THE MlCIIIGM4 JAlLY-NEWS s 'i'7 i" 11H6 Mosl GODYDGIIIU Ihing ' that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a man who hao worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of thetr reputation, that not the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailoring, is permitted to enter any part of their production. You don't know how cheap.. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES are, until you have worn them. Why daily with the unknown quantity of doubtful niakeswhen you can buy the 'real thing'? -LINDLNSGHMIJJ& I"FtL- 4.~ s_ +- IF YOU WANT A + I MICROSCOPE mit 115 tOMI, SS S tttt t/ INtC , IIA't"'O lt i'NTlttS17(t tt IA S X I 'It LtlIINttS1YS StItI t St'sR t )Lt _; 'TER5. or' soy othe t om,'so or ourlelile nd l'-'oll i Ic~~ s t o rte EBERBACH &SON, Itmporters attd anttfacturrts. 14, Or I """"++++++++++++++++i EGYIOp'6"'TIAN !. r C. tS ,+ 1-++++++4-44444444.....44++#4 - -9- Jk a, I " NO better Turkish Cigarettes can be made," (Crlk Tipped'.) Pot THE STEAM CARRIAGE a r 1 fi Full Line of LATEST SUITINGS AND + TROUSERINGS ,4.4.. 4' R CHFIEL F+.+++++ GHITIIAN J. AiLLMENDINGER D FINE ART GOODS + Framing a Specialty. +210 E1. turon St. Ann Aror STUDENTS!I ifto want to furnish your apietments cheaply, call and see me before buying slsetshero. S have seeonsd-hanid stoves D tblesechirs, etc., and will save yos V + F. W. WILKINSON, 331 S. Main St. +4-++++3-I.-+-iv+++++++ +3-+++++4-+++ b +++++++++ : MICHIGAN NOTES. Women Athletes-Baoket Ball and Aflt'ertseI slidi s'-sfitseibalcony at Feninge Boomttng. o='er s _ott lestisswillslost be openo to Theintr(', 11fc1chg (111ti1u s u - scafs illthse aii pa'O ting it he~s' slit' sdtheiisomensat'Barbtour' ,l'iu ws sill toes, It ii W'XX th fis' ; tier iS.1lloi(-alle )oitjttlt'inece' sembotilies, slits Imr vestil h i f sit ' Wile A 1'. ist ti''tifi o 'hst ~ii 5 iii i i e11- 1 'e Alo1"n) t',l x e11 a regulie 1(1aged if'r the li ht. ft eriti' ste' jititti (l'1 irsitlled i titsthopt d 11its t tiii Til lf.It 5 i l t o 1 clck th illt \vlleli l ts '5 astv1n e '(15'y '50551555 tflty ))t' 111=V )"l.'is Wko Msir Betha G~' LEN-ite Stsie Street Tatilor. Betst S111" eere p il mio n slitsst losstprless. Corner Stsate :1l ilo s, 11;1 f 'iss-.Harr it 'ih 1 'i'i'Wshintoti streets. ssits and tat1111111)('r of te-i s 1Ito 'isrs Ii tutu 1er ' s e 'iill stitivrk.Mis \ lttt'iisiil's ~iti liig htts'.4 file (lose 'o''tigla'i 5sd"ii after. dulin tileit'lidatttys. S$2t50ti's' week. 71 noohus fii its'cl'is DSnyer sa d:rut'I -111 5eery 15ul ic pltetsedi is it lithe tvok, ulis' itr ''"Liit'l itiltilsig''spoonsissi a 'sith tit''irls andi ttyer -i rs'e'suintsstile. SI A tS5R'S .tSSW'1iStX list' isIsi. sisill- titeus' -y et to 5tf 5fF' 'tilts ally eiistlt'statit'titt'si t o 5 tlii 1ability tosisstthdif're'nst ssssltesofostie tt'Str\T 1'ii's RtS- cltiss. Xi's. 55.e iill Sprobabiily biha sAvea kt-uitry ofinexpt"et1'iv15list or-it regulatri teamtit i ets.butsnit iyt.' silt'es stut si t iandlleti'r-uitile for Iti'ret.