THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWPS Sensible Suggestions ~For x Hloliday Selections SILK MUFFLERS INITIAL HiANDKERCH'FS SILK H-ANDKERCH-IEFS KID GLOVES SILK SUSPENDERS UMBRELLAS SILK LINED GLOVES WALKING STICKS NECK-WEAR IN ALL ITS I LADIES' or GENTS' FITTED LEATHER COLLAR AND CU CRAVENETTE RAIN COATS~ WHITE FULL DRESS VEST! WHITE SINGLE BREASTED FULL DRESS SHIELDS )SUITCGASES FF BOXES .S V ESTS loves, ers, oxes, r Hangers. Cuff Links, Watch Fobs, Scarf Pins, Shirt Studs, Night Robes, Pajamas, Fancy Hosiery, Warm Underwear Golf XG Sweat( Hat B( Trouse WAGNER (Q CO., HATTERS, _-to a - HABERDASHERS, 121I-123 MAIN STREET. lVVr rIGKWIGK BiIiaiWi ar1oiFS adulBowlNa 707 NORTH UNIVTERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!II That neans the tt of everythtttg: SKRVICE, EQUIPMENT and ROADBED. Vestibule~d trains, ED with Parlor Cas0.OL TO COLUMBUS T/' LEDOTV( 'wihWrite J. W. LANDriAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. BETTER T}-FkN EVE ~ The SCIEEDEo TEMPORARY 6INOm1 30c. Extmintottt p ttttttPenfrOWS.0 F. J. SCHtLEEg 2 s . tae5 t as z' "" r t Iiave=a= Loo k IN Fulde's Wjndows $3o Suitings at $22, $8.Oo Trousers at $6 00 Fulde, The Tailor, 119 S. MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR MUSIC yCOMPANY C;14Uht PNIi4AS ANNLJIIL Cotthtiltos nouie atd alist of gifts, pre- ttelte(I tto all caltts. Ask to) see our stpecial. Sl iftl ISA IRICAINS I N II~O L I N S. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 209-211 E. Washington ALHI16AN CEiNT L "The Nagara Falls Route." THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With diret con~nections at Chucago for St. Looio, Kansas Ciy, St. Paol and thetsut. Cor information anti through tirketscalit boor write to It. W. HAYS.Agernt. Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD ..1 L0R.ANT!LI1,E05: TIME TABLE Taking eret Jane 2. 1901. Trains meare Ann Arbor by Centrai Stand- rd Tine. SOUTH NORTH "No. 6.- 7:251 A. M. No. 1.- 0:110 A. M., No. 1-t1:30 A. a. 'No. 5-12:30 P. nt. No. 4.- 18:M11 . K. No. S.- 4:!11 P. K. * " 102- 80501P. aK. ' it101-9:00 A. M *Ruon between Ann Arbtor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. W T. WILLS, Agent. W8 H. HENNETT. (0. P. A- lventschier, the lIpbotorapher. K N K CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES Fii:~iy. Dec. 20,. 1; p. is.---:Ice tiion tllt)tN(;ERtS (LASSES. Classes wiiiiet at Granigers School Tiiest1lyv.t-an:. 7.,ao ii1.--Worckre- for D~ancinig aftier the holidays as foi- intl io:s: eginer, genlteme nelexciusive- iy, SaturtiayImorningo 10 ociock; Mon- OHIO STUDENTS -The Toledo day evenings, 7:30. Laldies, excitisive- ILaunldry Co. of Toledo, O~ wants to ly, SatlurdIay afiernoon, 2 o'clock. do your laundry work. Leave ordera Ladies andt gentiemen ,Aonlday even-1 at 121 S. Momn St. Phone 545. ings, S oclock. Advaniced prograim mattinee ;Saturday afternoon, 4 to6 daandne1:w "IwntoAL'SBuilding'"IpII is 2 ' oclock. tuition ;Stur ay ateiinoon, ic d~itoy. lilLEES ,IEWILLEYBeginniers, genitlemuen, $5; ladies, $3. ST(SitE±. Advaiited class Saturdaty afternooni, $3.'t'welve- weeks constitute at term. ltottyDressing Castes at WI LDEWES