50 0 hrl iiMnhA iigws hld for tihiee ,sn n-n. iishii-ntried ta lten-nnriiitin SIR HENRY IRVING.
(lownsiibut eSimm asii iniinii sint urns fatedn1hak iithi a :-ard loins.
tn tc inie tfr Ia touchidonI I'dandaii \l Iaiidenikied ifo- 20iyards.
Short,;kickd-heni i;gal. Sco-remlii- Sn'ween-l-nm-e n -e dti.t ydns nofit n The Greatest 0f English Actors Will
The Season Enided Brilliantly -iiini:S-niifnitd.(. :nisec eiinlandis. ilin iSentit dligi- Probably Lecture to Michigan
Tae imer 1inhini401 yarids ito Sieeley. aoni I put fori i5 ynniln in lakeiSrdss
ByWinning Fo eadStnodtewIt' ris n-i neil i )anrils n tin--rfiiiilied itoWeeks. Sin incltthem etStdns
MilchiganFos eadStnod h iy hbad iil ltnrfHied t il. iii thnnile bll d40 rminil. T'inisilvfiiiiilei.
anTeam Proved Itself the ]laysiliiroitii left tackle ieted ineIed euedmmii h eil all , a I.nidniby a 2- Sin ieiir Ivng, the lifaiiiiis Lugit
Greatest Scoring Team the yards. Siiifiiird islli 5gaI ine w yrsyadrn iae a iinitttouhd i. Siorsai spm actorni gietet liing lut nenlre-
World Has Ever Seen. liniund ight tackle iid ie1wo1e1 hikeuigai. ScorMiichviligaii., 25 intfSiieieriiyletegii
Was imate lli arindiil lt itackle ad ii vii li n reaer kickedilover le liuihigani f i. iieIaniliiO ilestyiai
nili--Nimi nyou Mel gt niaie a:itiVintrshi thrinnughlnter i ndiiniihe. Snenley reurned ~eilli l lii::atmJan. 17
iniu-c oobllliYearbook.) ftnnnleil the sll. sineelen iintel 35ai"iilyards iki imagaineid 1,yards. Mvr. IC, 1. 1Clyne. eariig at inna-
Th tiite1nt f teliiiSihigan yards. mudloniiTaripays fiiiible Wieiks fleii nnest iinii'indeI)mySifrdi ii- tiinfio-nii lingell. on blehlfmolinh
< aat a -peridvin-is Itie fioibilmli gme <alni iinlheiiigskini, ut tint biiuiiinli119 liiigkmnie.Siaker kickmd-il iyards 5niiersiy telnnf his ineresting
iiPsadnaesi-Jnuary iirst4 Ii enaiownsby-Cooper iii brillian a l.aid swlmieunre thei91x11 o alein-nith n- en r anidi iihaett.e
byth cnv sortfl90.Tisyrns clarindth l rled'bcknild.Sunl tnordlostthe bal n i""I wnt ir el iiw li et.tin
nutegeea n i no iii liii h 5-adln adSele o ars oloe yHe-lsiiii Ateiiig -luiire I tiiiiiilSi-lHenry Irvniig
ccciiiKr litemnifithe1lii I iesti iamindodg i-ing- -frn -iiane f - o" ndShurts hc nte fv nigagedl in prsenimng laois ilinn-
buit osnot 1liilihe story oit'Stun- 2:) ymrds ShinrIsin ii. iaii isnbiink iii nan-n liestoadancedmi-ilthe bllaiyill r fi- las it tine ito Ciicgi
ford's l<isper nt b tfutile it t thru h lttacklefor ieiyn--n I-nt es - y a hun-mr mnll nii( n-ii[nn innd-n-mrt iiemand thea-tri-goer-us. lRec-ognizinug thmt it
I nii t -ti citI. ' ie AnsociainediiPress tmio n i a n-ned Si- arsim Onii -ti ghtmiim sivein yard s sleetiei. Snowitvent wounld l n-iniissiblili-tin timinimMr. Inn.-
"oipthswr enerl n sinai-In, hiwk andiintedmln-iiencomassnmed lright over. Shrts aiedtinkik goa. lgsatnto eo the conlsioniini
give 11+detailed a 1cotmt:ofIe gniiiebu:, Xcig2tforced te bal;"iresit_ shr kicked ofn' 0yrdsand -Swnr- manaerf thithetrand i~aeni.
