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January 12, 1902 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-01-12

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T t " i° _.!y 3
ITY . r r ^$ { ta l ti}7
)2. No. 7
TemoMesrements, an Instructive Minnesota Defeats the Chicago Deat- All of Lot Yea's Team Back Except Plans for the New $50000 Building
Comparative Table, ore and so will Oppose Michiga Howard Hayes-Many New Submitted.
Pyia v-uen ca itnlbe in the Final Contst. Candidate.is 11 ..ils l' he5w
o" toi lot lsfootb ll h:iii. IL s5- isis ic'hellbat ing iii a in h e uiii iis oftshe shite itrack te im legniilhi 'i-nest yes- Pe~idtisb l-i A lie~t Ii'ih fte sir i
''1liiiiiiatithel' liiei-siv gviiisieuisi.(ei'inu l Delsiiig iLague :fiiticos-s'- day w i rsposeto the' sll 1-fl' iu'i i
lv iiiii il 'iii Ii Ill Aril.Thqesio55't~oiii viiiiise si'I l the5 'n5C . w ov t pr5iie-i
is h tke inili.5i r Is tsns t of'isevert h~n p~til litit' liidiitili'l sat les vet
sudenti. Pomp thse anixi' g~t ssissesi heteesi I livao n d iiiShs ' i inne pred to ht lutiig. 'Tie lhre lille sl. ielastiiJulyibut hie 5)at
s ia li itioei st a isis: 'Itessilvei, a. hi e iiposliy sholiiiiig iss eisioiiia'mg toiiithiose ii
Yor esisls for lie list '20vs iruhaItemsudeae it Julyrtoseolt-
f1rbtlok~u5 onhaias- he.aer- ils ad isd, Ino hemidse:1141soix site co y 11111ipof ssor o ssig s ies es l
Ags ecne.T etpia raa' hcago hadthis' tr Lisl e a da-:lhug t1 t -10Iin eeinte il thies' 5555 ilin epartmenti' whioi will
luessi 1d ti si1)1'f)\(' ii ii i l ls iisquall i i
i 15 icga stud nt k ot 'le . ~ tig -ssus iilis'ilii ' i 'iin ise .liii ici i ii iitil ii itarts' on t heil' li' 'ii5 i iisii iil s sil h iiss
ou'.15ilspe sysssent lssii, ls hudhk etbskluo l r
sioc a u t i ho 'rm ii 5' iii i s sor lit(,s i ghtsosi ots' Duly Toiedii'dicl oredii 111'turniss ii intii rhi 'fgs'lilssof sish ir ess ei. i ''isi iiish l s s ss i v s T he
val l then. Th- 'c 55 ei s iilii ' he' k f n. sills'e silals n n e i r h y i. l edi' t'I s l II ti atii his 'is ' tents. wali iiiii l l issiarr iiif \'he r s's' i-tt' i
cltari."lanl s eaus sib is-ihatitunii i lt's Those 1 in l h arii 5 acv s ax4folloIs : I. ios itlio tht.h
p'l'eat liii' i'i'i iiiiiitiiliiia:
,at litakokiiof'cavl uians iii. ltdis iVotedii l-twol' "ios'one- Eliis- f 0 ds ,- tob nI Ia . I o us 'ldin i ll p obabsibe erisis.t
iI L i ig I iii'i'li'hiii.ld i i1t1 na ro a . T h C iag t e n c i sts 1 1 . u l ei i l " -is l . 4 ii i~ . li
t h of b eil -ll osCsig i . iit . so .Cill. o Sshi- " lt's-m iilijieiiii 4 ito k; la. Il.
_______________l i't-isle--- iisnt i 4it. ls I i~. seI iii l ' s'it :lliwhereiii 7vills' i leriiii
ekarv5u l iY. ich s u u' i m b . i n IlsniL o ' e ;flit. M isisoti-h isell eris'siii 'violallliii'Isssso os'e' ijisisieC
.a'iiith aiiiriste-- n W eern int aer illite . CC - h isf-mi li le-Pote. -1 lls il'-stito«51; p.i li iili Ili' iim115.
