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December 15, 1901 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-12-15

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;+TLC~i more ite to tt-e newth altt 1H)3- ot its
' '(totiljt'itto' i i ts i sttor it tlthay neve
LEADING MERCHANT the 1 ttttt' hot it('et ttth"o to. Son
I II W ' The 'VARSITY NEWS, stYea. l In t laes)I it o speial u tert .
TAuILORS u~Intheit' majoity o (legit pr
fnte'tt . seod-rst iate tAnn Arbu titlout.toit tteo~v't--t ttttit eoetotlwetl
OUR FALL LINE ______________________________ ttyttti t ri ltsetttt iltt edttt r alttt
is the best we have ever shoevn, t(thecola~ re year t, tUiesttito '..Iltt i o le ttter 'escibedi
containing o lcl attt iltoo sy 111;11it is taken ttrtt t o iotttt r
ALL THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUBILISIING COMPANY 1-Mieth itr'ettthertsome aspe c oie e
Black and Blue TNGN DTR ittr xietioo ihtttft A haldOmGe
BUSINESS tIANAGER :aetote >t a ol;. ol ot olctotfa l o
S t l sAs(, ,l-TE IOR IH .Kmto hetii ttedtit ilstt e O tt' t er'tta'bsen'tt. best SOngS that are
Artittc wr i 1 At r . S IT t itd ilt it t :lprtite'ctatgte istoii e
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Grandpa's wonderdcoleg itms
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PA K R' 0kC ttti til'"h'isa na11 t iutad ltrIfiortiM "(t:Itt- ha('ool IrileN(ldntl. Our'Fal Lne t te etr
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H OU IPHO LANvaleN"i t 1 'uIt :oL I i te it ite 't it in' w;ttt. oSuperton in
O L D R U 1/ Iw. R~~~~~~orl, a~nt'l llwId f i.t'S in-ls n :ct n o e S ed-,
SC IE M CO ISL t ;1'1A st h'iCEFAl4 'l-tiV e'erIll Ti) ANYto Po3 uisan dO the m Clt i o An'iv rlity BookINsTelers

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