FraSTYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICII., FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 1902. No. T4 MICHIGAN ALUMNI DINNER. nunntIsly throasgli the ItIii MICHIGAN'S BIG SCHEDULE Meeting of Track Men Last Night. Graduates o is rest a -eld f atiit iwshictheyIa-ls iihli epns ntl is ofthe University Gather tire norpr~n-int:tht, iren a city~ Manager Baird Has Returned From a111lofthle seatsali ifor tcktamil"a- Round tUe Table at Mercantile of i' til 1111551 oertht tsare nt Conference With Chicago, North;- ilatls :5 tpromiiising felliws sen ''(f 141 stdlnts wo eris- ~ crs Western Illinois, and Iowa. be n \~iiaii gtitistt n _ if si 1f~ lr-tti:l~dtla eaves of KIeee itpatick a-an innof he of theiii lts fIS kIn I tel' Int ary dthatardil(il i 1 ii(i 1111 'n I. itti' un.t lhto the menasll sity of i I,t-atotlie 'uI tr )at it (wellime'tfrots l e state1(1 bll 1 ei--i11a ]tensi a iicollot ' fnoiI tlal i lettltitts en l It cl llit hod ares iti .11111a- i isi (il lbt Eilgh5 ty wefrm t na-n iii wLi ntsye arndIth iiis tllts3' with diln t. S15 -. \ti -uii K iia 1tn tl ttlt Wora lft nit inet 1 1ir 1tn vl1 1( lii ii ml is.ith st a ts Ifle ictoi s t a m11 ,for it trelto1 l c' I lnii II (i es I nd well t-as if t-eastlandtiiiiti l'tt I irs I ta l, ' sc lt att l ie - s li lti f Ile F - -tl n tn s i t ie Wtilpai evnii'esdni.a esvt tot) :Iids snll.Arls- m ereis afse tNt hsals. ti f it- l stanteara i bep i t o Virah ith151 Iv\I~ryot ('erni P. tHalde as M ine lItntil'iitt sthti' ltutll ot nlu 'fll i'nos tlria ite ri list-it snai d tit l itise vn a h nl ie n 11111 l strilt1 I ttttdoili t av(I t. hebodes flitte lir.ii- fi T ht- las-is )tukg rstt hicam otatt le ,tiitlli tttsi-a 1. ofea h e eaun slay tealmiiretaesiiitt tilt L, of the \Co lit-l a ir 'us of:' (n 111111 ti i tt(, ie h itt t'i inlo itit. X"ii iitilt isof sli t oo,111 lotlastthough i le oole t a wou ti ld1 to tk's tuk ls Set ti ia I W i a o istalutclsh1 Is tm de I alk a ps.hit I I lie tof ta t vet I .Iii l t s f I t- heu;sti ng ln liteirslit i tit tell nh toIn li~ 115 t ( tiltn s it I- lni-tilFai" vttlttts 7-I in ourl sopho itore year ] ols t- iclii I I oSt it ii Itnstttttr ae tn li t ilad idle -itttin e f itn- I lii 11 re (onei t o(sl t he iu-tilst: The litalit of Sevlii I iiist-li'd ui - i iy c it-lle tia t1:1l ati wt s d'ii lii. a nd utisto, Ind hdet-u s' lt I, il li i I~t Iona tt us I si lii tit 1111 t iuttlt tuth"'1if lhla le of sgut u;I i stlop imISn la tldewilldiipeacelti \ ,r0slta set a n (i i t'llead tof tiilttan. I oV lil ut ~ - it o l V l-l --i n" F)I_ ,tit} fills appeari d-tillugill , gi ood it i tCh iag . t-t It t i t t t siwre its 'oloi ngAI t het 'i a rs ilt'tilmt i ti la heal iX~n, ,I ro lis ut g a h 'o l ies l re-li t liti I o t I u tlti ts t' ii( cla s -i liYstl d. lii tit' (Ma agerI i rd ii tll l n ter i-ll:a cots t.,t helreii wlll lii stst ""'i tt -1itsspii(t- i r (ilt uiii ii.' i'10,lat t st lsso s hvi - tilturfrhr o feett h id o 1111tcl.lne w t li i'ts e lre i ii-of te LI i(sit ii ' 11_ S (3 ii a~t'-- uof li lth l assit iii it li i t i r lium o f l ia e ii th5]i- il: 11( the 'her-in t h'l l liii ' .tatIl-vte I'xp I iol i t till h iii tit lt i('--t S 74leri lit-nithird nof laii 111the lbove nmed lian hatis tlsi-t- tesi tari both ofi theni u(iashIet i In lt the1 ti ll of pla s this d(s(1(1 ago ttu-s i v~I i i lt inthe Lo iiana( .i till mti t ell :,(li ndI (1(11 i li n c sat-si U t'-l i--tiLL aoutdoori-si et-a il y r the - i iis 'ai li i l m - iti 1H - - lti n-i it -s i' (iills irul fa eor poutu ulg-It a l lt siDl t )' 011ii titt iii t'ii i er r httO'i I a m itl il iii' 1 51 phi 1t t ii I 'mor lutt ( ft' i kei tI lis t - (1' ii lt Iii utti (i ii ltsil ll-' li' u ittIn tilit ll 5 5 -'tt Iln atv o.p cicti u tt - ity yoas-i oii th theIs - t thwu lcad iua u I lii t~no he w :p- Io Iiu o stilIetr n\ u h !it , ng t itpi s i I liii eIt ii i ''sl l i eg lt ike i- tenit osio tnta e he o(till 1902i lti' !len.s( hWo a u 1so\iel~, - 11111 (olu I u lii-sii ts a ttils tisof lvita lit' s - a l ii tip n si hedule, IButiv tIerit- s ino t'di t il l-it' Iler p e e td tm t I, v et tt( W ) It'of tke pe ple iet I ih~L 1'n ebas --titIt , elnpn~lit which c'or lhll n eI lii / p'sifoa.1lysrsei-alt-alt]theliiis tei1 sIIX- i utu'at In-il ii it tllit' i-itrper thi g 20,00,040 00 r -xa l,(Its0 . nl l t ti (o lt li ke 4(1'Mlnii' liiiI toi i t 'p . lv rl. Iii 11s ih I iist ii li istli Xii tciis't1'10i''' 4,ali t a - 'uu' t-t-t ii stlii u' 55 mi -oII I o'lilr self'ts1 I r(tin htul i it t I p lasr ot r ti hal ts111:1\. (iw 11and l l si i'I i iIISIso- v iii lutusuui-as ins-nd "to N te esternltta it ("Ir 1 l (ayo lit ehn-u edsIp~t~dfcl h s olt-il it1k irat55 thlihotutuond be it thu-t s I ill t'usil' Alt-tii-lut es t-ili I' I ston tl ic d llarhinit tiltyIt til in 'It s s it f licit-ut- e tat1111 sseliit liit I lllslseiti ttint \\ stl uilt p o( al- )I , nd ihe ch nnev of111111l lit- th:renal I ti ll forI i hs titI Ilti tiMousthestrlittolii lu ls n ith e o e w en t e ] ml s a i re uhti ttt1 m c al pionhut' u", v' ' t Xiii li i iii's o Ilsnutu ut-tan 'tictlitr- htuht umul -';illtalui hi (hiHateliwXliishillant lIreeve It uuth Stu hi lu(ps ~~ o i- -w l e h 0;1i s -- II A tes~n g u3 nnl tll t t ute i ls in 'l i in hih ut)It W mn aii'Poornt-P-hts iianli'-i-h Sf11tt1I1\ti ntsl in a lii- 1 11 a nd1 h l ig h e r i ;n t hw_; I, tg i n g w st 'oir w e ith 1iiillt hdaii l k l\ t o Ik t he u uN nril ' s mm ii ii i ' i u ll' i i i s 5 1 . h I tt \ ... reaat -u--a titttet tut it it ii"l51ihthitis i it Ihtcu- 'uu thu's- u's s 