THE MICHTAiAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ThIL0R8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 60. io8 E. Washington St ALLEGRETTI'S and LOW NEY'S CHOCOLATES Fresh every week. Leave orders now for large size packages for OH RISTMAS QUARRY'S Campus Drug Store WATCHI FOR R. E. JOLLY'S 3R&AT JANU'ARY PIPE SALE Everything rlust Go IF IT IS A Law or' Medical Book I HAVE IT. Old Books Taken in Exchange. 0. E. BARTH ELL. 326 S. Staste St. - 2nd Vlsor. ' pL1C~tii plan sea sisifol iesi if eh lyjisi1 a iere- Is' s-issinial sulm fore silliissioii ito is- given silluti in'!.s ini thei' i'ilioesiseai- The U, ef M. DAILY, l1ith'fear. ias k~lisses 0ill lie Ingllisli deisirtilaeis. The 'VARSITY NEWVS, isi Year. wii itth eii'li'ii is ilils'i'ali sf I'resi- sdeiii Ai~ell 11i1 I rlfessor I )i'iii1iisii Enteredso srecond-ekis smailer ai Ann Arbor MIr.I('liiesilmoe:t spia51triip is ('hi- Puti's.(11;1weehepo i ltny.1(bishedrdaiclyoiaiya sxeptsed) daring ilisediiiiihinttoappenar lefore the sill- iihe cailege year at dtreiUniversity denit:a. II i ilyt liisihiiit -as sot, of Micbigan 'isilie, wass e'ry favoisl-ale,'sil usl -- BYiTuitsl--- louht ewill coseant. I'Ps'esienii Ash- MICIIAN DAILY-NEWS PtBLISHING COMPANY isey, (if lthe A iii Arisor railrosasdsi (AGNGEDTOiofresdIhiss'riaea casriansit Iuiithis'i MANAGINGOA 1NIEDITOR FRANK A. WSAGNiEiRs'ssi's tilli s' islsli BUSINESS lIANAGER iit'ri-al. fOTTOi11. hAN Asiis a I:t EsIssisis IsisIossiR. Ksi As I huh's iof distinctsis ion ltis-li lit ATisisiris t I)Ii cis i H. CALs isisSi 5 TII 1i 0i sissle.i ss eliii WOM' 'S EsITORsii LiLisAN K. 'Asilas ilisr, T'liii csliiip l Daily-Ns'es his All changse iain advrtiiisiattreriimust be inlihadl iiiiiiiiaii iiiiiby1Air.i 5 isis-os' H- 4 th ieirby 3pIs. il the dai'~y irev-iostoishiati I's'. isVIs'' tMilli"luis Ilille-Ni1ssill,. onwiil this'sarse toiappearr.swhich-l siill lherea'ifteri'beii' i-siisby the Subieisciinipie ' i.l for' the acct- is-isissi' Is. siiililsii 'ditosis o f tis demaic yer. pr. lilTiheilses pilisls re goli-Iiiiiiiiti'i and thesword, Is 'islly-Ns-ii-s" il ii l osil 1 a lksi-bi'iisiso f illues's-isis ii i' 5- l, Iildiissilii'SOuss-ili' if rails" I-'slissi' ''oday - - - ('.'. . I - 3s'-llisss.' islis-i' isisp oliis d'akys. Morei 1:'1l111 tsistheyir'pes' ent's'Itheii'fa ithsful'wail iii's'' si-'s-i'isisthornis i l5he'rses5:it 5'of ii'ihiei-siditoswie-lhissMiideistis s-sll si-e isis'esf Illsos' is ulssohei is as-i-siroisaslis's'isindsiasisoldlirary 'isis lila sitll ioiisliihelioardstby ______________ ill iii. 'he s-numberlsi is stInsi ly limited-s Though liisitis y seemis ittils' lelatedt-s h, liinhe oi s-- f eitosrsssind the pis wi e hopeyou'' taislesits i liills'he sirsit :r l - no obemeab oo ahell-a a lau- Ni-is- ea' ith-iloui o ot hoi iis iIisis siiss w'sas'ths-m. Songs Of All- Uh e Colleg'es A handsomely booed collection of all colege songs, containing l beet songs that are tY' pical each, of the lead' ing colleges of the OW5 try. Bound in blti cloth, 'witha cover prdi oos tsold prove a most accepteb le paresent to anyone f01 of music. Wahr' S Boo~istores Gyms, kiss Suite Shirt , iese anid Apronsan H. L. PERKINS eo Cl Dealer in g 5 MEN'S F URN ISHOr, 1 isar t'iss i sar a ri.s'.aiassssiiisl isis- "'IiA IfA I.I" 'YONL(IIT. (hlolli-selylu'isis' lia-l iien 'he sgsailsst As aniojetlejs s onsss ill Aiii'iliiic l iii- ned tU dewear gr ses-ll it liithe 'alifosriastrip, ifit rid tosr', -''Nsil bil l e,"sil ''' ist' Iits-l's First door west of 'State and i list Iii'eil sio'1Keenesu' Fitzaic-lik iss asu's-un lu stil1e:1, Wis-Iis-iWilhilibe'prsentedslssi~ lrm'itldasd rit inlg ltsillonshe it ills'Allis-s o hissl-noiighit, hss H FIG D I ii Ilis'buro.sWn sth iadiratiinanresp'iec't of CH FIG DIn 11ihiss' sse f lt I)5-il esion ~y i ss'iiliiii'il sicesshas Our new line just thei ''strenusss lifs"' itof sitld sior 14 t u ibs-ssit si si-is aud k's- in ste'rest came. See our redrsbgisagi. nylivei esi' liii'e istriospy, -whose Ms'nrds G EA S .cI .L thssii nith-r emeter. (tas hope Weresi-I' on sirgnet ta hhv ut GR AT SpE00 tha ie-Ary stn'sst liriom Ioi o11 Nvill osill' ifs' to gigs's'fIrii'lyiiJ' i-is sati$5.'' form ss;t5closehpartnership tsis i is iii t t llrs 1s sists'ssstslst isiiortaal W~l. ARNOLD, JEWEL~ Ili-s IlardstWorksi nd suit ts- thei Ils' ro- iii liii'siubis s 'isisslime ch r er is frausghts _____________________________ fe'ssuors mwss tillei-ts'light i in laingNvit's-lhi satlls'heitensisand 5155 stisiiit AFTE RTH'E PLAY -te ilhs -coat."Isiat'.-sorce 'hicshfiniiishedst'i tt giv5'D5r15 0 ine and get Oysters in any st to________ ieIis i rn OnpinLunches sf all kinds. I s We he.Isig to s-sll litihe 'itt sntin o' our ' '1e'1 n tl is - stsire omp any tsatii'nii 1504E. linen Si. Neailstog d reaersto illsariles in anothssrs' oi- i' Nathain t1-is'e i is o i(-of spn-cialh ex- One blen fmthIens he s to ntina srrloiiSir enary Irinlg.'i'llenc555'o'-i 5550'tsibeiingablssy ists- RCiOW CI Wihsenisit s knos wn iisi thssiSir Hen-ry' l'tiit d b ltailyerS sof ills' reputalstion. sNisslitapll'' il lesome ~tille-inIt siilli llhe Isvorhshles'joesiiiyiisg Mr. osep Jeferso a fw yers ao s's-snisis's- ss'l'inn's wsith suhlhigh- IRH TB 0 in iiev tsis.eii Jtliigss isI )sally \eNis's sg- I'iss islii'iilsii'y crsiticsslas, sOs' 'ERI ALR have is se tati shst ld be is-i'stlbl enhn'e il) "~hatHae Our Fall Line in the 1BeutC ntctl I s silto -astempt toism''II ll s-he-n-i "' isla isigishsiof lisingiso-tlisti 1--lTBALLt'ti At 11001:8)K. ; fci shownS Containing all the ,KO5 usIssisi'sii susisgI s''sii l''5li si ll su li lsissa i'-. 5SUITINGS and TROUlSE~' the 1Mici ' i s tu'sdlisn ts' M . ltiis cnt hecoyor2'oi2c' reps anidss see hsssat s sus' bshones'AMILLARD, THlE PRINTER. Phone 226 - 7o9 N. Un-l~l'A IsK~~W AT THE... DELMO CO i302 South State Street. THE... SMOKE HOUSE 116 E. HURON STREET 25c. worth of CIGARS ANY BRAND. ATHENS THEATRE, Wednesday, January 8th. THE DRAMATIC EVENT OF THE SEASON HOWARD KYLE And a carefully selected company, present-5 NATHAN HALE Yale 1773. By Clyde Fitch. Htumlor, Sentiment, Romance, PatriotiSli Comnplete Scenic Production---Correct Costumes, PRICES: $1 .50, $1I.00, 50, 75. Seats on sale at the Postal Telegraph Office. All the new books for the season of 19o2 can now be found on our coun= 10EW ters at discount prices. Art Calen= Shneenan & ol dars, Xmas Cards, Bibles, Prayer and [lymnals, etc. UIiversity Booksellers, __AuOK Michiga ,: : .n. Calendar 320ao5. State St, - - Ann Ark~r. tIE CREAM, WHOLESALE AND RTt AIL, DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. BROGAN'S, 110 6. MAIN STREET.