THE MiCHIGANODAILY-NEWS T Ihe6MoaI6OllVlDG DUohT D that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy Wu STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ oudbe to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their lahel be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter any part of their production. You don't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why dally with the unknown quantity of doubtful make when you can buy the 'real thing'?± LIND[,4SGHMI'Ij&IhT,L, I i ++++++4 4 1 1 111 F FhF h h) I h F F h IF YOU WANT A+ MiCROSCOPE BAT0R, Cs NiTRIt COP CAEC Y- +tO tOYSILTERALBIJMIN04"P R, 'i'LICCI XC t( AC LOBIN's1Il"Pt'1tC Yet .0MEB]. RLtt ttNOCIM ltt ItiTHERMOMtE- TER, or ssy other one, scope.or illsmeersi e'ls e tt l as ed t o 'hew you osilllinei andsui t eiss y5os int t i - , ' Ci (5EBEBBACH & SON, Itmporters and Mllanufactures 4 "No0 better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." EMBLEMS (Cork Tipped) THE STEAM CARRIAGE i BU ROCH F I ELDI Full Line of + LATEST SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS . U ROH Fl E LD~ :z ..,... MICHIGAN NOTES. Snow en the All-America. risulist sisiofthi~e yser. Fooltball enlthiailsts have beenis nuchi interstedin th remrks o Casar Xi-r. Grnri''s clases in a ii iiitre-ts-JI ii he emass o I -i openii tsi iNvik,'Satuiriai. ii-giiiiiirs Wh~titiney,eitor of Ouiting, alustees'- enlemni, 10 a. ii.;saiu-s ).in. ailly acricpted auitlhorilty on this sploirCtisaniied class iiorsirogram mtinees Jianuaryl niiimiitsiofthis magazine, nafi-te-rnoioni.4 onelsek .i Ueitlinelu ll also111eet Monidauy eveinigsi :.31.La inl Sits selictionlofNeil Sisoss as asdiesandslgeisistleen'sameie sr-sing,, memeriof sthiesrepiresentative eleveiiforliractice.'Tuitioipaalein iiii of A incrien. Forilthe besset if those lais. iiseltliilli'Ii5:slaiis$.s C d ilitsre-steit.'r.str hlitiisy's complete s-it r, cays$3 ps- upsle Inr 12 iii ii se ii tiliof t'h11191 1All-Americansi s15. iGrangers Aadinil. Froimii11ow eli-sen'5is hi-re i-g e-il: onino iisiors will bei'aditedldstinsg tA.LAMEt155A tILEVEN. Ilass or asi-semly issurs s- cisss- Graydon C(Harard), lullback. escort sexceptedi.; t'.i'ssssil talvarit) and Xoly-cap- thini(Columiiibia), halvses.< Daly (Wesit Point), qluartier'. '" S. Sts-sl Cortoratsi'(itio Cowsiss cuil(Harlvard) aidiSnioss( I~ielli-slis-cil ptie $1.Ciitostudensts only. galil), eiiss. I. E. JAtRtTLtr:32siS. Stes- treest. Cutits (Hlarvardt) ianit Blagdens (Harv-- ard), ackles. isilliur-pinsat tIALIEICS .1liW- It iii scs (I arVasrs) andlit til(C'srniell), E, YS'lTtE. Baihmin (Lafayette). centeri. TENNIS NET an -iwo racquets for; It wscll beto-ticedslthat Nil1 Silir is sale. Calkins' Pharmacy. Cf the silty wesen laye1r4gusiln alplie oii lith Pte s.swo'iscsiinii menii' La is Bihliiig sploons atiiiIAt ti:Rt '5'eor . trsunshlfbtack, alistCuis .ire *theIiproperi ihing to sendil lsiome. ii'l. rese slected as susius. ____________ ''ll(,i-steemii i whichSnow,,iis worsisii Catholic Church; lsusses 8:00, heldin uuili e gaileresurilIoth Clii fact ithat liiemiiii hel's-scsi iotandisend; 1s0:.30 a. TIn.; Vespers 7:30 p. 121. isellitflHarvarid. andi IDavu~is.iofrisce- GLEN-The State Street Tailor. Best till, the irst sinedl a voei o ii suits at lowest prices. Corner State uusi-i. itis-sth'e' man a pt iS' of l ilOiiiandil Washinlgtonlstreets. IChIarles E.,iPatterson, alilliltiedly ra- fi-iddadcipen wrtr fihgipis.t1kL.Itssail: ''C ruigrtlhiiiiias Cliibsti all- C ICY i ilORE. GHIiSlTlfN J. !WLM[NDING[R .... EALERt IN.... FINE ART GOODS Framing a Specialty. 