1grlanut nt oI II- li ,hu utsiu i X'p Itustist is-'iQout llitls I -al'ss ii 7 I AiulcollIeuhu l n h gei-tns ul i-htuir' Itto r"tii i - II tlo- liilimifo t h t t uethAeiilnin 1'5iq ofih le 111t' Nul 1 ge eai ll lusct-sI es liiitch I t d rItn ieh ihiul, of he I '' ht tt hs I ici hut wha-i'su ' nresit5- f "Ai m : I( I sI :N1i'thiw esrrn- itchga 1111Deh tte. ____________ ai at lii l111 ui u ti''ts'ti-- t hi T he( IIexperlil'iec of s 'Imglluuhum in hu, h e Prof Csl ae t fr NP ree ter s ii p tlIiuIti-u-I t ll ild itsihumm ll-"ls, I ll ~t hd pioneeXX d(h it e' d, IV. 1't'i isa ,a l lu-I il'ht ' (n i hitwo' \ u ustt tt ht li-mau uy i tIt ilh e t o io( ttltul liii l l u: i, vi\ it X th all 10115ltit'i tt 1of 111(1 11h ri a mustno, the (lu-i'l l s fa1n11' shewr ii mut tulle v oX 't'Meiiney wihith is 1IhS-W hiefll itkill hluost's ownu-ut ill hh whicth Iiiwns u to inllhwon lmitthi si--tlt hus-unh -sa 1514 -hus ntS.h ntatil tiieu aprotiieed.,li 1of5 1,arilitit-oiie 1111 il hl letuuu riews hto-ils m Ai-iutm'I (tm' it lab(ita-ndoiin'lii m u-u is-ll gu' mtihtistthurlthal' e. ( it Iendehi t : i ts (l ut ei tit e Xca ir v t] t e ta u r rIyi int l utnh al'u-u-i-tm. Ilte1m ilhll hs httl-imli' tIi iit 'titih tl s.mths mlii tu--ti B skt RilMastMeti s ( muh I uih (hntSnaid'Ihofii htile" II liiil 1) s "'huh I m.ire iouau withiiithegist I' A- havetbeeylillk there hahitstrbeensis Nit'dsits-n -el t-1lrsr l'otr ) ,in 0 ii 1a 11 r M ithus igan tlc ti i a seb15 a lli r'ii-i i u f A iS lm e t 11hi sil u iilii ti l umht bsies. ;ll tutu-al hIn iced lii tsmii us-s si'l i ilum ii- - i-t ll . Issomore hinu t _,raspihe~ Tl it is altottheritit Ihatthseret\ttclti Atit' utl4'lilthhisotus-tutu hitill'a Slit-u-ispril lyainut\I.s1s flt l t-ein orla ttut I i slii tritu lt tui~ i'thusofil-ii-itt iI111 15th u' sm it l sssn-Hia u. r~c ' mu u t s- It- Niwoll- Xis-ir is-ih--- I l lsss n h liihius shlsi i --~ i iimi' yin tli tikelh t hm lu In i sldtg p h l-'int tssil is were, I"hit t 5hihhhiuh l it'eSinsul it u vet. 1d uissi n A t Iode nn h's iriy. Tilte~ l, "i hstli tot is hsis,2 tbs -hillsiis of A herliv t'it slm l noti - stetXas nihigharusorue-i- lnsi- Ilmf i .crs o't e inwlilo of 5 sal iig i thls yol'r isother mhltiml i n, iit t'tsrl l -l ihr Iy 1T. tiM shall itsi ld.i I i h ipmum i s -i i b teoiiemux,' l S iimv t - iii t liiillltultIihlt muh es'it hit ) s icmm hhuusigasumium a np'psrs -- ii'ss-ytimv________________ t~rds 1ugr im;rouns:liithis-gli' i o's-sttte niseus'iod t hlitiv' iiiSt- nuMict tianu lth t'wshtttt ii' ls'h'1Dtbtm e.55511 'Iiu uuostiuu umuim' m-m tl u hbi. tlitis-rtil ' lli i,.to i 11511I s a Itsi aisshill itmnr hsui o ei tb st llousut mTihei ):(hll il imuut i-al mmml liii' ltoi fhhIl'h hmsummh u ilI - ul' lilpos-iti1 5is I tpllItni lt a iim 'se potent tnti