THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS - - .. XJ~ A~ NJP I & 'O We ar fully prepared with a "strong" election W AG ER & O*onew foreiganaddomestic woolenafots up TAILORS proaching seasoa. If you aeconsderlag any- 123 South Main Street thing for mon's wear let ustalk itover with yuu. - AI/d:+fn~iW PIG K BG Iilliad P arlors ad BO N~O~ 707 NORTH UNIVE RSITY' AI NV!.T THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I1I Thtoat i otthe ba to'I fetc ytlslol:SERVt~IEEIIl PMENT and RO~ADBEDk. V it arlr Cr -1 0 EDO TOCOLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDIAN, Gieneral Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIUAN. r 97 1 _ .______w. _._.__ _ . -.-- -- _ Up= To = DateTALRN Fulde's 119 S. MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR MU~SIC CO. 209-211 E. Washington Wo have1 ril irs t i 'I. ' o f .111ill It - ill Iultlsll( , ofI~ol itl 1us11101 il tl 11 ii. Ir a, 5c tl on 10111opy A N N VAt"BOR, MSI711COi. _A~miIGAN CL'iMA "The Itligara Facls Route." THlE SHODT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON ith drt o c t ion1at fl t tot torSt. 14101, KanttoltCty, t . 11PtiI :Adthe tes. toro ont ottnaitr ottghllit 0cll no wite Ito1, VHAVES, Aa nAAbr ANN ARBO--R RAILROAD TIME TABLE 0 ' f;ofot Jet , 11) 011, Tan i3..rta trottby oStand 1- rd Tir~e. 11310U51i717R11 *No. 6.- 7 .T .".M, No. 1.--- :50tlA. 51. No. S.-1a1.5xA. M. *No. 6.-12::01 . a No. 4.-~-'A: . W No. :t-a4:5f-. sm. 10 - 8:O.05a . .. 0 -9 :05 A. sM, *Run bhetooro -n Ant mr andtt OToledo tonly All teuls ax lilyecefpt; itd:LY. Wv. -t wll,tL. Agent. N 55. IIENNF7TT. G. Y.P Detroit, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor & Jackson Ry. t 'ocx cleae or Detroit.every hItf:hou beginntinog of 6 5 uas. tiutil S5l1,.m. Alter thato atDetrxtit 9:45 tnd 11:15 lato. Cccxr leaivittg Anti Arbor at :15, 10:15 and 10:15 arunontly aso fler is postni. Waiting r oocorner AnnitutitiMatin Stx.: Dectroit, 710 Woodtward ace. ' lRcntschtev, the llboi CALANDER AND READING F-ritday, Dec. 13-Jean Gerardy, vio Ex-Gov lonecello recitl. Utixeroily Hlsl, Chior- tFr~i l, SDet. 1 -111001171ca s- x-ov 'ilty inll 1lll tt all IIat 4I15 p.Ill. tilir t tt De1c. 134Roait SI101a1r1111uetteAr moy tDeixt. 111111Ii 11Mash11d.1Bel ye 11' )0ii; ComedyClub a the hens Teater.i lxx ll t Wed es ay D11 ec,111 1 -iat Ill C Ial , h v fll 01110 STUDENTS -The Toledo 111 111111cai Ictittdry Co. orfP111e11, 0., wants to '11-1101,«1h do yoxur ltundtry work. Leave orders IllIle Ci t att 121 S. Main St. Phone 545. ill 11110 1111 SYts II11111hv 7mny etor o-sl~eepr"Iti'10SF-Sos" ir y011 tb11 ylllir Xmstpresents attFi071111c IIALLER'S .EVELRY STORE. 111111recei 0; Copy~xing 01n typlewriter es-enii~s. _ Mixs Kestix, 511 04sller St. SIIIA X THE BEST EV THE MASKEE P'reoented by THE COMEDY At the Athens Theatre, Satul Sects on lat MSheeliat's, Wednlt Pie: .0,7,5anTHE TEAM WILL BE [Hear one of America's Care GOY. ALTUEI ON BETTER THA FN EVER !i The SCHLEEDE TEMPORARY BINDER Opens111iat. Asutomnat 1 11 ' aS Stad~it tselft5E3 smlor 10large gnarltfor Ilf laper. Piprlsp ' ! t O essfomIs$1.00 001 F. J. SCH-LEIEp6' ~- The Latest and Best tographer. KIN ,.a.. PICTURE FRAMES NOTICES and MOULDING i.3. P. Altgeld Saturday. You can find at ii Itdoal~is t-I subject or e rlsArtd Store 217 S. Fourth Ave. xl tiis 0 ~a11 oIixetxI The Summner... I)t' ildlit t o appea1 l .ll here.1111 Is over. You are n0r .\ldlihis tr 11 h 1is on- thittking of .Fall wear. 1iu i i l c 1111' i iL o f 11 tie 11111F' stxio'lillt' '1, i. ' x l til I u F l 11011 &i Ill nsoi-e I'll 1110of Footwa.r is onappy c5'n c ,teiI I cIIl-il II 100 117 inst made in all thse latet1 L1 Ani t ,i i '11 . l 511-I-IsI les at 111 l'l loll. nixld h> loxll1li t $2.00,. 50 AND $300- wlii}r-o 101 1 li-pr11100it still $ .0 $ .0 _______ ' Glass' Shoe Stor -tral pie-es of voeai lit111sl. 109 S. SMain St. Itt'tl to Sigmtila (Chi Hotuse Repairing a Specialty. i\ . 11.eMIT. All sorts of....- .0, THE PRINTED. Michigan Souvenirs ER for sale at LOVELL'S CORNER STORE} ) BA1.41hey make nice Christmas Gift' (rrY ww lrrpr . l'r A LC U or. Mats u ront i t Prleta. CLUBCapital, $50000. Sutrplus, $35,000. TeansOct- gotleral Outdking businlest. rdoy, Dec. 14. 51. lm).r110- e. C o a ,shier .P today mortnitlng.DI tIt - ain - d1 25c CitllStock. 50,0000 Surp11 1 50 .000 THERE Iganized tlo l 1ccoo Buhin ofiSta e. euceie elt110poits, doystand010 o ti eosit boresto ren atest Orators flama,_Vce______._JFrtz____cr LD ib s''TIONALI. RAN. "6American Ideals," SAT. DEC. 14 University Hfll, Good government Club W. J1. BtO-OTH, '055. W.AlNOLD, ~ithtice-preye J. V. OS~iANouO.2d 'ice-prey JOHNs. C. WAJ.Tz, Ace+t. CuxIj ie BAINK T rans-acts a genieral B Iankinig Rusiness. Goodyear Glove Rubber Flllinle of ElkokitiGym.-to Iles, LAM BERT, 613 Williamnt*i THE BEST HOT CHOCOLATE, - HANGSTERFER'S, 200 E. WASH. ST.: 816 5. STATE ST. A GOOD SHAVE, Hugh Johnson's Razor Honing, llatrhroomne omen Suna-, Pioneer Catfe, 21lFE. Huron St. 9-12. H. B. WELCh Oe a rngt or 25 e k W. of Cook Rouse. Hurson St. (pntlyo 1 ~ b d$ 1prw HAVE YOU SEEN I-HOSE NOBBY BROWNS M IL V CAMPUS BARBER SHOP For a first-clas Hair Cut and ant Easy Shave.... HERB JOHNSON VARiD U. oilY; Barber masae speci5al' Shop anti Bath m110dne0byl1te1 Roomsand Puris 1100 Ro S,822 STATE. J. R r nwk THE FINEST LINE OF SCOTCH AND ENGLISH SUITINGS IN THE CITE