THE M1CU1IGANCDAILY-NEWS AH, BUT THEY ,ARE DANDIES! Our new assortment of Bath Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets..; All that yotu could desire of our stock is complete in these lines and it will be to your advantage to look them through hiefore buying your holi- 4. day presents. 200-.202 S. Main Street. WADHflMS, KYAN & KIIUL[L IJOHN J- SOHANZCHS.__TA TO L~tazs tSi TAILORS OA.DITSEXCEL5IOR LA'J"ORy ES ND fjzDRkY WORK A SPECIA\LTY; HA1NDWORK __601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET 115 WEST HURON ST., 'Phone 506 Thssace belongxs to Goodld Govern"ment Club , ---_R. S. PAU L, AfUEFUL GWIT You0 W. Washington St. U s iYouSuiplndind ia nice ltnboxe J4- Fnc Sspndrs n ea bxe sKtted and 11 sosiabie Mufflers Stdp c ad ti rdUGu Colored borders, fanicy silk initial, and Good Butter and Fresh Eggs al- impet ted handkerchiefs. A large assort- ways ie.on G hand, at reasonable prics. ive e atrial and be rnen 4 of Neckwear. convinced. ! No better Turkisht I Cigarettes can (Cork Tipp d.) TAMARK olCM i t ni Xflr ony ty 31 2 S . .: Tll [IT. 312 SST ATE STREE ANt) StlllVl l...4+ +, .TUDENTS +; ALWAYS + PATRONIZE +1 LIVERY Libe.rty St. 4. R, ow's ity Laundry, Wo rk neatly andl promsptly(10n0, 157. - t lt lltzit St. FUNERA.L vci ,,DIRECTOR Csa t~ 1i lln . .1, i bg - ttui.t I'h 3 tIC 15 A n Our furnishing department is filled to over- flowing with sensible gifts. House Coats and Bath Robes, Gloves, Sweaters, Umbrellas. Our new Pantouris Hats. Cravenetta Rain Coats $12 to $40 THE NEW STORE," MICHIGAN NOTES. 1'l ~ ~ ~ M~IC o.1tiltto ltestiiience (.5~1 XVII C'LASSES. o cw sais lc'lr'iiiir a ndin liikitig ti'as" .ilillooiit ia iigi'n;;r'n School R. P.K liail I~a Ia lstar haltl', fri ti in ii after itlieholiday's anfol- wl "italtheile111t ne t yeii ows Beieri s, r''eiutleinii esxelniie- Th ;etcc, 'riIi iithld ts i' IiSit urdyon~ti iimin t10oslock; il- iitrlaiieiit mii liiferi' S i iiiiii loy t in' enilc" 'i730.Ladties, exeliinine- iatioii. l, iSaurday 'itternin, O'clock. Dr. J I arlan Slmith of tie Xnieritai5L5dies nd iiciit in~hielii Maiiiayesweln- Ntuai'uiiiiif Natural Itistiry, Neon5urk i n N o ale. Xdvnsied 5roeraiS citn, recentily le'ctured on 'The Xi''tie- mainee 's S-i sdan afteroont, 4 tos G ala's' oilMichig;ai'' at ltsse1 Unersity c-1 hot. Tiionilspayable ini ads-iit. of I'iinsyln'tiilti gi ens,.;geiileleiis.$5; ladies,$1. Siteits lat the Uiversitn of Casti- dvaineid thisSaturitay afterinoons, foiii i iay stuity biitter ihitsiii :. 'Twi''elvniweels esistitiiie a tesris. swhiat is hiiiowniias tie idairorse (ire-at Aeadteiiy on Maynliatistreet.j The t hirt termilectuirle' iin ciitiilsoil' :1''i W1,1nhilitieratureinnill lie giln QCUA I)it l tiLU. or. S nii-i gtoln\Vestiiesil ti 'itessi l Tie fillcnin namiedl per~sinashane; it1:5il ii'taiiitll ti'i'tieifoc tlanni aii rlin tly eedeninis ees cif tle _________________t1. 