THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS Sensible Suggestions Holiday Selections SILK MUFFLERS INITIAL HIANDKERCH-'FS SILK H-ANDKERCH-IEFS KID GLOVES SI LK SUSPENDERS UMBRELLAS SILK LINED GLOVES WALKING STICKS HATTERS, .a GN]- 121-123 NECK-WEAR IN ALL ITS FORMS1 LADIES' or GENTS' FITTED SUIT CASE~S LEATHER COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES CRAVENETTE RAIN COATS WHITE FULL DRESS VESTS WHITE SINGLE BREASTED VESTS FULL DRESS SHIELDS Cuff Links, Watch Fobs, Scarf Pins, Shirt Studs, Night Robes, Pajamas, Fancy Hosiery, Warm Underwear Golf Gloves, Sweaters, Hat Boxes, Trouser Hangers. MAIN STREET. FIUCiK Billiad Parlors alldIBowNq BETTER THF\N EVER 707 NO RII' UNIX I RSITY VENX\ " The SCHLE IED -TEMPORARY BINDt THE HOOKING VALLEY PY!! ;natotatr. wit {U"'-frt. TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS F. J. SCHLl-E0 Write J.W. LANDI IAN, General Traveling Agent, xso . StateSt DETROIT, MICHIG~AN. H ave=a= Loo k IN Fule's Wjndows S30 Suitinzs at $22, $8.Oo TIrousers at $6.00 Fie, The Tailor, 119 S. MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR MUSIC COMPANY Iot~ itt 1 ii id i'yt gi ftispe sot~ i oiAi;tll,.iAs ose u ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 209-211 E. Washington AXWVIHIGAN CENTRA 'Re.i a alsRoute." ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Lois, to,..' tito', 8.I' to 0101 te e:t w ite it'H t iitti . Aito , i r~rr ANN ARBOR RAtILROAD .A m.a T ~ aII2L00 Z*TiES TIME TABLE Truing leave n Arbior byVental t Sand- rdi Tin~e. SOUTH NORTH 'No. .- 7:25 A. lt. No. 1.- 8:50 A. M. No. 8.-11:350 A. a5. 'No. 6.-12:30 P. M. No. 4.- 9:35P. M. No. 3.- 4:M; P. M. 102-- 8:5 P. M. *a" 1tot :0o. M. ttt between Ann Arbor tand Toledo only Alt traits daily except Suneday. W. T. WILLS. Agent. N H. BENNETTO. PA" 'IRentschlcv, tbheIphotographer. 4 CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES 01' 8 "Ii , tit} Dcc 1!-"t ysit lo1,ti 't h ; l.t M onda . ciii 'it c t,'lo ts icro ' o s '. ..t. iLeo a ntI-h s to ' ;.aIi ,til l ' l -tii'1iThii1e81 ito 71ti11, ltittirtto it oiI I eaxesoInrs t i ifully t 1120 S4TUloit t S -Tto i e do 't5 c'I ;111(1 te ci stti' ~ ,"11: Lau dr Coi . o _le o,0._wnttc____tl __________c__.". 1itt~lyt t do yur Lundr -wor. L ave rder clrnl; ti 11-"iiis t'ut usedbyi'crit- at1S hi Churcho ae s 8:00, Ito ill s \ttiof 'h ttil hil ii t' I 10:30 a. in.; Vesper 7:30 p. m.ep 51 . illaIt.'Ihe D'eto it plati, Ann Arbts orse&d if t. s I'll't. Fat I ~"neo Jackson1. PyZ, II:1'1 w. A t i citylis. ato. en1111 ofth c I[tay ttlti.'illllll' ii ItiS Ii. lnlt1sesi ati.I ~II i o-', tClr lyin t II is Iii ' 'i itr w i g". I 'I 1.I.11i CahlcucsinaMadssess0, (any ohs tem neveax ron ot b03 .m;Vefr os hed0 . m t.;FI~ri a Jus1 ti n M. c-'arthyI, .S.1111 S enaut or\41 P. Doivherl Ross.erJ.hnon. Edwr EveFrettTHal 1 JhnDksorris& C.PilaF.r, r icPublishes. C. . Slisur, At.,AnnArorrr., 405 Er. Jeff~herso t rhe Latest and le IN PICT'U BE kAMES and MOULPIN You can find at DeFries Art Stoe 217 S. Fourth Ave. The Summer... Is over. X'oti are 'O tihinking of Fall wear. Our Fall line of Footwear is 5s PindPnahtelte styles at $2.00. $2.50 AND $3.00' Glass' Shoe 5tOre Repairing a Specialty _ l orso.. Michigan Souvelirs fttr sale at LOVELL'S CORNER STORff tey mtalke O i el (liist inttO Cor St. I'l0and Huron tree5ts. eit :ytgt'Pre.t.ot GititiV1 Fnm)' Hto it.~o~ I. FettoR , C le itt l ' oto0 . itg 150,l Ogoozdyner teGerlov Rbazkdber Fe lhtine o l the skpia citie s he tj LFrA BhrsERT, 603 Pre.W.ln ITHE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 S. STATE ST. A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's Raor Hloning. Btathroo~msoxoen Sunctay, Pionieer C'afe, 214 E. Huron St. 9.12. It. B. WELCh Open day or nighit. Board $2.50 per wk. W. of Cook House'. IHuron Si. HAVE YOU SEEN I'KOSE M~oseY BROWNS M CAMPUS BARBER SHOP For a first-clas Hair Cat and an Easy Shave.... HERB JOHNSON U. of M Barber Faee gteaaos 1 Shop and Bath metOh. 'tOr Room", 322 STATE. dOR iarotlawi THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH 4H0 E.NGLISI SUIIMNS IN THE off~