ii'l-i-iliie155- i''isiiiis ils 1isisiiji i'i umn s mdsi. isils4-to k sn iii: Theisew 'iliis ii- wardIis-ill Iiesi rct-i5
s',th g i ihh isis-iv. arn let iles' o us-sssl llsug's-.s-is Ii-g wls' Ty heil i d i' n iigrhl 1iii' sy' ils luv5 lsIA quSad Mihap. heiu
ill i - ius iiiiiii shie ile icshigan tslh-,e i lii ils' mii.Kellogg, 4 isi C'l to ii' ic. dii. lm.il 5
ono hf 'e1t i s iias ;hi'evlo~ i i isjisti isii-ueii sel l-srn is s-'tii l ersIiiiii 'li. (l-liitysfor shatxspurps eii'y's thell at te
°'Ille tinta h o s I irii i ouhle si i i t 'l ss hs' s s ss l ti' L . li 1 . 1 't o - S t -p i u t Rbn o ,4 o 1; p Ilter f tb a ,, otitsn l e ou u s h igh ium p i:lIll's'i s u s h4 it k; p. Ii . M r '. A ii inn i vitisvs'ls'e s i ehs er et
1'1101114,1, the e 'l'xene uhlilil fll e iili 1155- lyhnl'otuslaeIsesuy'ti'5 illnd icagtionisI ses the-iis s bu'ili'i disii'g
i ,ii il e -llss iss sii- u i'sissui 5151 i li' 5 ii's huhra. l -isvu n t te . , rosi'0"1-h} d-i'ses Vsi'Iv visemlissi tmi- ihetnd fosto n i ss'nihomeil
- 'siill he his lisle iiksskedihasiit'ohshelu 5 lusvssughu 1for1 sy i'5si suixius e))i l' siiri'sie.tr lr e
l ghrii i i 'ea t ''t s ll (- ' i' ISk a n d l ei' h iseg P r Is' ' e c t's i a r '.e 1 5 'e ls isg i g hts e rxliw i n g s . T h i s w o r d w i ll (_ ____ ____ ____ __sh a ll_
~ ~ ii ill iiilu' iii~ii'Ixji' ii' C ~ :Is i StrogIvng, an t en. 5DIls-hsrlaks'iln sasid: st
s~ec a l r 11 s ( i e t i ll lrect tdal i his l il I nl ii ofi alls Isils-lith erhsis 's uufyietMioujb e ti hlnito
tllo s ut th
ako( rdrn i h r h i tr nea le is'.e gyri ti Is5 ,i} 'sls lulls. ii'i.al iof ' 5ls y 'siiu- -i' Ai iiiu lS iss-I uS. T e iv
fl sbou h no ly oi atCC Ms isu- itIS.i~s uu xuIss hslg ill i' hs 'isueiis-ill 'r ujiofl rollegeiii ishap.l flii eili'
l -a -p r os t- i fir. y hi i I. I i xi i in w i ls'g wssst hu hinut Ihiii i ssotih s exve I iu s-i.t si i Iusn liii i his is-u (lix'lion.' os lriuI'.a veil-to
'x's work is 555 CC 'le11kept1 packI i this eiisiiva ii'iist i 111 i'i( l' s' Tr ie i-i hsh '5 is'csa-,u. I'ie s 1.1 \islisiiui iisahkyisisisissi hishis' ei l stLi'
la' iililipo'iiciig.isos's.tIIIInuappeasancei i ligliII bidsdfair''toiI-esushi sislhur'mi- ' .iiuesie.IIare back.leicept'H
is's iisineiheria iint'nt. es-.Ill think 'the iprosetsar g od 'st oo''hisiyohinlist'si-l A ionI. 'ih 'ii ofC. CC'gyears
Ittin r o srsy eis 's 'ply h g n rl tl- 5 i:hpon h e li s lii' ssear l isli-i s to ellii oomi i-l t'll l o - s' i onuly sis cf uwiat hie stss' mi. mesnet.
aIn thsh u d 's h v C s i n- h e - si'ha u s s i ~s -usss-sen .i i Silsf u-'s-tho u -h es' riii l. ' s h s h s il l u i ' i l li t i t h ero l is m fsii i r Seiim a 'n . i e
holaki vdirector t tilt, iuter-ut ofi-s ilsixly ii lii:gAthhx5t.lush ii st II. i. Suietix lIof'he
'ft heg are th ilaverages. I'thils'l. Cotred 'uge , s i usresS rogsp nsoneiisu ius xi' hs ss sill .is' tihu d- h o lls h C uy s o h i 'is-s'-pre ily-i
tI ftolimn
ir 't iPa ' f gy n si Iwr . n li' n e . - .H ee r.uu m%- I n1ii uhi -uuuu-h si su si'l i' ssi 1 k 'll iiiRoom 'Sit Us' u ivis'ier isit li C's'Sie u
thc scon-- - -n fo t e ' ar iy Io hs hort su t iveh Sillshilanihsdits h t1 issi ii llllhii i l i ''iih- 5 Ci'hss 5 iiiuliil iu-~I s
- .. - r4oan:ii I manyhii 55ofi'i it-le eau lster' l i x ii i l 'i'l theiselli IIlls. alusthe rut ine Lissi l oli the' il