Lp ' ogttiiiiiilayefdlnsi ii snni th-iin r' -ya-r-d iiimeshnley retiiniim30hyarnl tomSinkerliii liii nnliind yfdithni.
liis S of iithe. l i eidst- aim i-nihi -sinruin eiofSimi i in iiriasmku hbik fl uSni-n-arsMy"Imiad- muinir-esiente tyhies.mmy r.Daisiimafte
liS~aiime tn i lmt- mm lrmtmni ---iin-ilii mmi nl ii iof mi m - iiRosileii's imnnti inmen-insuitrnnn
thiii nd "rlii- iiitiiinis cn-in nSe ies mmiiimi ldonsninis miihim-i-1-ard line. lvln-I mmliipunmiidl 20 ymaids nnthofiforintae.i- I Ion t eiiu innhimnn- timlI n°imly
11, hnmiu-bkhnn~en-5 imkei Isherikin-km-msomiii25Symards to- hm-y undnd limichvi mimi-u redtiiilthehinll. apprcian mted l mithmie t im- homwdiffiult
lkthn -- liiiiiitiiii iniu nt hi- nn instirodi inn lI h ortii m u pmmilicatd hemli liiStiraiii ight buc.sSow mad iii-;reiitmanyioi- int p urpsetinn thiei o n Is h in.
To ihmnfr limhniru ti- I toii ai d, t!,A wth sraih nnuc. Sin-n-in- u mn-tihirough i-i-ou tr finr-1a ymu snnaan mu i-ug w m ith hiim ouldh venin ehmn-n
)Iklume hi lt im--a m her lili-u layd a fi1thin-ilti-iymm-issn-l ith it n-itnend rut lidedlthin Inall beihiindm tiu uuu-s-got.di ednn The pre iumsntioi mimnio o hemv y
alii clan-i- gaimefotoo ot n Shioritanninumini a c-ross-bmuk. 'SuiouiShunrts foiledi guo-l Sn-nun- iiigmi m. rln une dammiiinmlit s~ rp
-'o -mmi li
mu tin- mnmiisi -
Wei and kuinninn ofni e ame the ineilum-li ith nn isults ,il- ee, -'islil icknkeni mif 25 yinids mmantlminight inur i i nfo- S. imul. rndereidn
,e' tin at)1s5whit- llunniedmie uxem-nui thin- it'blm- mik kink tint 15 itin toomk 25yars-mi ni th is y lv.r uniugs mna nd pmmiiihysicaml moodtni
miii - -i a mrunmii thout mt n uteence.-(.ii mufake int onei-ti hue d nsied y tmiiiamdmii ec-n
li-minim ynnis to i i-him-.houmretunednlte liiiil
iii Inn nal speakniilng i imgannm lst mminai nit 20yardusHestonuians kik Restonvn ce fivie ym-rdus unnially ithisilittuhle lihportunuit ot
in--esie n h Sltanordginmiii TOlinISimts toomk tihelpigskinudomnmtii tie ld Swevloykickedi 55 spea-mking ithu inim
t(,rai2~n tnhi5 mnl iiptSta fod umnt f ili-threenplimis mgmist liiilitin t or a aild-Atincon-u fni--my gromunI. M-iaddeini "Renimme-r n imu miieiimi
ch gu teritoy. mtn d w-as ti-gluminut isvnmmyards mmmid xvhitei- tumunickedlm 30i It rds- toiSii-i-hn-twhsn-mu demmi-sun goodui at ienioftlr.In- vning,,,as Sin-
liii-to reak thin-rcri-ton-n nu ftm-mu mmnle''io n a icriss-c-ross 'intle oerd m ashsn-mits f-mu-mi yards.uiAn doIn leDii i s mintnay ) ll mmand kn ising thamt
):ns hlngetsi made i~ulugmiuist vWe-eks lake-kn11iyards mwaiiiSnowmmiii mini sent nuuusteluaoudm -enCm a yt iitidistingmuised mami
Alefi~ t uiiuit(, yealr Nune ft theilim-n oingilt liii-hall.,,shotis by a for im5 sliards mI By u i-uins of liume um-s inilbigtoinn limt m id mniinain'aegitmutrea
lea i tms Wun byin-in in iun gJ mui mul uhm -in n u lusut mui fo m a nuiuutih5. I wsnt m inthotmut ho lii
