THE M1CHIGANL1DAILY-NEWS AH, BUT THEY ARE DANDIES! Our new assortment of Bath Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets. iwllAll that you could desire of our stork is complete in these lines and iwilbe to your advantage to look them through bofore buying your holi- day presents. 200..202 S. Main Street. ~FDfMKfN&KZL~ 'JOHN 'J- SOHANZ CA.DEA To LADlES AND MEN TAILORS OA.DEA 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET flilifilill AL ..+.+ + -IL tIi -111!IIii -0-:: EXCELSIOR LA(JIlNRT DA~Y WORK- AP SPECIAsLTY; HANDWORK 115 WEST HURON ST., 'Phone 506 Tis spacebeogtoGoGoen ntCu 1 -50OFF 15OlT R. S. PAU L, EGY TIA In ent ry aleOUR 2ND ANNUAL Youwillfind a niceline of DETIS ? The Entire Stock of FANCY and Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- MIXEC SUITS and OVERCOATS will ways on hand, at reasonable be put on sale for the Next 30 Days prices. Give me a trial and be at 1-5 OFF. convinced. NObetrr5 Remember the Place. beteaurk~ish Every Garment marked in plain figures. 'Phone Ills 120 W. Washington Sr Cigarettes can Every Overcoat included in This Sale. _______________ be made."1 Every Child's Suit and Overcoats-50Off. TUTTLE'S Fancy Hercale Shirts, stiff bosomn, detached cuffs, $1-5o now.................... $1.15UNC D Tfl EGY ~~Fancy Percale Shirts, stiff bosom, detached LNHRO cuffs, $r.oo now.............75c 338 S. State St. ALL GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I___________ EM LE S ,aeR.,I e turd ylasme PnD o clans77for0 (e xlsvl,,M n!yngt Cork Tipped.) ISaturdasy 101a. so. Ladlos exclusively-' A/ r- 1 K1 R T'aoS ILLARD AROR I I.ML{ERpl Enoy the game sasd get isquainted 312 S. STATE STREET AOR STYLE ADSERVICE... STUDENTS ALWAYS PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVE3RY Liberty So. WokRowe's City Laundry, ellrkpnoeatly and pronmptly done, honP0000,17. - 110 lDetroit ,t. 01i M.MA IN, FUNERAL 211DIRECTOR / 4elc 204S. 4b1Ave. Plane9q. Iestl 1 0 es;K . 5thi ave t'Phone .114. Am- MICHIGAN NOTES. Coal Famine Averted. ho is' lsshe hlida~y svaca:tiosuspec1t I h(\-In'. - thessdivrsitoly csmels' Is)n~e ing with l dsaoster'son Is."sislsy nig0111of Ihls t :101 cify o ssllegets. As1t 2 a. 111. lKll srsay 11111' issthe sts h llov sselful sof ; s ssmt Ills more's'sssl wagIo slslosad car1 lrvdtisssssls's Ca '5ines'isnsover Ilhs iss wonderfuI sss'lslthat'IlIo IIl ls' ws'.i furre to withut;so al for al 50 1 dad15015 Il' there (% l I'ls'Il ldoubt bu that this-s anss o lllars iorthofl Iss'Is sI's src 2scias hlestheldanger 1 o1the lives'slof l'tinis'l 'l'in I lls' is woul' l ds 1551 isoft'lthe ll .Itis.~ sIi~s0s'sss I ter v'Ie51511 I'll'Secretaryl ssss il'saidlll sl i1n111;'coallheeverwesall et i'an 10aiM hatis llssial '11sked Irs'it1The 15''s fis 1 eis ersy isslA IllsArborss'aIl51.I0 is osll. Nvs'sh veIsas'sss'l s'ssssls slll hand,11 soils'!.20 tilss. o. I las ti111l Fes. I. so5 1h tther I i'ss' no Ills 0111 ' of' thI'5 si- s's'ity 011li sp slss sdown. 5C'onl 1(ollil ll 'l''s' ss'' 111 Ilsillleey (iyln h iuaiosnll is: Isl e sttIls Ill th Ills ilou h li s'ytrt ii l to the s'lsslls icresedl wester 1111ade wh i aks Is ciar's 'sl west ''sIs' I' ins Va luals' 'ilde ~sill i;i n th m ac e lst. a 'nd tso a lrea' 11; Is cll' tI IiI'ss' 0 a5' 1511 lr ilroasilis illt 0 is I' I tis' iss not c1l~l s'li's lls' I lls ' il iv ill' s w ill O.fisnd it- 10slf'i sotlt Iosit'ionssitls d is before t n w cl inssl :re coplted :a th MILL.ARD, THlE PRINTER. Monday g I tsitlion sard ssdmits Is all ohe' above. Advsanced class for 'adios a.nd genilemen Saisirday's 4'- p. m. Skates Ground and Repaired, while you wait, at Bailey & Edmunds, 12i E. Liberty St. DANCING 'lhes'Ss''onsdiT*'I'i ifor ti ginss c'~o- Ills's 5 'l'Iis0lllvl'svensing,.1:11u. 14. $20.00 sill-Y's'Satussdayss's' liavl'. lUnivers.ityo Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. Bicycles Repaired, 'ilso afuill line of bicycle sun1dr510 tires, etc..Lock Repairing and Key it111151. WM. J. WENGHER, 113 E. Libsertv.- Phone 553 I? palding's Official Iter- Coieglate used by allthe leadin.gcolitges aot Bail Papas-Lace freel. Hpa and kaeen pasided with inecred isair andIkeI thighs with cno strips. CONIBEAR HtEAD HARNESS MURPHY ANKLE BsRACE All else new idean in 'all and-Winter Catalogar. 'ree. A. 0.SPAULDING & EROS. IOssas OATan NEW YOR CHICAGO DENSER + "paldin"'s OfficIal Foot Nall Guideofoo 150 'silld y Walter Casp, rie 10entsa. W.MKR o 41Y.ISr~snkS 154 l. A full line of...: Why Not Own a "University"? new illo desgns Come in1 and see our new line of Call and see them. GASOLINE STUDENT LAMPS MA R KH MSA M'S BAZAR THE SUPERIOR MFG CO. 329 S. MAIN STREET 215 So. 1M'ain .St. Hleadquallrters for Wselsbach Maintls led Glassware. MONEY LOANE LCRCGAIEadMRL OK a Watces, Dl a da.k 'sla ansd other Per- EETI IAii niMRL OK senal Paopty. Offie at residense,'3 .Ol Cha(Iss. A.Coe. Prop., 3115151155llls'5and de Liberty srest. All business confdentia1signero ARTISTIC MErIORIALS. Wsessad' flousr. 850o 11:30 a. so. asnd 1 to 3:80 and ;0tog'511 Class Meoarial ad bse ors las ssinIOSpan- p. so. JOSEPH C. WATTS 150 Cannona. 'Phsoae :2lO. 300-34 DetoitsssllSi. 3. F'. SCHUH,; Hihllrad'eOsMantle.'s adGrais.' ElectriclossCostructissnad Spplies SANITA~RY PLUMBING Artsi as n d 11Electric lFixtures. Steamail Htisso leses'lsating. Solving Iliaolilis 20 EAST WASHINGTON STISE'T. IF YOU'LL JUST DROP IN... whlenI o51onr street ansdg00 acqlualinted 100 sill toll youllhow to; save mone~y. Suits Pressed - - - 25c ''rosers - - - IOr FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS.< 6111 E. William St. First Store West of State Street. 7 - y,.,..,,, ----------------------- x -------------- WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.