THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS _~--.- .,. XX AE NJi? L.. CO "We are aily prepared swith a 'strog eeto \ of new farign anddoamesticwoes for theap- TAILORS proachingaseaaon. If you areeconsdering any- 123 South Main Street thing for mn's twear, let tts talk it over with yuut. rIGRwIGK BilliarsIrd Frlors addBowling 707 NORTH UNIXVERSITY AVENUE' THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. II 'Thait meanthle bost. of tverything: E VIC5 li t itIPXtNT andt tROADBEDil. wi i aro c TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDI IAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. BETTER THFtN EVER ~ The SCHLEEDE TEMPORAIRY BINOEN F pn lait. Aut1)6a "'Ca Iy dussi t iiFo 501;c. xrnne our at' a o . State 1' I c NLJLAL er7cir3r unw-Nkl Up =To = DateTALRG Fulde's 119 S. MAIN ST. ,,... r i r 1Rcntschicr, tbe iIbotographer. , K: ANN ARBOR MIUSIC CO. 209-211 13E. Washington AeNN A vetlIOrtisuesICf all.lad MICHIlGAN CI VLIW "The Niagara Falls Route." THLE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Wthidiret onetitotins at Crieao fotr St. Louiis, KatnastCty. to0. ilaiiboath wstt. For inotrmatiotn anti thtrouaghititets call on or write to It. W. HAVES. Arent, Anti Arbtor. ANN ARBOR RAI LROAD TIME TABLE lTtiig0 liti fe taune2, t9111. Tratnv o ttn e A rbotr by Central Stanad- ed Tlin. Stni~tllNORTH 'Na. 6.- 7:25 A. H. Na. 1.- 8:51 A. M. Na. 8-11:31,AM. 'Na. 5.-12:30 P. a. 102 8:05 P. . 101-9:t0A.W. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo anly All trains dally except Sunday. W. T. WILLS. Agen. W H. BENNETT.,10. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry. Cars leave far Detroit every half hoiur beginning at 0:45 a. m. until 0:45 pi. m. ~After that t~o letroit 9:45 and 11:15 p. m. Cars leaving Ann Arbor at 9:15, 10:15 And 10:45 run only as far as Ypsilanti. "Waiting room corner Ann and Main Sts.: De troi t, 710 Woodward ave. CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES XXdnedtia~y , lec. 18-1inlls' Rect al, M mi alot C 0hi stin ichurch-The 4:1130Ip. i., Frieze:Metmorial Hall. iRev.. f .1rfton, liastor. Services Thursoday, iDec. l-IX-Ptysieal Basis at 1110 It ia. I)an It0 . In. Mttritg itt Musc." Pt-itt. J. O. ILeatI.Physical suibjet, '.SacredIMonumtiils." Event- ________Hein-_'Lost.___S.Ri-itt512 ini.:'Y. 1P. S. 01110 STUDENTS-The Toledo I. E. it faunidry Co. of Toledo, O., wants to St tilin 10i cws- e.I Iicttt'