THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS +.+*+4.++H++++++14_ I I+ro + .+++++ ++++++++ SHUDNUTS PERFUMES, We have just added a full line of these fine perfumes and toilet articles. "Toilet Hints" is a book that tells all about them and their use. Ask for one. CAKN'PABRMACY 324_50. STATE STO PiGkw!GK Billida~Ird Prors adBowling 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!! '10 it ni the -it O I rin g: SERV'-iICE, EQ171ii IFNT1and1ROADBIED. wh V OLED+O T- O COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDIIAN, Gueneral Traveling Agent, DEaTROIT, MICHlIG~AN. PAN-AMERICAN PLAYING CARDS SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, II6S MAIN STREET ,.. C = "' arY Y .r"w'ar ee':v' vvw +X ~ 'w Y_ !1f1 ..r rrmr.rawrsY'I71P7G1 ' -- . _ _ L ari a rv sI_ ~1k J H j[avre=a= Loo k IN Fulde's Wendows $30 Suitings at $22, $S.Oo Trousers at $6.oo Fulde, The Tailor, 119 S. MAIN ST. ANN ARBORI MUSIC COMPANY IN \MANDOL)IINS. ANN ARBOR MUSIC Co. 209-211 E. Washington MIULIAN HC-Ji~nTIL "The Niagara Facts Route." THE SISHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with i : , mr tmis it CIOh ao fir ht 101115, K(t)Hib o' tP:,,11i d the neit. CrI~.i r n uiitIirotO'0 ikinsca II'ono wr ite 11.1YIN N o . A ru . A'4 N ARBOR RA I L ROAD TIME TABLE 'U~mli effct uie 2 101 Trams'i!",t ,« Attu Irtr :,ty 0i'rtril S ai rd Tit+it *1lt; # 1 NOTH *No. It.- ' !l . t. No. 1- 850iiA.M. No. 8-:3i.1 A. 2. *Ni.o.-i2:30sP. o No. 4- -3 iis. M. Ni-. 3.- 4:i' F0M 102 -- :o5 1. t. 10 -- l 0 A., 'Runbeween An Amri and Toledo only All trat itInlly ept Sneday. Liz. T. WILLS.Agent. N II. BENNETT. t3. P. A' Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry. Cars leave for Detroit every haf hour beginningatof.6:45 a.,rm. until 8:4) 11. m. After that to Detroit 9:45 and 11:15 Cars leavin Anni Arbor at 9:15, 10:15 And 10:45 run only as faraso Ypsilanti. Waiting room corner Ann and Main Sts.:1 Detroit, 71) Woodward ave. lDentschter, the jbhotograpber. S CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES Wi neday, IDec ~. 1ipiis tRecital, 11 01 1 1II ROL1iE1IS. -:30 11. an., triee MenioiioiHIt l. 'Thi eitiotio of 1thi '1"0. TheHIrI h irstllav, lvi. 11,-.-' ynleal BaisuIlilvi's i11 the (Chiinse o'er,, Wo 'ingi, oaf' SI oii,' trof. .I. i). ltea, o' liynivnai Ii 'i n I ii'i'y new a , i queiii it l SL.Ionr:'ri' .1iitiriiii ii iin ltri:iiiiiinr. The M 0.1 _____________________Rllersi' hav o'ig'iii li operi iciv music.i '01110 STUD)ENTNS-The Toledo "o i) niiinii songs tat l iii' Ivanswe La undrCo. of Toledto, O0,wants to 11 Ind Cweekiou. iOrrii iii' iiiniii lo youut laundiry work. tLenveeorders 111,iidazlei he hi iiliil'i. 1ii1iiiiinlii at 21i . Ai inSt Phnle e 545.r ev eilng 1 1,ilaiit M ien 'li-11ii. i Niin' teaviid 5he letllvi o iiiliii'}iofairims iiiiiiiv anyourN tom tirsentsfritn is is ii il I ou l I l o tel1ilcips li IIAIt itIE'; 'S IE1IE LIY STORE'. div iiiney clle. oIndaiiil iii igvi o l f~ir: Nil CO (10001Buiinr, th ot vaii ri i'I 1"isNit C p ir ont ype'S MU Cite viO s.i i aueril iilo: 1.1111,111 iinrit, liiihe 10ak 30 M.on.; e l s ers n30 roze electric'.tspaie1 ihaii'iiinrli aesinttg i IIALLEUVS JEWELRY STORE. Mood tit-e h n h . 