_____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS At",T NED L C "We are Sully prepared with a "strong' selection ~"'~"" Xof snew foreigii and dowestic wooisns for the aop- TAILORS proacbitng season. If you are con siering any- 123 South Main Stret thing for nen's wear, let us talk it over with yso. ,o , PiGRU iK Iia1 raiiloirS anti BowNling 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY :VENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. II Thmt moastihe best o21 everythingi: SERVICE, EQUIPMENT asnd ROADBEDt wihProtCsTOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. BETTER THAN EVER The SCHL.EEI~f TEMPORARY BIN, ; I 4 ~nsmalissrlarge 1131 I~ of paper. PapEoa F. J. SCIL3 aoS. State5fit mar s. _ _ c a ...aaryr liave=a=Look IN Fulde's Wjndows $30 Suitings at $22, $8.Oo Trousers at $6.oo Fulde, The Tailor, 119 S. MAIN ST. Our Windew Speaks for Itself. ; ilay iiyan tltdil lllvllilt. 111111l int o 111110 I i'acly tool. All illspectliionlat "Klill-Ig 1t, 111'' Series', s'il'til5. ANN ARBOR MUSIC Co. 209-211 E. Washington MilILIGAN CLIV4NT I'M~ Niagara Failsouate." THLE SRORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO , NEW YORK AND BOSTON; With direct connections at ('('teago for St. Louiso, KansasaCity. St. Paul and the west.; Eor information and throsugh tickets eall on or; write to t. W. HAYES. Agent. Ants Arbor.I ANN ARBOR RAtILROAD TIME TABtE Tattingefer ne sr2.1011. Trains leare Ann Arbor by Central Stand-; rd Tim. SOUTH NORTH *No. 8.- 7:25 A. K. No. 1.- 8160 A. St.; N. 8.--l:b A. K. *Nu. 5.-12:30 P. m0. No. .- 8:35 P. et. No. a.- 4:W8 P.. 102-8:5tPl. 4.( l0- 9:05 A.M. 'Run betwen Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains dalby except Sund. W.T ILAgent. 4R H. BENyKETT . P. A' Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor& Jackson Ry. Cara leave for Detroit every tall hour; beginning Iot 6 45 a. m. until 8:45 1. m.; After that to Detroit 9:46 and 11:15 p. m. Cars leaving Ann Arbor at 9:I5, 10:15 and 10:45 run only as far an Ypsilanti. Waiting room corner Ann and Main Sin.: Detroit, 70 Woodlward ave. "! lRentscbter, the lIP'otorapher. CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES Iris-os' Ms-liorio i hi,111 i'a 'Ilivl'siiy iii 11111 I (Ilor ftkeC ia. o 1'l'01'i'l'1l .Jan1 . 231 - No lealiiil 'Ridge-l 1ay11 'o. IsS 'C. i . A. .(,or 5llria 111Ja1's -1$1..slI is asiets,(- i aoii- 0.st sfill 1111101Union scon r's. :1 lilill .Jl . hI 7s' .lill . sll.- Salo Til :r'lIrvedsts'r Mad X'stivahopenedsl It I lll.211'Schoo0'lIofYMsic~l. i;S's-ly, Feb.il 1t;- 5 lil rshy1 11;1i11, 15551the 111sfof waIlls Mel1lol tNsiy New'skstiSsi ' C. Bok 55Ai.il 115ALIC 011110. releds ot1111 l low.1's ( ~t 1 ilss1 s 511' 550-0 (1.00inued from IFist Page). C'rafts. M'1i1511anlrushedtheis- l :,1)a 1yar0111. kickedl 51881 rds, 1r11n1ha1111kicks l27~ 'ils' firl's t s ilns' 12. 1 sl o 'so Is. 1low5s: MICIGsAN. oXN011 Left ild Reddenssss...............Clark,'Prelostonl 'J.(gt T~iI-kl'±. Wh t I(a t ig t.. 1(. . ...1'a g l Lesft Guardf 'R'ghMEN 'dARE O IE Righti. 11 (1101k ('XII'1a~. lVi.K Subcribeftein.. Da... i-es.eat. The Latest and et IN PICTURE FRAMES and MOUL DIN You can find at DeFries Art Store 217 S. Fourth Ave. The Summer... W Is over. You are thlinkinig of Fall wear. Our Fall rS line of Footwear is laest malde in all these styles at $2.00. $2.50 AND $3.00 Glass' Shoe $tOre 109 S. Main St. Repairing a Specialty. All aorta of.... Michigan SouvelIr5 for sale at R LOVELL'S CORNER STOil~ they make nice Christmnas Car. Mtain and Hduron StrotO, 'c (fapitl ni, 1o101.surplu$ias 56o.0 'f general banking bneIn~es' vie" R, Kzxrjr, Prens. C. Rt. Gesasa.v FRED. H. BaELBa. Caser. .01 The finn flrbor Savln O O Capital Stack. $500008. Sueplus, $ f 1 Or ulad nder tbe General Baning 11 Ofth lbaState. Receisves epositby np 'Safe,.y deposit boxee to etO. bysaW" ur~riwse: Cbareees R. Hiscrckels"e. r Har man, Vce-Prr.l St. J. Fritz asC555 FIRST NATIONAL BANK A Capital, 8100,000. Surplus and Pronnte, Transacts a genral banki n ainel YreO exchange banght and said. Faci lts 'credit. 0ss R.D. INNRyPes. HARRISON81 p S.W. CLARKSON Cackler W * . BOOaTH, RES. sW. ARNOLD, l8t Vice-prey J. V. SHHAaNao2d0 Vice-prey n /~u JON.s C.WALTz, Asst. Cashier Sn x'~ Transacts a general Banking Business. Goodyear Glove Rubber Full lisne of Elkskin Gym. SihoeBs51, LAM BERT, 613 WilaG i j " LA. MAX O'REL JAN. 15, 1902 ITHE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, " HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 5. STATE ST. A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's Razor Honing, Bathrooms onen Sunday, Pioneer Cafe, 214 E. Huron St. 912. H. B. WIC1S Open day or night. Board $2.50 per wk. W. e( Ctook Rouse. Hurois St. For a first-class Hair Cut and an Easy Shave -. ..- HERB JOHNSON HAVE YOU SEEN tr'iC E NO BY BROWNS MI WA D U. of1?V; Barber Fc "'~~ Shpand Bath tyd on e e iS ROOM1888STATE. ~. 5.10 THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTC AgP EJY6LSH SUITINGS IN TolE