ethin ni iHe i Sin-li-i-place--i-kiu-km-diOlteum Swmi-n-i-in n suut-n-ssftI -ini rum n -ve myards thin-balli mias mumvncedmm-n-i in eli hopemiwsuws-ltfounded.n-iftim inn hss
frmo mmIm ltimrMiu-lig~nu *rpete fledoeaotit 1yamm s mor mmSt mnids Ii-yar ne. Ano-~hithirnsi- tin- mmiai hiiurma-filiu umeting Mlv nsis
otsil' ofnits' sccesfuli----pt now dvanedinn-mis t -ofln- ucsflowdadSnw asgvl teprisino -etn
ohim - ar tis gm e.tdrintile sea-ii tnford's 5iui-i-ui inilint ut.miminetu-kwih u-in-n lytune mnt-hr ughin en ter foirummts I rv~ ging atth on cusiott nni ofm thneit
\ici ii ssacredmgi liumt n liii nm-mn altinitnum i mmwal hum-lot mmm ilcm sm-mm yardsmndl5 :sm-ill h dowmui nuhortslayvi- l-sgi t ldrsime rom.uuin-lutt nizti-
~mmi lhinimm mu mmi-i mii iii 5i5 n nns mmitinn-~vm sin mus lii iii e s int mimmt ga isoeuin-iutlui Sh44:ms ulmitin t it u si n mh ichI bnn itmimgun
a l ly oqit," -nilat-themm - ns- mumi. Slemm uuium n miai-mi c mi-i- kit-mm u t th ar itne.M "aie ea tw udntbei poe. W t
mm wolcegias ilianga t-fonta fr's 2-fll m ~hl imir. eurthliii a in dmuseminim-n backluTh is mint ilnnillmmmI hmaliicu-emum vt i
(11 i rq es. leh n.1I (Stnor, .onut ndumms 20 yasim-ms :a- nfa lie kik itnryuttha~t shomud ihim- muusuhi to ieiii
ith i l1-i i n hiiniude i magnifictiisu45-smmnui taumi Tsoldo.whremimeim lymssmmiitie
ithin run;down till westIrmche lini-kSmm n 1m kin-ldeuiunitomimreudisimm-nitsmintn
mo thegm Sili southminsimdenil Ssmnuis retnundit tin- o indmmimmnm a idded mti-mstsn-lmt Sm1m miigni im-msuti nthl mu
ier hi turiilotd imm imi ii u i li-iniuhlmhlatln-gmmu ni Iid ruiitltii mdvncumedi thin- iball um sletmiiiiion i tnniemstys i-all mi-i wouldin
the Batr n fr oi tll
lauiimm tc; II i nsiesstionuonutheii masytfumblediuan iGregory got tie -lnl, yarsi bt wo I i-i ahis aanmst1thm lin agreeu-to mini- thin-rensultoft nlhuntaxm -
Swc'eli'y kickdd i yards momiii Aiplace ltknby sm-n-mum-u-uthe mall ndumn-hnsinusScurmumihintscdown Olin-snatthe ndi smosa mat t-thin- aShin
1 l ho- retmurneu teI ins11 ac orStnfrds lnefonROyad)byfa lmrudshn throughi right mt hal e miieaaidepar~utmen-ht tofthiniverityit
imuml ihilhma nelto l ling yiii rd lin.ednilSt guo ttebaladby w ieishgn n truhthin timnasiiii s-mm-nitptig - -t
-e t cs Vmm110 yardtbutis theatsenstiina rtn,-kicguhmStaSm-m ime hut wimtheldg ivitngis oshntmm
el o u mu'the iBrnown;numpire. limitKtuui it nmmmmtnuihummuoo15coamuitit tats]mitIuis 5"-Sin-dlimi
mia imt t s iiymu llimito nullut time5 murstmcoret.mAl min,1;Stamnfod,0. (Cn11mdm- outhPae)l"oredtotoym-vnmi inmace
o d wiOhm-out thrtietemtut mumh d nmi- stmhu-mmghmlilum-mmi~ mifmmfer ehn is-long t ie eemo
tim e ah. 7 e m -ada ui- etenibldI i hitnam nuinut humo -tspn--m- Itt-mIaImm n . 13t-i- tint i-mm shue mi ngni tim om e iu t o
B m1 ttourforit remwglum-ysumumn-u- cutemmte pgsi-emmu-n. iSm wasm catosin--Max ORel IllIimi mdin-usmmhm a(hh n
liii- r ganei-utheim liimn num a fainu- sith thin-ball inhumstautoi-sAcrnnniitor rimT e nxt imnumbher sc-nhduledm ioi liiie-ourmiuteinn i nummnmem~ mt