s-sit - - . -I-S ills II Cl ands Ilsuussi. "sss's -hass now 'cntes si' u' isusss ii'iuu uii-s si ll Isem ny topois sss s-diisisedy of-su ilt or-s
id~s'i 1'uiss(',t. ('It. ihoths's' isle sufa hipic 'meetisitssi tSlushohis sim1 sisuplansingi to ldsls ilk sit.s-hioof ifor som e nh luit his't.ruwalsixit
155511 uls iu'u'hh131) .(1 h:d) 171 . !) lef i slos l s i cal d r cto5(f l i strongim eni o1' 5 h e iel iiih iiu i ll' II go5 11 un lseusungs' htss lii' iu'' sll 'o is-hun e ai ra
sllb'kvstrnBolIv iviin th m raknek ndl-seud} lii'tos iis. uh eni - lull yifthe'-sssstoc hldes. A aiii-
I' 5I ililex12.1sisils'o sesdshusus tos't.1tsslusitsecuaiiu'uI .e' uuhI''isvs ss shui it Ils
\e,,, ' ot.s' . ;.; li0 8,8(1110 li 'isiswsislsex ss' ths' l's'eiiuiuiibasi s s iseeve. ild bky . Ius i s S is frls Sl'
al't ls' s k td ii'iiiiiii i--iili si' 5l s' 'hl heul uulli iandhisolt,555of 'iea'ch 115'a 1555ke1515 is iiieix ixus optsidi ami ordereduiu tosI'ti s ,, asinte s's-
111sl% suts 'Oh ' st'ill.CCns'-mll 5 1s' ill-s'su Mi. lii htI i Il m'ui'isso L b a e s-uhe ute" so ixl sisse uu' l s itt i iii siotn utillas' lol esel.
( l t. 5 m its- ::5A;ils 30 si11 i:00 ihiilitose ths' usluh h iii e his's-si xit i s' h lI tit'i hs sm Is I '~'uxhi g ise a'
t i s 'x i . 5 5 5 l u stAll i i - 4 x i i i h i s l i i ' ui e i i r p aU ' I i i i s i h i l - ris - u e N h \- u s ' , i i h s pl' ' s h l i i i u d h s i t c i t - c b oi a r dii o f t e n i r eci i t r s i 'c o to s i 'Ha m e r .
4 411.i liusi5. I -isis l )l iphys i i l S 5 1 1o . ii. .e 11Moth stronglyii'aes Of( m se thelililght s-i'geh i.1 _os' s i p s i's usssu'ss s I . . 1 his iuiigesit
'i'h'xlrae e. 31.1 uhu s ih s- lu ixie i' S f Siildot'i.,i"iu'i iL hii' l l5haku-e e atsiusi1itg 'ilit'l s ~ill .It ilt.5isi' Iss ls's hil l 155'Wit'
lulhmtest xu~ suslh n~us ssihi sl. 's5 s inig es's' lii'iu'prhelu-tt s ii hs ueussss-' siis' i-ss Iii iiiiiii
iiis......i .... '-". I.1 u.t8 iSihi' il ii ' I I,).}ilhi hilihi.is l mi ii e1 I hiit 1t i i in l ariskCu g f ra d 1 W r u r
-iliC tn.' iiuliii Isis7.iilill 5'5515. if I'ebtis he usf itu-uuuueillsueea-r i suI~ l C iii.iIl o to hegelietign
Rihtt'rerr -SS II-'iI- sI5 Tue Spt ushihe p ic esofithge i i v thii-" Issis --seLtust iieigi-i sal-ery h~d fesds
Lseil's Silllre his' u-:Lacu i vit i n s he yui''liun itin is' eIisuef illfO.dm.ivese t is'tsida t hu
pr 8~-at, 110'4nv 55 11.7ls 99s sthoghte cdn' sfseosruo o pitsin a hios yeasr has bdesenoady'inln2this i 1'vrx e rkC. eiMaxe tkneday 1s 4p 5.
leusis.f ageyAlinonlgtetes meis sessiualeay.'r siTi.her xviahis et o f a eiusi ACu'{xieh ssertry"n
Le'tI 'SN". IA;,i 12.8rsisass w redseraed r husse-isuiesed suicrubtrwllsuhornsaan
tl fr' mnt J-"0"" Ou:hf~ 11:i !) t tii-LCa N to D l -NECS'ilSI FOd o T eliii vuits iu ftislt d s i s f 0 Rosheupt0IlostoMn CLts
It iih streL E R S Cpesmy gulong thou g hit spa ifraten isies" re willrhe ao rear i erak
Def ttigf isi c.lb .pLeIce7 obinheat hMdis aoxei ds.an ek ikcsinn1d anydoor eao ssras hselfOsit el.day ns 7t p~ . se ss .5 R oS
strs1 et hecpwi hy r oysgrili Dtotta _______
- 9 _04i t. ND23.4 T! l ost . M y - e- - one a o t th f eskil s cms e he f ot al en wil til;y ar erefor mally rtifi7 ed. -

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