lssia} netthi51 ti-si liii'll~lr th trettillliis N rhv slr1ii i l 1 lti mtes, ul~it-s Air inti on Si siweltadXii Mahi orI thl I nter tioal5 C iii tIloii Io i 'sti-i'm' li t'll' hrade-it wo me usu is-sm h avtil1 el 5i -5a 11111 is 'hdireAct-lls\ s ii I Itss Situ hum" h do m tre o s ciii t Mliiichuuuilmuiluo' ht1uue' - IP l ~l s ih l l in-n."Aim- let sio )i cer roX th'115in 1 11111 ii ll iltlii slght1 siissmitshuss throvsl mmtidigs. I r I humirsthisi oneIfor111 'iNr iuislo (hisw i msIl con 1 ii Iby lette I at i t';1r--1i\i'ittl isemit'ntmiS fuhhumas li h u hi mt h I even. If ith il ete i ' h - n s iil ut t I l us X I r uat' initit t 1 tlth(,in utl i o-lnhsiia i m mii - l s iim iml s St 1 iIil i i1 lit sli iti mulul liu hmeuimbershss terteitusi-ii isu'htol' 'r rt irei'lii Sits-it-I BTuut MaXXI Me' ting.llust.miti ltt si. ix s ilth ic" mm-lutinnls ' itt t tu' shms ibts I(li~" Ierush - -be nIlihi Ii' itt elii hniatu titi pa s ls tisti iii He ildi l li how' everii' 15licig lt as1 wonii l a r: 1..lim-e - imi I hs' luits-lRidmste ;t I(';N.i I111) t imlusm(Iioy col- tsh Si It- ss li1S, 1tilY'11}"m' h Iu u-iltst-ishvthits-151111' t-ititMiihel sit, s-Ia s '-ltil It's's liti('t--Alhls's P"(,iil Sills-s tiIiiglul tlsi mshill N ih AloniAn t-in if~~~~~'t Is-Il I 5'h('1111til'wtill111illiluittttill ldebhdte tIi thf ti11m nns ~ i~ i21 tinthnu in t ouN t-sI S iilX tu im t h11m'51511 ''u' s(lilofi esyAl uit 21 -t' w mim oAlt a l ils uihiu suh I i ilmusslmui n fist mmPareii tietuass' oh il-it' us-illou' ifm-u- mis-si htndmmmiicheS-u mi ls'' l ') 171 1 I ft ln.. ''eslehIbts i l-it iitlll'I 'aiealtiilt tid lih l tii -ll hut si i-; ti mye l0ust ______________._____________ nd_ Mr huh-esn~l' sill dlii terc it tumIlltcliii' elllut ca noutgsit Sls ultl-t ibetenii~tX uutiitiii hs ullishi ie ht-' til i I , ili ll n~ l e ii I hits- tesiimls-i's i -hir- tsia wee lii-k. -s u.Illudi t si y i 11 th' "s reinered ilosi~tii, smeou~islus itsk thssueosihli'- it 1( t 1'esls l iilld s li )l s ofllll Mhille aotloitig fr a foodii fes h a ii dasost y isi\v tsis t tuit ( ' tl o huti'S S. tss'i ~ 11 T e ittou i p rn ci illl u i. this" regil01r '115 trutespectiSvsinrias'his it le l ss Niiibe rll ersiss y le ot re s e restTak - aae sersaniu theiti 11l(iie'111 f benlsiiO r ssys- reitnsmoein gest- Pi is;; ibfnOld-ss"cby i s asouseIi i aloi- ss at he oe fte sn l h i ls'5~ in hiS cietinssesan i lg aite -thanorm. -tis lyes Sta searshoild i sure. the s 1befi-t n tess o it t o of th (, edsi-i-i't 3;nom nrat nb tit (,~t Of 1lisa tempirarty h me aonben sadtigh adth ey w- ~ ill chform e thssmisoinjoves;in o d mue c .--(nw or'03e heysidare tofat s a ec 11 h 'hsmirilim-ass ati ostls nne Dr. c lsu i st'relib ti am e M intst atsi ie (or th s aI2nno nc met lii 155and hit h ' eclse o t heseso