- 'rt to s etist baItll 'i1s'.Snsydtti' litl':'y''ifts ftrss lo.iii' s''s va Bets-: stidt: 'W i' trill nit sit. stilt'es lltt' list-I 'i lbiti t: 14'' S. Fiifth ave te 11 ni atsiesrlt'ehidailtys. list t y 11i isil Its t''ss'e1i st teami lts'omtefsll h 1x 1 ~idn"s~o1a list tutTher wi lit'e 1i't il.'it i olitit--sit 1111,:1 1(ll' tolt XWiiinlstdayI 5' ill'silts'. i'l tt'N '1't roms forsit',h 119'iAl rSTALIILLR, Agent, I. I I it tiu e 5 5.0 To RP-VNOL5 BILLIARD PARLORS, ln.oy she game and < s ints 312 S. STATE STREE2T r ok S'TYLE + ANp SF2RVICj 4. 11 1 i I ii i -ouote iitilt' Ptili\-"',-I'-Nt-i ; ial. I . . t, t I1 ~ " . . °I . t it l ]}t}t tit' it't'I1111 :t ory 1IILEARD, 1'III FRITTER. TUTTLE'SI LUNCH ROOM 338 S. State .St. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING NI)\4' iS ttle tosjsin teeCltassin'i iitlnit Ge(t a stilt nowtani ini.isth site Owlii'holidays. 'tvelv e iseeL coz olstitut r tents. Oficle at Aesademty, 3121 Mttytttird street IN NEW QUARTEIRS, 11X bitt just mooed to State St. (healdof Liberty), intl inv ite ou to give our stork WMV. HOCHREIN, Sanitairy Plumbee. Steam and Gas Fitting DANCING. Classvessit the University Aeademy wil be opiented Saturday, Oct. 5. "eels l0t 12 a. in.. Lasdies 2 to 4 p.,in., Tuesdtiy eveing, 8 P. m. General Instructior ansI Assemibly lee members of class. Prof. F_ W. Scott, Instructor. Portland Cafe Hot Ronust Beef Sandwiches Open cday and night. H uron tf. - Opp. Court House S.PALDING'1S A Foot Ball Supplits i sie le .iNwstit' odrit 4. 'setI k t+tt"e' t i tun to stinse 4. tissil tutu 51us a nkl~tittetntil- sit 55 sit t bo It ltitndags.Mt S - + A p IN Ankle Bra. , 4. SuOorrst. a eoo+ an itrSorsfe oailSanddrOWss CLIAT CAPSa t ir- cocerctit fLG COLLEGuEPiNS, W.C KEPIS&Co~ ,. -' F Ebony Sets Wave Crest "Ware For (~etitletien For Lidit~ LYON'S and LOWINEY'S CHOCOLATEIS Four Es' 'r?'biel. VV WILDfER SPHAR MAC -rU DENTS ALWAYVS +. PAT'RONIZE IIOLIIES'. LIVERY 1 Rowe's City" laiundry, Work neallyath rootltsose deli an pom tl dne phn- 110 it'irit:ts tl. FUNERAL (ilfic DIRE=CTOR Et i iti;th Ass-. Phn IS. ' iS 51 i .lan iiiate-. skt iu 1Ii. 'iso It ii ell i t r i MONEY LOANED ELCIIGRNTaoitA LE''OK t~ibetr s eS Al isutise ettlult'tts'inter uf ARTISTIC MEI'ISSRIALS. 5e5'at iossrs. ASto 11:30 i.i in.ad2 o31 5niltogi t 'MutClasp Mmotrl anudbase tor soustng .an - JOlSEPH'IOC.WATItis cno n. 1 h S'ione J0. 0-301Dtoit t. J. F. SCHUH .J , ttgitGraestietttttlee indrt s. ecricauitS utiati uttitte and 0tSupie . SPkNITARY PLUMB ING Artittics andtuSElectricstu eas.tStamandsit OstWater Ideatlag. Setting Mtttliti 20',, ES'T' ivASHINGTO'N STRESET. IF YOU'LL JUST DROP IN... tthiein oniour s't ansd vet aqinteid see sill tell psIsse 1w lt 'tire mon'y. Suits Presed - - - - 25c Trousers - - - - 10C FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. '1 E. William St. First Store West of State Street. c . ..,,., ,, WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.