210 E. Huron St. - - Ann Arboi STUDENTS 1 If yo wiuasnst to tfirniish your apartments cheapilycasll asd see ine before buyisng elsewhsere. I huive second-tiand stoves sables, chairs, etc., and will sav-cyo F. W. W ILKINSON, i3t S. Main St. TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State St. GRANGER'S Classes is dancisg-Iieginners, gentle- men exclusively, Monday nights 7:30; "Saturday 10 a. m. Laies exclusively, Saturday 2 p. m. Practice class for botts MondasyS p. m. 1 tuition card admits to all the above. Advaneed class for'.adies and gentlemen Saturday's 4-6 p. m. IN NEW QUIIU~RS, We havye just moved t State St. (head of Liberty), ad inviteyou to give our work ' rial. WM. HOOHREIN, ;Sanitary Plumber. Steam and Gas Fitting DANCING. Classes at thie University Acaidemy wile tie openeid Saturday, Oct. 5. Genis' 10t 12 a. in. Ladies 2 to 4 p. in., Tuesday ev-ening", S p. m. General instesictior andI Assembly for members of class. Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. Portland Cafe- Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Open day and night. Huron St. - Opp. Court House A. G. SPALDING & BROS.. Omfiil O f\ ittsers to the ' lem7)1adig Ca l" an tltc4Clabs oat heuty SpaligsOff0cial51Athilie Gosiasrestansdardaofsisal- at naercgnized as schisy all the leadingorg'aniatiossacan- trollinig sports, which Invariahly adoapts Spi idleg's 0oada as the heal. THE SPALDINO Official leaguc haseball OfficialInIsterealiegiatie foothail, Offica1 Gtaelic and ss'nafaatballs, Official BtasheC hal1, Officlil Indaarlisealal, official Palo Bal lm fical Athletie ImiplemeseOli-0 elIcial oisniaGlvea. A. 0 SPALDINGO& BROS., New TY.o Deve, Cicaega. WMSTAEBLERZ, Agent, 119 yVW hisgtna Teliephoe S ED:'"GOOTORENLS ... R~LSBILLIARD PARLORS lit b POLD RLtIl 5y tie 5ami asd5get acuited 312 S. STATE STREET IFOR STYLE AND SERVICE., STUDENTS ALWAYS PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY Liberty St. Rowei City Laundry, 13ell 'Pteatly ansi proimptly done, is'P one457. - - -110 Detroit St. u. K. MARlIN,., FUNERAL Off. C %DIRECTOR 5 29 .4th Ave. Phone 98.Rest80 u 11encal v. P oe34.A - 3 h F M H L YEbony Sets Wave Crest Ware F'or Gentlemen. For Ladies. J-YON'S and LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES For Everybody. WILDER 'S PHARMACY MONEY LOANED Pr LCRCGAIEadMRL OK ,)n Watehes, us'aads.Wheass ad ath. e -EETI RNT alMRL OK sal Property. Office at reildence,.«i1 '. CluA.Ci.Po. 1aaasrendI Liberty street. All bus ins s canfdental ign 5erofaARTISTIC MEIIORIALS. We made oases. 8 1itos3:30iandsto 301ClCiii Memarialuand ba siar saiaiin Span p. M. JOSEPH C. WYATTS i55 Cannosn. 'Pihoneisis. a00-an4 Dtro'ei Si. High iiradeiMates ad Gts Electricusl Construcitionsasd Suplies. SA~NITAsRY PLUMBING Artistic Gas sit Electrsc Psxtures. SeeamindiHot is-tCirli-ating. 5sesa' B ~cis .20 EAST WASHINGTON STREETS. IF YOU'LL JUST DROP IN... svhen on our street and get acinted we still tell isosi how to suave money. Suits Pressed - - - - 25c T'rousers - - - - IOC FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 619 SF. William St. First Store West of State Street. Mnakers oa?: COLLEGILATE CAPS. GOWNS and IOOS. Rer tag a? CAPS aril GOWNS.', (l SPECIiI LTY. CLASS CElNES, COLLEGE FLAGS COLLEGE PINS. CLASS end COLLEGE HATS and CAP... 1 W ,.KERN &Mo. 411IE. tifiy-Seventh Si WE PATRONIZ7E GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.