Easy Shave . . g-m it. B. WELCH1 Open day or night. Board $2.610 per ark. HR O NO W. sit0 ()skHouse. Huron St. HR O NO HAVE YOU SEEN A (I1O~ (Cb86 ~CNS M L-t