tOfict at Academy 011'Mayniard strcet. tH'IAIIAY. Fridaty tight it tGranger's, the hle- MTiss ityittt is still tofferintg hig re- tutatliegoI tilrchestra will furn~isih 11u1k duetiotts on till ittts. All children's fo:rtdatncittg 5::30 to 11:45 otclock. hts will t i Ottelil t lesstsh11011cost. 108-11011. Libterty. TENNIS NET and tcwo racquets for~ iti s ttitt sitt ttslilt' sale. +Calk-Ins' Pharmacy. If coa~t frttttt Physics Lecture Subscribe for the Daily -News. It0 t. ti1. yesierdlay, plteet4".111 tIt. C. Lant,iBtantcht2011. 'MILtAIRtS THE PRINTER. Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & W .BOO at W. J BOOH, PER. TflT[ Jackson Ry. W. AaaosLo, let Ytro-ppeee Cara leave for Detroit every half hour J. V..Snexans, 2d iupu beginning ott6:45 a. m. until £:5 , m.Joni.CW e,Aet.Cate SflING After that to Detroit 9:4,5 and 11:15 p. m. U Cars leaving Ann Arbor at 1:15, 10:15 sod 10:45 run only as far aso Ypsilanti. Trannacts a general Waiting room corner Ann and Main Sts.: Banking Busineas. Detroit, 70 Woodward ave. MODERN ELOQUENCE A library of after-dinner speeches, lectures, occasional addresses, many of them never before pnblished. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: HON. THOMAS B. REED ASSOCIATE EDITORS : [he Latest and lpeS IN PICTURE FRAMES and MOULT.1 You can find at DeFries Art StO'e 217 5. Fourth Ave. The Summer... Is over. You are p thinking of Fall Wear, Our Fallf line of Footwear illl; made in all the ae styles at $2.00, $2.50 AND $ Glass' Shoe Ster 109 S. Main St. Repairing a Specialty A ll sorts of... Michigan Souvegir5 for sale at ILOVELL'S CORNER ' they make nice Christll6 Cor. Main and Huonb~etse Srsaid'""i Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $&5,00.Tr general banking business.V It, Kar, Putt. C. Et. 0toi9N1+ Fasim HBaLSxas.Casbier, The~ finn firbor "aI0 . Capital Stock. $50,0te. Sls 5S f Organized unertie General Baggi~te of thisl Stale. Receives denosits, buy5 s 0 s~ snak inge on the principlocities of t1tfietil5 State .Drafts enshud spon proper It-r hafooydeposit hoses to rent. e. Demeanzs: Chares IE. Hiscek. aslr Harr. man, 'Vice-Pres.: .t 0J. Fritz, r FIRST NATIONAL BANK QA Capital, $100,000. Sarplus and ProaS1 d Tsacsaeange bought and sold. iSarnIS treet. 05Aic0 B. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON S le S. W CLARKON CaOgbter Goodyear Glove Rubber Full line of E lkskin LAM BERT, 6=3 Willls ,T:816 S. STAT T Justin McCarthy, M. P. Rossiter Johnson. Senator Janathan P. Dolliver; Edward Everett Hale John D. Morris & Co., Phila., Publishers. C. S. Salisbury, Agt., Ann Arbor, 405 E. Jefferson St. I THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. S' I ____..- A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's Raz~or Honing, Bathrooms oveni Sunday, Pioneer Cafe, 214 N. Huron St. 9-12. H. B. WELCH Open day or night. Board $2.50 per wk. W. ot Cook House. Huron St. HAVE YOU SEEN I CH-OSE NOBBY BROWNS M CAMPUS HARBIER SHOP For a first-class Hair Cutt and an Easy Shave . . HERB JOHNSON U. ofl K Barber FpsetE Shop and Bath sstk« Rooms, 82 2 STATE. ,J. R. T PJARD THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH MURLSH SUITIE6SIN THE