'itiii iWalter'D5) 5 tti it s, il a. 4 Al .ic t s'ti llictitig i .TeiN!i' sels F an alat Wtliiet rill ir it l, te tle t il' o iiiat ,1.t e I t it Tires~i, a e tW L E 'fi i I l t h-i e -, t ie, ill.9 ii , f PllAN\ sixililts t- a ti< lc trglans onat' Remember the Place. 'Phitne 305. 120 W. Washington St TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM 338 5. State St. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING N o~ i thleitiietto hoin(tie aclasses i1 iltittetitit. sli(5at C nailliotnsh tiltesr l thettlinys. Twveswei'eks en- stitute i teem. (flice at Academyi'312 515 Ii rdnStre Skates Ground and Repaired while you wait, at Bai ey & Edmnunds, 121 E. Liberty St. DANCING. Classes at the Usiversity Academy wit he opiened Saturday, Oce. 5. Gesn t1t 12 a. in.. L~adies 2 to 4 p. in., Tuesday evning, 8 p, m. General Instriuction soil Assembly fce members of class. Prof. F. W. Scott, Instructor. Bicycles Repaired, Alsoi a fall lint of bicyele sutidieii tires etc. Liock S-epairisg and Key WMV. J. WENGER, 11 .1 irtyni. . . Pline i Atitrli letint pt A o1of1cSut: Wasstfor Stn t.} rsr :4iii.' EY L 11 ,.1 Il. I II IEtttTnt. A ft ull line of...: ,,iaNot Own a "Uivejfrsity"? new Pillowv designs. e L! l A, +Call and seethem. GAOL! 'E IC ENI LAMPS ARK A M S BZAR THE !UPER'O9 MFG CO, 215 So. IMIain1St. rIindtliltiit ss lirXi it C' >, > s, a A e i NI MONEY LOANXED GAIEan ALE OK itn wasthes, Ditatotis.Wi aio iiaosthe e. a.CTRIC 0GRNITE RA arp.B CnABEt Wnd K [Aiam-t ieet i. Allha-incs ent'suKsigneri iof iiARTISTIC MEIIOIIALS. WS i iiiie Luab.rtytt. l ~ . a~ietii ors o1:0a. ni - n ilo 3:34) and ;tostl 1t 'iii'n-ts tetnaseal ad ateit or a os ti'gisiI' 00 t. OStP_ .WATS iii SCannati. 'Phion 250. t:tii~o34 Deirait St. 3. F'. SCHUM, H5ihGali:MntlestandiGials. tlectrticalCostrctiotniandSuppliti' SF\NITflRSY PLUMBING Artisic aOtss ait Elets.iture s. Steamnd tiiFlat sWittHatiiig. Sewving Mateinsu tilt EA0ST WSASHNGTOiN STREET IF YOU'LL JUST CROP INI... whteni on sit sttoild sot aciuaited w se will toll poi how to Saie money. Suits ('ressel - - -. - 25c Trosers - -- ' Oe FULLER & O'CONNOR, TAILORS. 619 EP. William St. First Store Wnt of State Street. + 1. palding's Official 4 i nt er-Coiecgiate *l i'ioot b5sBall ti ussed bttall the + mo ttalh iat'etLicesrnt,+ fie iI( irut ti thet + ' ths hs iii t' >.iwt r ips. COtNilttAR HEAD iHARNEtSS ssIUttPetvANKLE BRIACEi 4 + Allittis nei Sle iiin F atuandSinluter 4. I+ C'eiiiiiiiis IFee. + + A. 0. SPAUtLDINOI & BROS. + + tciitiiAsTEDi + Sp'all itn (, tlis Faust hull huia o ,eie atrC ms In ir slit MaSuittersaauof COLLEGIATE CAPS. GOWoNSand hODSn. asrtiag af CAPS"o0d00 Cfl. t1nPECitLTv. CLASS C~aESn , ;.. COLLCEcsFLAG'a HtATS and CAPS., WtC KRR s0 ii41,R. ifiySc(sst-s'1 z WE, PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS.