THE MICI-GA. + + i~eMost GoovioGinO IRin~ that "T we could (10 that would tendt to induce you to buy + Wol eSTEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES+ 1oldbet introdluce you to a nhan who has worn them. + We cannot cnomrandt the language with which to till you how + good these cloithes are. The makers attach their label be- + neath the coat collar of their coats, and they tire so proud of + theirreuain that not the slightest defect either of style, + fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter any tart of their + production. You don't know how cheatp.. STI-LCiLTE are, until you have worn them. Why dhallyswiths the unkue a-u quantity of doubtful make,when you can buy the 'real thing'?* LIND1ENSGnMIjr& WT ,N?DAILY-NEWXVS i MICROSCOPE SAl 't()T NI' t . S ItEIttINE Z It. I NCSF- "" '~~~~I tt) IltttNI ,." II t . Ir~ 11 1*4 I 'tl-i - tMAIt( I Alt. 'tIt t EltIOUS~l> I:I,+R\YNlTaTI:ti)lI1 ritca. + +4. - , ' fIporters ndJ-Alaui ttnvoINH+ 1 ' 4. . .. . .. .. I. . .. . . . . "No better Tutrkish Pi, STEAM CARRIAGE + URO.H F.ELD+ + Full Line of+ + LATEST SU ITI NGS AND+ + TROUSER INGS !+rb-%U RO-U"H Fl E LDU MICHIGAN NOTES. El iot.I. Plietiti, IlacvaiiI. 52S'. thd t Ynusseethei-inew liaili.-St-Nes it ii''ire tod OwA ssoclit eIiln I t ot Itu a-it ie ii > -siiiis-tiia A tSi 551-It i (I 'IN l ii LtI.}. Catholic Church; Masses 8:00, Th ti i li I cc ie t ii t(acitiic to lii 10:30 a. mi.; Vespers 7:30 p. iii. Ni -a-tt Tticvi,-v Siturrl~t ti ht. i sa FINE ART GOODS Framning a Spcialty. 210 t, Hutroni St. AtnnArbor STUDENTS! It ou wisiant to Ifiurnishtt 2' i F meniii cheapiy, call rndl soe n(itli iitoo im ta--siaerc. t base e scitit atid stoccs tables, chairs, etc., and il tl sav- yt F. W.WILKINSON, 3311 S.Maitn St. TUTTLE'S L UINCH ROOM 338 S. State St. GRANGER'S 4a~ttay- p2 . i )lectit' a tor bot IN NEW Qf"IRILIIS, Whaejst muvedto hedo WM C.HOCHREIN, Sanitary Plusher. Steams i cii 's tFitting DANCING. ftItsses at te Uisersity tac-:lmy sW11 lit- openediSatsrday,(lett .% C'sitslilt 12ta. in.. tadties 2 nto Iu -.Tue,,tti evuiu-,t s p.m.(it tetwti-i tt s etiit midt As-i ty frrwnlersi(icass. Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. Porland Cafi Hut Roast Beef Sard iches Opeity and z t I Nut ,tt ad II -lI IIoti- I tf iIs k Id \ I lly'It-i - the, I ittit R leritn o1itt111,i lt'- s iss- i it Itiuiti ith - iscatrI~IyI:III i 'tthaeieviriiitue oi IiIyi-S i-'i ttil tutu ettirel i-nets opil t ic- Iiif ii. t eh std ile n whic theIshow-luitis itrsprst dwi t i a -4 in uansit Srttuilill tt he 111010V tnd ll lllttr cn i.ibta . No 111 nie t ri1entitt GL1EN-'lht State Street Tailor. Btest shitsii. lussesi.tprice's. Corner state andt SWtshingtuii strieets. vastriue ttf inexpen~sisteburntar- lidailty -guts for -tilt'.Sties Eva lies- liue. 7t Wavise ('ress are' iult-s ialbetautifuil At WI 1. itIlS IIHIRMACYt.'- NOI- ond tsn f T19'i STABLBR, Agent, lN0L,)s BILLIARD PARLO ''IlII SlUfit IlItI. m l-I . l i(y t e vr121:iii , I t it i tit ,312,S. SlAt-STREET + L AN SERV'ItCE...+ -STUIDENT'S j ALWAYS + PATRONIZE I E + Liberty St. + Rows City Laundry, Wocl°rhineauhndpromp~tly lone, pittia 157" - - I itt ietoit t. FUNERAL Off, ,,20t DIRECTOR tcl S,4th tv . FIi iiiitt Iii at ti t it X 1.1 .:/.'Y ? iiiti [ r. rL :.i : : .; - ; : , % LI A', Ebony Sets Wave Crest' LYON'S and LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES Fr r cib tdhu i iiotw itHuron Sf. Opp. Cctact Hotus.. W5 fre Ar ti I aasa An 0 -('act Sin i, it si' , ,, f «j - MONEY LOANED is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Pr s~ih',iiti~ii~ii'-iivc ,ELECTRIC GRAITEI and SMARBtLEWORKS c i ',sul roei'ty. a , Otic at iir'esie ,- tt,lr a:-1 E. C . A. (iut-. teop. lttuiiiaturi, ndiit ( p.- m.i tuSEIH (C. wAcrrs ii11iCinni n. 'Phon( ' fti-- --t t-i i t oi t t.. a - J. F SCHUR, II th a e.Mit l eit adiGre, l i i l (',instie io anditStul-t~lis AiiiiaiiiSANITARfY PLUMBING Aritc a n leirui xturs.a Sta m i n totaeI.Htn'. S,«in civ ne 207 I -i. 5WA-HI'sNG -t ct IF YOU'LL. JUST DOP IN... li7eu oiiistir stiri-t and fe cut 'ttinited ase isill tell tuuo i m'ow tit Save ittOtti) Suits t'resne'd - - - - 25c Troustaers- - - - IOC )FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 61tt)E'. lWilliaro Si.. Ftrst Store West of State Street. New fork Cictago, Denver aa ii, iii tsit. t ii.