1)t-timiiii e kickendl10iiyamni; Swesu-iuflme nt first halt inctluding tlapsei 8. L. Ai-ourse minsmii-ont fthin immns ieIihintr-i-ssm5unw5ill~ii~ing oxpress
thekscinn alfmwth eaerly awaiedsaditttatiwihi-e-timefnamumcisinmin17e mitteuti-th
'ii daBe hc h aaeetwsi-c" hu ofinttuheIt tati imh oni-i
h'el o Siluhgan'it10itnd lue mdeitadodgingmugn-mmifinn125yards, tormedmithlaut Ot-lilonunccmunof h islapicould ponssily- arrange it
'14ki-ij Liit "mtcmi liiibll 2.1 yard~ns hum Smmmnlen--advaiuunedthin pigskinmmmmitmuhuming i-ompellediui iomunergno mmstriousuit Tine mmtamnnucmemmnut ilt nunislam
ninmnhin imit tuledi simhon gain Tant tfor 45 tarus T rpm uimu tmmluhm u lrmtni aateiaihdnn mnm-ln nl hmmnsmiand mil n inmn htmwmtu
uii-ii-ii im_ sur- leiliuperation, had canc-lled allmnit this ittterswillmnoidoubtebmuawaite
a~ll amtes. ilomiivetrthnpreintu totthn mihgr.itemlrest 1by thnstnudntms nit
5muiuis himonutofthin hunst gumills-n-inei m aui thrmoenghthellltakle he y," Sha~kespearen as wlilins thein uimimema
1'r,,. mii!nhtmunordd nimug tiii-gmaume.form i2 YardsitamumIitnstuhmu secnureti S. I.A. saw htennupopuarI nmnuitinm nutof-Sir Inryuthnlmselt.
ihlilhsmnu ',ied placekim-k for goal ifrm anmoitherm mozniarumtmmind etl -iiend.eoimn humNi-msYorkh dumring tmmhehiymm.iii
5mmm-1 " 5 -Si r( imun-- miii In-hi shorti tie tdust mhlad lniic liae e ndepaulictednni nhtnnnmitinfrom iium tsimm mmuuuisn thamt it i T C
-inn mmmiil . S1imum-his-ele mm-mirmmn-niti mmi he nlyhuimusinsl li ofi ntfiste yards hm-rehits condmititon lter issum-uht hum n-uall Time Limit for Stories.
(unitmihuhn tlto hium mmlii sillsamsiiidmadsvaiteddthin-ballihtin:Stamnrds in-i-him liIihutthen milncomeintnn IilgmimnmarizeCntstnforshortst- in
- ohml in> ll' tr(k.'lhii aleI2-yamduline.Snowu camrine titt-nr Mchga. Snansim-ul.Boe a eyve ilclsrnFia fti ek
-t :W mhu mmii -tand m advman-ud tI Shouts fmiledto nnkink goal. Score, hounmtof athitsmabilityto InnlivtwohsimrumAll sti-is minim bei innm t ans ofthn
lug kWards. Stallrin - em-tivm-mtnittelviimhiganmm 22: Stanftordi011mm-i-unl-ettuesibetfarthits return mtinmnging ed uiiom ma theInlanmder by~
imuoM 5mn5 i-mmmatuuiumanseriens nil Tmemgnmkiceidmuff nit-n- limhimitnluimi ta hn
11 -'Mihign'nEnlan.
o m itm nohr laekikgoal limitamid $mmnesiunicase murk si-il
iilola, n''ely maileli Yardsruaught md returned 20 ymadtiona run. BALL RA~It ROOKS.-Coi-s mmeytie All memahers of 1902lit-enig.footbal
inI mim Tles11to Iu, my Failing to get Ike require diisce -hy obainled nit Miss ti-elIts aud tme book- temm, wino received theitrflumerals,
ii fa fakekinckscent downs the .inn-buking. Fisher -sent a 4-yard stor-m; 15 cents Ike nopy, -whle they will muet at niundami Sturday after-
d - -1 line Jins mm brillianm an-yard spiral{,o 'weeley msho returned for the last. noon at 2:a0. UD L.-STERN, Mngr.
'' - , $ asries of1buct-kIe hal same distance, and tke hal wasm cap-
'i t' t Sti ins tla --yarcd -lineuednc by 5 Gilmray, iyho failed to ad- Sbc~efrteml : e Subscribe for the Daily-News.