'i'1isvii ir ie (.11' '-Ttv tote irvt T tin B t ii oi i ii il ii tis th1el k of,.'I 'nib1 'Gt OODS!arvs ore S tat e cou n ny; Bith lul Iv Niiia iiid t O T' itiMto USoa o ICt O US h ain iaiiiairitist, fi iiii war'i'nii l loseiii Nm n tvo ttt itd ste il loio' I C liiot crlo'' tu0 - n es hll he4 ithoi Chrh Masisi sstttivl ell8:t0, Au-iene 11liiild- e sp- tIC30 11115' sr :0p . roiy.Ea'icela 1etui il has in11 'i'i' l.i 11e 0 li 0 Ial 'I'llhe SttieStreVAT ailr. iBist 'ii 1 iii': 1 re butpe. nd'i'e t~ i'iinii.:. sui iits a liiiis'tpictes.vii' n'it S10)0)1 i i s Sullivan'L1'S l' NowlinAltt'Y. 'itt W1ashliostrees.___________sn. AthlibraryBof after-dinner s1eeesalectures, occ ou m asia oal saddesse,lumainof them f~nevtsert h ;IASSOCIATE EDITORS: Justn M~arty, . P.Sentrenahane P . Dolluveri Ros, BSTerAJohnson. Edward Everett al NoerUdh.1 Jo o.hoen DthMois & Co1,S.1, Ph. r~i.,11Pub; lsher. 1 MSC.HOUS. Slsuy g. n ro,45E efro t $3.00 $3.60 w os r s I W.. O UR Double Dekers AND OUR GENUINE FREAKS LEADS Others Follow Wahr, The 11oenlaN Free Shines. . , DON'T BE FOOLE-p By a 69c Lead Pinioned Clox Buty a good STEEL PINIONgD 11,p fsr $t.00. See both clocks on bition 1in ry wtndow. J. L. Chapmat", 200; S li n St. 'or. Mi n otre~e ts. Ct'al , i&sz~,. iiuIplus), $3",00. rasmt geniral bi nuei i pro R, K~xPres. C.E GEYN PREs.H BESi,Ctshi'). I1no Rinn #111)0r'&viflfU Ctl i'm Stici. $50,000 Surp1us 'of 'his Savte Recivil"'ioits uyvsiia0'gIl < ecn ug invvheiiiit ii iitisofiii.)eti State Denamtsmcastlimupo prileridosnS beoyidepoit.iiii esto rnt. .' itnr man Vice-Pm ' 'l.J Fit a"ie l~i"tpe hl in''- inoline 111151'-NATIONALI 1X NI' J.V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vic-pree aON. C. WALz, Ast.Cashior I Transacts a general Banking IBusinessn, Goodyear Glove Rubber Full line of Elkskini Gyro. Sho"'at1, LAM BERT, 613 William I THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 S. STATE ST. I -I1 A GOOD SHAVE, 'Hugh Johnson's Rtazor Honing, Bathroos e in Sunday-i Pioneer Cisfe, 014 E. Huron St. 9-12. H1. B. WELCh Oe a rngt or 25 e k W. of Conk House. Huron St. pndysrngt ord$5 e k HAVE YOU SEEN lR I'HOS E NOBBE Y BROW NS.V CAMPUS BARBER SHO0P For a first-class Hair Cut and an Easy Shave . , HERB JOHNSON VtfAR Uo MBarber ansa o a 10111 Shop and Bath ty oe 1BriO~ ROOMS, non STATE, d Ta ~n:g8ie THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SiJITINGS IN THE V